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VETASSESS help? Pay slips and evidence, major dilemma!


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Hello all.


Major dilemma on my hands.


I'm gathering info for my skills assement with Vetassess as a Construction Estimator, I have asked my old college to get my degree info and that should be alright but my problem is:


1. I worked for over 3 years in my families construction company as a estimator.

2. I never had a steady salary, but got "royalities" (not much but for example my car insurance, car tax and test, diesel was from a tank at the yard, phone credit etc etc..) for payment and the odd cheque every few months and a bit of cash at christmas.

3. Never paid tax, no payslips.

4. I had a old bank account but never used it and I cashed any cheques it local shops/post offices etc.



I would like to know if anyone would have any helpful info to help me prove my experience.



Thank you.

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We needed to provide payslips for our assessment with TRA. We had not kept them as far back as 2002. We also spoke to OH's previous employer who had since sold the business so again did not possess copies.


We spoke to the IR in the UK and they looked up my OH's tax record and said they could not supply information past this date either.


We completed a Stat Dec and had it sworn in front of a lawyer and TRA accepted this.


Can you contact Vetassess to see if they would accept a Stat Dec?


Good Luck

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RVP, sorry mate I can't offer you any advice.


But I am sure HMRC would love to hear from you!........:policeman:



Hi, I know it sounds dodgy but it was my fathers intention that me and my brother would take over the family business in a few years, but sadly due to the economic downturn in Ireland the business went bust.

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We needed to provide payslips for our assessment with TRA. We had not kept them as far back as 2002. We also spoke to OH's previous employer who had since sold the business so again did not possess copies.


We spoke to the IR in the UK and they looked up my OH's tax record and said they could not supply information past this date either.


We completed a Stat Dec and had it sworn in front of a lawyer and TRA accepted this.


Can you contact Vetassess to see if they would accept a Stat Dec?


Good Luck



Thank you for the info. We read about the Stat Dec but we are unsure if I have to do it or does the owner of the company I worked for have to do it? (ie. My Father)


Also for my employer refrence, as the company has ceased does it have to be on a company letterhead or if you just wrote a document on Microsoft Word with the companies name on top and get it signed by my father or a senior project manager?


Thanks agian.

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Thank you for the info. We read about the Stat Dec but we are unsure if I have to do it or does the owner of the company I worked for have to do it? (ie. My Father)


Also for my employer refrence, as the company has ceased does it have to be on a company letterhead or if you just wrote a document on Microsoft Word with the companies name on top and get it signed by my father or a senior project manager?


Thanks agian.


You could try if you wanted, the worst that can happen is that you are unsuccessful. As you can understand they ask for proof because anyone can get a letter from their dad and print a document with the companies name on top. You will not be the first to find that working off the books causes problems when it comes to immigration, most have to disregard that time.

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Hi, I know it sounds dodgy but it was my fathers intention that me and my brother would take over the family business in a few years, but sadly due to the economic downturn in Ireland the business went bust.



It is dodgy. :wink:


Your father intending for you to take over the business does not exempt you from paying income tax. I assume you did not live on fresh air.

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ha, yeah its true but me and my brother were all in the company together and we didnt mind if we didnt get a salary as we knew someday it would be ours so money didnt motivate us. We never wanted for anything and got the odd cheque if we asked for money but I was living at home, company van, company phone so I hand no bills ever if I had a few bob for the weekend I was happy.


And yeah working off the books is a pain as me and my brother couldnt claim any social welfare when we had no job, so I moved to Australia and hes started his own small company back at home.


A real dilemma but I hope immi wont just look at it and say its his fathers company etc etc..It could be Mickey Mouse who owned the company for all immi know, its just a shame its so "incestious" if you know what I mean..lol

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I just looked over the VETASSESS info again and it says the employer refrence should be from the HR Department or a co-worker that was above me.


1. Could our old receptionist write the letter?

2. Or could a Project Manager/Designer who used to work for our company write it as he has now set up his own architectural company?

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Thank you for the info. We read about the Stat Dec but we are unsure if I have to do it or does the owner of the company I worked for have to do it? (ie. My Father)


Also for my employer refrence, as the company has ceased does it have to be on a company letterhead or if you just wrote a document on Microsoft Word with the companies name on top and get it signed by my father or a senior project manager?


Thanks agian.


My OH's previous employer wrote a letter on the new letterhead of the business that he now owns and explained the situation with regards to the previous business. This was also the letter that my OH used as his reference outlining his training and work experience. The previous employer did a very thorough reference (four full pages) and only wanted to do one letter so we had to accept that.


My OH had the Stat Dec drafted explaining that he had done in the past etc. We thought that we may be asked for his previous employer to sign a Stat Dec, but we were not asked to do this. Having said this, we checked everything ourselves at Companies House so perhaps they did too and could verify everything that we had claimed.


I would check with Vetasses as to what they would accept. I would think as your father is the owner of the business and he swears a legal doc before a lawyer, they would accept this and verify that everything was in order.


You cannot just make it up. Everything you want them to assess you on has to be proved. The only way for them to do this is to send in documentation to substantiate what you are claiming.

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My OH's previous employer wrote a letter on the new letterhead of the business that he now owns and explained the situation with regards to the previous business. This was also the letter that my OH used as his reference outlining his training and work experience. The previous employer did a very thorough reference (four full pages) and only wanted to do one letter so we had to accept that.


My OH had the Stat Dec drafted explaining that he had done in the past etc. We thought that we may be asked for his previous employer to sign a Stat Dec, but we were not asked to do this. Having said this, we checked everything ourselves at Companies House so perhaps they did too and could verify everything that we had claimed.


I would check with Vetasses as to what they would accept. I would think as your father is the owner of the business and he swears a legal doc before a lawyer, they would accept this and verify that everything was in order.


You cannot just make it up. Everything you want them to assess you on has to be proved. The only way for them to do this is to send in documentation to substantiate what you are claiming.



Hi just wondering what is companies house and would Ireland have a equalivant? But yeah my dad would have no problem in signing a stat dec in front of a lawyer, but would a justice of the peace do like a memeber of the police etc?


Yeah im ringing vetassess in the morning and ill ring immi aswell. I dont want to do anything illegal, im already looking into moving to Canada if I cant get a perm visa for Oz.


Also if I get a positive result from vetassess does that guarantee I will be able to claim points form it or would a Case Officer require more evidence? I've heard some people are requested to submit more info even after a positive assessment.


Thanks for all your replies so far.

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Hi just wondering what is companies house and would Ireland have a equalivant? But yeah my dad would have no problem in signing a stat dec in front of a lawyer, but would a justice of the peace do like a memeber of the police etc?


Yeah im ringing vetassess in the morning and ill ring immi aswell. I dont want to do anything illegal, im already looking into moving to Canada if I cant get a perm visa for Oz.


Also if I get a positive result from vetassess does that guarantee I will be able to claim points form it or would a Case Officer require more evidence? I've heard some people are requested to submit more info even after a positive assessment.


Thanks for all your replies so far.




This is the equivalant in Ireland. My husband's previous employer was a limited company so was registered. Not all businesses in the UK will be registered at Companies House.


Re the Stat Dec, it would have to be a person of legal standing, so either a lawyer or a Justice of the Peace. Not a Police Officer.


If you get a positive assessment, yes you can claim the points. Our CO has not requested any further evidence other than what I uploaded on the Evisa form. They asked for UK and Aus qualifications. My OH had to get an Aus AQF III before he could be considered for a skills assessment, so I am not sure if that is why she did not ask for further information as he had the Aus qualification which our skills agent said was the best thing to have as my OH would need that to get apply for his licence to trade once he arrived in Oz and that is what they focus on, employability and having the right skills.


Some people have been requested to provide more evidence which seems a bit strange as they would have just completed a thorough skills assessment, but best not to question why and just play along and give them what they request.


I think you are doing the right thing with contacting Vetasses. If you know exactly what they need from you, then it will make life easier for you in the long run. The skills assessments can take months to be finalised, so best to save yourself time and stress and get it right before you send everything off.


Good Luck.

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