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Work Permit with Global Visa's......Is this a scam!?!?


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I desperately need some help and advice from people probably more in the know than I am.


I have held a few discussions with 'Massimo' from global visa's. He tells me that for £1300 I can gain a work permit for Australia and there will be the option with a 2nd year. Even though I have no skills he will set me up interviews until I have gained a job and can go to Australia. Interviews for regular jobs such as a supermarket worker or a postman. This all seems to good to be true.


I am 31 and have a 6 year old daughter who is Australian and lives there and so far over the years I have been told that my only way into Australia is either the 15 year waiting list or paying $42,000 neither of which are viable. So for someone to suddenly tell me that I can get over there on a work permit with no skills seems strange.


Does anyone have any experience with these people or just have any general advice?


He is due to call me back on Friday so please any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks :)

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That sounds almost like a WHV where you gain a second year if you do the regional work. You may be too old for that though.


TBH I'd go do some careful research on the company and put their name into Google and make sure you read the first page or two of reviews.


Based on feedback on this forum I'd be inclined to contact other agents like Go Matilda. Or get a WHV on your own and not pay that much money for it (if still eligible but I think not).

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There is no such thing as a work permit for Australia. From this 2nd option thing he says sounds like a WHV which you are too old for anyway.


Do a simple google review search of this agent and will find the information you need.


When choosing a migration agent you should make sure that they are MARA registered, this agent does not have MARA agents outside Australia.

I just hope you have not parted with any money.


Yes too good to be true, if you have no skills your only options are re-training or student visa. You speak about a 15 year wait, therefore are you eligible for Last Remaining Relative.


You need to take advice from a MARA registered agent.

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Sounds more like a WHV visa to me, which i believe the Oz government raised the age on not so long ago and you could get yourself for a fraction of the quoted cost!!


Once here on that visa you can do whatever job you want as long as you interview well for it. Regional work for 88 days will get you a 2nd year visa



Stay clear of these robbers i would say

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Sounds more like a WHV visa to me, which i believe the Oz government raised the age on not so long ago and you could get yourself for a fraction of the quoted cost!!


Once here on that visa you can do whatever job you want as long as you interview well for it. Regional work for 88 days will get you a 2nd year visa



Stay clear of these robbers i would say


The age for a WHV has not been increased - only for Skilled Migration which increased to 49.

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There is no such thing as a work permit for Australia. From this 2nd option thing he says sounds like a WHV which you are too old for anyway.


Do a simple google review search of this agent and will find the information you need.


When choosing a migration agent you should make sure that they are MARA registered, this agent does not have MARA agents outside Australia.

I just hope you have not parted with any money.


Yes too good to be true, if you have no skills your only options are re-training or student visa. You speak about a 15 year wait, therefore are you eligible for Last Remaining Relative.


You need to take advice from a MARA registered agent.


From a previous thread you speak about 143 Parent Contributory Visa, will the childs mother act as your sponsor?? And it will be $40,000 each for you and your wife.


You need advice from a RMA - try Go Matilda

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Unfortunately thre are some organisations that try to sell dreams. A golden rule to live by: never pay anyone that says they will find you a job. You have spoken to an unscrupulous that wants £1300 out of you to get a working holiday visa, something that anyone up to age 30 can organise for a fraction of this and you don't qualify anyway.

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Hi - we don't allow naming and shaming on this site however I would invite you to read the last post in a previous thread on this company which can be found here http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/48177-heard-global-visas.html The post is by the owner of this forum and should be helpful. I am going to close this thread now to prevent further comments on the company.



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