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Selling your house in UK


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A interesting question! I suppose it depends on how much you need the money to help finance your move to Australia. Another subject, are you from Rossendale? I used to live in Haslingden and Helmshore many years ago.


Equity financing move so really important.

I do live in the Valley.

It's lively but I really can't take the weather any more!

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I rent mine as I don't need to sell at the moment. I live in hope that the market may pick up in a couple of years and then I will sell, flings crossed.


I loved the valley as a child, I don't miss the rain one bit, however on a sunny day what a beautiful place to live.

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This is something that is on my mind too. We're looking at a move at the end of the year and would like to sell our house. Our only tie to the city we live in, is work and that wouldn't be an issue once we move. We have two cats that would come with us to Sydney but I think that would make it harder to find somewhere to rent short term if our house sells quickly (not that that would be the worst problem to have!!).

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We waited until the visa had been granted before putting it on the market. I love my house and was not willing to sell before we knew for sure we had the visa. We put our's on the market at the very end of October which was terrible timing as no-one looks at houses the 2 months before Christmas but we had the visa so thought we shouldn't wait. It has just been sold this week and we accepted an offer for 4% below valuation as it saved us doing a validation trip. Guess it depends how upset you would be to sell and then for the visa not to be granted for some reason........

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I think a lot depends on personal circumstances and visa etc, im sponsored so a validation trip is out of the question, ist visa grant and gone within a month, but on the other hand i have a medical condition, worst case get refusal so selling the house before grant could be another issue. We are selling to an investor who wants to buy and rent it out. Once the visa is granted the missus and kids can stay and rent it of him while i go over for a couple of months to sort things out. We did have the solar pannells fitted when the feed in tarrif was at its highest so with roughly 2k year coming in of them so the negotiation went quite well and we dont have to sign until the golden email comes through if and when :biggrin:

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I know people want to sell. You need the money. Its a new start. Your never going back etc etc


That was my thoughts. We put ours on the market last spring, had a few viewings but no offers. We rented it out, and just had to sell what we could, scrimp and save to get the money together to get here.


Now im so glad that we didnt sell. Dont get me wrong we love it here, everythings going great but it just gives you that little peace of mind. Thinking about the move and then actually doing it is a very different thing.


The rental market is going great guns in the UK, take advantage of it if you can, hold on to your property while you have someone paying the mortgage for you. It takes a while to get to know the new place your coming to. Once you know its def for you then sell if you want, the market may even have picked up by then.


I know everyone thinks moving will be a success, and im sure for most it will be but why burn your bridges if you dont really need to?

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I have not quite got my visa in my hand at the moment but it is on its way, I put my house on the market last week as I really want that particular monkey off my back as soon as possible.


My rationale for getting rid of my house asap is mainly to do with concerns about the continuing decline the base rate. I just want to get my equity converted to $'s asap so I know what I will have to work with when I come to buy a house.


I would just about be able to afford to pay my mortgage when I move, but I can also take a payment break for a period or claw back overpayments I have made previously.


Mainly I just want a clean break and not have to worry about the hassle of a UK property while I am in Australia.

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We've looked at selling out house but at the moment with the exchange rate so low, we can't justify it. We've decided to stay in the UK a little longer and save before moving. At the moment the idea is that qe are going to rent out the house which will cover the mortgage and also ensure we have money in an account for any repairs or problems that may arise.


If the exchange finally moves in the right direction in however many years time, we'll look at selling.

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We waited to put our ours on the market wish we didn't as my husband is now in Oz and myself and the childeren are living in sunny Cheshire. The market is very slow. The house has been on the market for 3 months only one viewer it has to be sold in order to fund a life in Oz. if we could turn back time we would have put it on the market the day we started job hunting in Oz. it is very stressful not knowing if today is the day my house sells.


really hope your house sells good luck.

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