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have i done this back to front

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i sent off for my APHRA letter of eligibility which i have now recieved, but should i have done the ANMAC skills assesment first?,

one website directs you to another, this just adds to the confusion. EOI has been put in and we have been invited to apply for a 187 RSMS, which needs an employer reference number, but will any one employ me if i havent got a skills assessment sorted.


Why cant one governing body do the lot, Aphra have all my paperwork and never questioned if i was doing a skills assesment, who will i eventually be registered with?


seems like everyone wants a huge chunk of money to look at lots of bits of paper, which may or may not mean that im a good nurse, cos how can they tell if you can do the job if they havent met you to assess you in person.

Oh yeah also you dont have to do the IELTS but really you do cos to be skills assessed you have to have it. Grrrrrr


Feeling very disillusioned at present,


Rant over, that is all



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EOI has been put in and we have been invited to apply for a 187 RSMS, which needs an employer reference number, but will any one employ me if i havent got a skills assessment sorted.



Have you already been sponsored by an employer under the 457 visa? If so like Lebourvellec said I dont think you need a skills assessment, however if you're going for the Direct Entry Stream of 187 visa then you'll need a skills assessment.

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Have you already been sponsored by an employer under the 457 visa? If so like Lebourvellec said I dont think you need a skills assessment, however if you're going for the Direct Entry Stream of 187 visa then you'll need a skills assessment.


Hi there


Thanks for the replies. Havent found anyone to sponser me yet, but have a couple of irons in the fire, one of which is looking positive for a 457 visa, so please keep fingers crossed for us.


The whole process has been confusing from start til now because of all the changes with immigration and the ANMAC/APHRA/NMBA . it would be so much easier if one governing body sorted the whole process.


Any way, im hoping that i will wow with a telephone interview and they wont be able to resist me.


Cheers for now


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What visas did you lodge the EOI for? You would need skills assessment to be dated earlier than the EOI for most of the visas in skill select.


I think you would need a skills assessment for a 187 visa, and even more so you would need an employer.


I also think maybe you should stop and think about which visa you really want, what is your objective? Intead of this scatter gun approach you seem to have of going for anything. You have options, take time to weigh them up.

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I think eventually you would need ANMAC if going for a permanent visa though if you have working experience in Oz only a modified assessment is needed. Not sure if IELTS needed for modified assessment. Ahpra (not Aphra!) is for all health professionals and I think each individual occupation have their own assessing body too. Just a different way that we need to embrace. Good luck

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Direct Entry stream


If you apply for the Direct entry stream, you must:



  • have qualification and skills relevant to your nominated occupation
  • have your skills assessed by the relevant assessing authority if you are nominated as a tradesperson and obtained your qualifications outside Australia
  • have competent English.





I dont think you need your skills assessed for 187 for Direct Entry, as you hold a degree and have relevant work experience, but confirm with Registered Migration Agent.


The requirements for 186 Direct Entry would require a skills assessment.



Do you have an employer that is going to sponsor you??

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