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Everything posted by Aussietobe

  1. Thank for the advice all. I contacted our case officer and she advised that there would be no affects to our visa application. So we have sent in our 956 form, and they are being removed.
  2. Please be careful, we used Global visas as they promised us we could have our remaining relative visa in 6-9months, and well 18months down the line we are still waiting and to top it all off we had to pay them their fees before they would submit our application.
  3. Hi we used Global visas, and they are rubbish- we have just had them removed off our case..
  4. Ok, just wanted to see if anyone has done this before.. Our immigration agent are rubbish and we want to remove them from our visa application. But are wondering if it would be detrimental to our visa application. Any advice would be great.
  5. Hi, I haven't heard of Thinking Australia. but I can tell you who Not to use and its a company called "global visas". they are full of empty promises...
  6. Thank you for the info, but because she has been in school already for 6months, what would the procedure be for us then?
  7. So hoping someone can help.. We will be moving to singleton nsw, and are looking into the school side of things. My daughter is in reception (kindergarten in aus) at the moment and has been since sept'2012. Her birthday is in Oct, she is currently 5yrs old. Now it gets complicated as she aswell as 10 others have been moved up a class to year1, but they don't cover all of the year 1 curriculum. If we moved today she wouldn't be starting primary school yet... And would only start primary school next year January. Now is there a procedure that we can following to ensure she can continue in the kindergarten year, or is the schooling program a hard and fast rule of when to start school.
  8. Hi, managed to get our queue date today being sept 2011. Lets hope our application gets looked at quickly.
  9. Hey, how have you find Newcastle then? we are looking at moving to Newcastle are in the near future. any advice? also what did you do with regards to schooling?
  10. Congrats on your visa! what was the time scale from start to getting your visa.
  11. Thank you, I went through all our paperwork again, and managed to find some contact details. so will chase it up on Monday.
  12. Hi, thank you for your reply.. Nope have not heard anything as yet..
  13. Hi, We also applied for the 115 visa- logged here in London. Immigration office received the application 08/08/2011 - requested document 22/08/2011...sent within the week. still waiting... Not sure what to do now.
  14. I was hoping to could shed some light for me. We are in the process of the visa, our application was received by the Australian immigration office in London in August 2011, we were requested 1 additional document- which we sent straight away. But have not heard anything since.. What can we do to get some info- it's been about 18months now. we just wanting a bit of a positive to look for, and not sure what to do. thank you bianca
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