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Australian in uk coming back home.


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Hi there,

Hi to all on 'Pomsinoz', hope your all well, im currently living in uk and have done since i was 2 years old, im a dual citizen of uk/aus and am selling up to come back to oz.

If anyone has any help or advice regarding best places to consider to live and work as anywhere in oz is fine by me.

Also am possibly looking into handyman/caretaker maintenance type of employment as thats what ive been in for a few years now, but little hard to try and apply for jobs from all the way back in the uk.


Possiblities of renting on a caravan site maybe until im on my feet, maybe some of you have more advice regarding this.


I would really appreciate any help and advice you all have regarding this.


Hope to hear form you all soon.


paul 'ozzie lost in uk lol ':cool:

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Hi paul w3012!Someone posted a job website a few days back,with Caretaker/Managers jobs in Caravans parks in Oz,and I can't for the life of me recall what it was called!Sorry!The poster or someone else might remember it but it might be handy for you.have you tried Seek.com or Careerone.com?

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Hiya fella,


Yes im coming over alone and theres only me, so its a little easier to arrange things and i had looked at jobs in mount gambia but not heard anything yet, id gladly live anywhere but ideally a live in post would be ideal as it sorts out accomodation aswell as employment.

Ive just applied to a few on the site you reccomended for live in posts, and my main trade is handyman/caretaker with pool experience so this would be a great job as its what im used to.



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Hiya fella,


Yes im coming over alone and theres only me, so its a little easier to arrange things and i had looked at jobs in mount gambia but not heard anything yet, id gladly live anywhere but ideally a live in post would be ideal as it sorts out accomodation aswell as employment.

Ive just applied to a few on the site you reccomended for live in posts, and my main trade is handyman/caretaker with pool experience so this would be a great job as its what im used to.



Errr I'm a lady actually Paul!:eek:lol!!! Oh thats great news hey?Another website is Helpx.This is a great site and I think you might like it!"Hosts"ask for helpers,usually on properties/farms.They offer you a bed/meals in exchange for you working around the property say 4 hours per day 5 times a week.Now some people might turn their nose up at working for no wages but.......the way I see it?You stay at someone's place (they're all temp jobs by the way,and some go for 2 weeks,some for 6mths!)do the work,get to know people,maybe make a few contacts,and whilst you're not working?You can look for a paid job!Fab opportunity if you ask me!I'd do it!Have a look at the site,let me know what you think!There's also Woofers (google woofers Australia)

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Hi Melza,

Please accept my appologies, i didnt know.lol But yeah that sounds great am without sounding ungrateful am kinda hoping to land a permanent job as i like my security but anything will do im sure.

So may i ask where abouts are you in s.a. and do you not have a pic on ya profile so at least i can see what you look like, fills in a few gaps as i chat to you.lol

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Hi Melza,

Please accept my appologies, i didnt know.lol But yeah that sounds great am without sounding ungrateful am kinda hoping to land a permanent job as i like my security but anything will do im sure.

So may i ask where abouts are you in s.a. and do you not have a pic on ya profile so at least i can see what you look like, fills in a few gaps as i chat to you.lol

Lol Apology accepted!:cute:I'm in the UK at the moment hon!lol I lived in a small country town east of Adelaide.Nope no profile pic,I don't want anybody recognising me!:laugh:

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Lol ok no worries . Shame we might of hooked up and got along . How come your back over here then?


No worries!I came back 10 yrs ago,for love apparently!:biglaugh:I'm just biding my time here atm!We'll have to re name this thread "The Paul and Melza thread "by the looks of it!lol

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  • 2 years later...

Good to hear your good, and sadly it fell thorugh due to family problems, so yes been in uk ever since but booking flights for around next February 2016 and hopefully getting tax code, medicare,maybe even centreline to help me out until I'm on my feet, so has love kept you here then?

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Whoah there Neddy!:laugh:Thanks for the offer hon,but I'm pretty happy being single atm!:wink:Yes I have family in Sth Oz,2 bro's,two sisters,countless nieces and nephews,and my son.(I have two daughters here,and 3 grandkids).Jobs?I'm confident I'll get one,I'm pretty resourceful like that!lol

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Just a quick question, are these employers aware that the applicant is currently oversees or are they just for aus residents, do you know?


When an ad says they want "Australian residents" they usually just mean someone who has the legal right to reside in Australia, not whether or not they're actually in the country. However, most employers will be reluctant to hire someone without actually meeting them, so I'd say your chances of getting a job before you arrive are extremely remote.

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