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Reccie dilemma!! Please help!!!


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OK - so we've got abit of a financial/ reccie dilemma!! Not been granted our visa yet, but keeping everything crossed. However, I understand that once(if) granted, we then have a year for all of us (2 x adults, 2x kids) to validate our visa. I dont think we will be totally ready in a year to go, what with house still to sell, schools, accommodation, jobs, etc to sort out, so I know some people have a 'reccie' to validate their visas, then enter Australia permanently at a later date. I just dont think we will have the money to afford a reccie, as this amount of money could be really helpful to take to Oz when we go permanently. Hence, Im not sure what to do?? How do other people get around this, and do most people find a year to get everything sorted once visa granted, enough and dont bother with a reccie?? *big sigh* any advice would be gratefully received. Thank you in advance xxx

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From your timeline it looks like you have already lodged your application, so there is not really anything you can do to buy yourself more time. Although if you have not loaded your PCC checks yet, I would bin them and get some new ones when a case officer asks you for them. In fact do that anyway, doing PCC early is shortening the time until initial entry.


I think there is a complete mix between people that validate the visa in a trip and people that validate the visa on the permanent move. Everyone does one or the other though, there is not a third option..

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We applied for my spouse visa in November, had it granted in March and moved over in July. In that time we sold our house, my OH found a job and we booked and cancelled short term accomodation (ended up staying at my mother in laws instead). The other stuff we did once we got here, and did all that in about three weeks.

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OK - so we've got abit of a financial/ reccie dilemma!! Not been granted our visa yet, but keeping everything crossed. However, I understand that once(if) granted, we then have a year for all of us (2 x adults, 2x kids) to validate our visa. I dont think we will be totally ready in a year to go, what with house still to sell, schools, accommodation, jobs, etc to sort out, so I know some people have a 'reccie' to validate their visas, then enter Australia permanently at a later date. I just dont think we will have the money to afford a reccie, as this amount of money could be really helpful to take to Oz when we go permanently. Hence, Im not sure what to do?? How do other people get around this, and do most people find a year to get everything sorted once visa granted, enough and dont bother with a reccie?? *big sigh* any advice would be gratefully received. Thank you in advance xxx


If you are not ready to move over permanently within the year you dont have a choice but to come over to validate your visa or you will lose it.


Do you know where you want to go, until you know where you are going to live you cant sort out schools etc anyway so all that stuff, accommodation etc you would sort out once you are here

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Thank you everyone for your replies. I spent a year out in Oz in 2001-2002, and me and hubby spent a month out there, just after we got married (Jan 2005), so a reccie isnt necessarily important for us. We are hoping to go to NSW or QLD, both where Ive had positive news regarding jobs (a midwife), although we stated NSW on visa application as I hadnt researched jobs in QLD at that point. We were aiming at heading out in hopefully December this year, but now its only 11 months away it just seems incredibly close and I feel we still have quite abit to arrange and minimal credit card debt we wanted to clear to. Im glad that some people seem to arrange it quite quickly, this gives me some hope that we will be ready. Thanks again x

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