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Recommended amount to take with you.


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Hi to all,

Would anyone have any advice on how much money would be sufficient to take to Perth when we make the move. My wife is a secondary school teacher and I am a plumber/ heating engineer from uk, so we will be coming over hopefully with a job offer for my wife if we manage to secure one befor we come out, but if not we will have to look for work when we are there.

We will be coming out for 5 weeks in July to activate the visas then moving out in December / January .

i know I will have to go back to collage to get my licence for plumbing work so we may need to live on one wage for a while (wife's) untill I can secure a job plumbing.

Anyway would like some advice on how much £s to take with us.

Thanks for your advice


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Guest Guest26012

It's difficult to give an estimate. You'll need enough for rental and bond to see you through the first few months. Whilst you're over here have a good look around and look in real estates for the price of rentals in the areas you would like to settle. Some come with very little, but have jobs to come to. You'll need to factor in transport and food of course. It's not cheap to set yourself up initially here so bring as much as you can is my advice. Good luck.

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Its so hard to figure that out, but when we came over in Sept, we stayed with my mate until we got our own rental, so didn't have to pay rent for the first 2 weeks. We got an unfurnished apartment. I think we didn't see any change from about 12000 euros. We both started jobs within the first week but it was a month before I got paid and nearly 2 months before my OH got paid as she was waiting for her TFN and didn't want to do the higher tax rate. But I know of friends that came out with 4000, and got set up with a furnished rental a cheap car and got paid after his first week, so it all depends. Bring as much as you can, and you will make yourselves get by. Oh and don't forget that schools have their summer holidays at this time of year, I think its Feb before they start back. Hope this helps and the best of luck with it all.

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Hi to all,

Would anyone have any advice on how much money would be sufficient to take to Perth when we make the move. My wife is a secondary school teacher and I am a plumber/ heating engineer from uk, so we will be coming over hopefully with a job offer for my wife if we manage to secure one befor we come out, but if not we will have to look for work when we are there.

We will be coming out for 5 weeks in July to activate the visas then moving out in December / January .

i know I will have to go back to collage to get my licence for plumbing work so we may need to live on one wage for a while (wife's) untill I can secure a job plumbing.

Anyway would like some advice on how much £s to take with us.

Thanks for your advice



We will all cut our cloth according to what we have available, but bring as much as you can would be my answer. I also am inclined to think, if you have to ask then I would do a shorter validation trip and save money for the real move.

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Well, you will be moving in the school holidays, so your wife isn't going to get a job immediately. Most Oz employers don't recruit between end November and end Jan anyway.


It can take a LOT longer to get jobs than you think. There have been many cases of panic on here over the years of people running out of funds because they haven't found a job in a few months. I would bring as much as possible.

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Hi to all,

Many thanks for all your advice, hopefully we can save up the penny's . I think when we come over in July we can get a good idear with renting /car prices/ food etc we have been to Oz a few years back but not to Perth. So need to do lots of research. Any other advise would be a great help on moving/ things to maybe do befor we come out, maybe register with agents etc . Many thanks and hope you all have a fantastic 2013 :0) .

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