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Sad - but need to talk footie..

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hey all


been here a yr, and am starting to really miss going to the pub and talking footie with my mates. friends i've made here have no interest in the beautiful game! so was wondering if anyones interested in getting together and chewing the fat over a pint. i'm a 40something arsenal fan but dont hold that against me!! happy to talk to spurs fans too, i'm that desperate!!


based in sydney, i live in the hotbed of activity that is cherrybrook, but am happy to meet up in town on a thu/fri evening. also the ettamogah pub in kellyville is a good location for a chat and food/drink esp in the weekend.


so anyone up for that?



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I'm pretty sure that the Gooners go to both Cheers and The Casino to watch their games - Google 'Arsenal Sydney?'. I can't invite you down to 'our' pub (The Triple Aces - 'worked ' a night shift there last night from midnight to dawn) as I'm already personna non gratta for taking my Gooner pal Shea down there. There is a cafe called 'Koko' on Holt St, Surry Hills (off Devonshire St) where the owner, Phil, is a Gooner.


The best atmosphere is actually in The Royal Exhibtion when West Ham have got a game on.


I am often in The Trinity Bar on Thursdays for $12 schnitzels.

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thanks mate - but the problem is i'm not going to make it down that often for match days, certainly not during the summer as wife wont have me coming back home in the early hours of a sunday seing as matches start at 2am! looking more for an after work thing, or weekend..

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hey all


been here a yr, and am starting to really miss going to the pub and talking footie with my mates. friends i've made here have no interest in the beautiful game! so was wondering if anyones interested in getting together and chewing the fat over a pint. i'm a 40something arsenal fan but dont hold that against me!! happy to talk to spurs fans too, i'm that desperate!!


Damn why would you have to be in Sydney, I could put up with a gooners fan just about....but I'm in Adelaide. I totally concur 3 years of this is bloody misery and getting up at the crack of dawn or middle of the night gets old. Good Luck!

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haha know the feeling, couple of my brothers friends live in melbourne and we had a good "discussion" the last time i was over there - but thats the problem, they're over there!! gotta be brits in sydney who still yearn to go to the pub, talk footie (and possibly other sports if we have to), have a beer or 2, whinge about the high temperatures and then go home into the loving arms of our spouses (i wish..).

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My hubby,( and myself), are Celtic supporters, probably once a month he goes in for the all nighter at cheers, yes the games are at silly times.


We joined a Sydney CEltic SUpporters clu, they have an annual harbour booze cruise, Xmas party and a few family days a year. What they also have a a FB page and also an email chat so the lads can say " anyone fancy a pint after work today", or we are short for five a side tomorrow night" so my hubby has had the odd weekend drink and after work pint this way. I reckon you should do some research this way mate.

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thanks mate - but the problem is i'm not going to make it down that often for match days, certainly not during the summer as wife wont have me coming back home in the early hours of a sunday seing as matches start at 2am! looking more for an after work thing, or weekend..


I'm a selfish single bloke! I 'worked' a night shift on Sunday from midnight to dawn, watching your game first v Chelsea (one of those occasions when I wanted both teams to lose!) Then at 0230 I went down to Hungry Jacks with a couple of young Czech blokes for 'brekkie' (bit afraid in my Spurs gear that I might meet some disgruntled Gooners coming out of Cheers!) Then back to Triple Aces for the Spurs Man Utd game - about a dozen turned up for that in the end and the glorious mayhem when we scored in the last minute (at about 5am local time) is what makes it all worthwhile.


The time difference might work in your favour for games like your one v West Ham, kick off at ?7am? Get down to Cheers or the Casino (Gooners seem to meet at both bars - could be worth contacting them beforehand?) Then carry on to work afterwards or perhaps just stay for 1st half.


When there is an early kick off game in the UK, particularly when it's nine hour time difference, the kick off is reasonable - 2145 on a Saturday night? I remember the pub being packed for one of those games at Easter, then three days later on a Monday morning at 2am there were three of us there.


According to the Arsenal fans site, most of the discussions take place on Facebook now? Are there no pubs or clubs out your way where Pommies might meet? Cherrybrook? I am an alien out that way. There was a time (1980/81) when Castle HIll RSL was HUGE on Sunday nights, and MEGA HUGE on a weekend like this one coming but that has all died away. What about that big Irish pub in Parramatta? I went there a couple of weeks back for the first time in my life, on the corner of Church St.


The Royal Exhibition Hotel in Surry Hills is good if Sydney ** are playing because it's one of 'their' pubs and if West Ham are playing later even better as it's also 'their' pub. I hate to admit it but the atmosphere is much better than in the Aces. ******ing **********




******* ing ******** PS If there is one thing that really ****ing IRRITATES me about PIO, it's the moderator? who has decided that you cannot abbreviate '(F)ootball ©lub to the first letter of each word because it means something else when I've NEVER heard it used in that capacity!

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  • 8 months later...

well - i'd forgotten about this, but seeing as the season is in full swing, i'll have another go to see if anyones up for a drink on a friday evening or sunday afternoon/evening to talk footie and general brit stuff once we run out of footie talk (yeah right!). so...up for it? in town, the hills, ettamogah (kellyville), frankly anywhere!!

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hey all


been here a yr, and am starting to really miss going to the pub and talking footie with my mates. friends i've made here have no interest in the beautiful game! so was wondering if anyones interested in getting together and chewing the fat over a pint. i'm a 40something arsenal fan but dont hold that against me!! happy to talk to spurs fans too, i'm that desperate!!


based in sydney, i live in the hotbed of activity that is cherrybrook, but am happy to meet up in town on a thu/fri evening. also the ettamogah pub in kellyville is a good location for a chat and food/drink esp in the weekend.


so anyone up for that?



Not much interest in Girlie Ball in Oz I'm afraid. You picked the wrong country to emigrate to

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