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Unexpected 4.30am call and no longer know if I have a job :(


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So after a week and a half of telling family and completing every imaginable piece of paperwork I received a phone call this morning from the hospital both myself and my partner have jobs at to ask us questions about start dates and tell us that they are not sure they can hold the jobs for us. We were interviewed in the UK by representatives for their health service and it was them that told us it would be March/April before we could start as that's how long visa's etc would take then we were given provisional offers (provisional on meeting visa requirement/police check etc). Feel like the rug has been completely pulled from under me, I can't get hold of anyone from the recruitment agency and the hospital manager i spoke to won't be around now so it looks like I won't get any answers until next week. I didn't really ask many questions at the time because I had just been woken up by the call and now i'm kicking myself. Going to be really gutted if we don't get these jobs now as we really loved the sound of the jobs, the hospital and the location and we were going on 457 visas so the Oz dream is going to be put on hold until we both manage to find more jobs :(


Anybody else has similar experiences? Does anyone have any advise for me. I think i'm in for a very long weekend waiting to talk to anyone :(



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Yep, I had a job lined up at a uni in Sydney. I also got a phone call, luckily at a more sociable hour. They weren't very clear with me as to why, something a migration agent had told them about something which was going to hold up the application, so they couldn't hold the job open. It was very upsetting, especially as I had been told I had the job while on holiday in china and didn't really holiday properly as we were either waiting for news or planning our future.

I had two more universities want to sponsor me after that and realised that actually they couldn't sponsor me as my job was so specialised it wasn't on any of immigrations lists.

It turned out better for us in one way anyway as we didn't manage to sell our house until a year after that job offer fell through.


If you found one sponsor when not in Australia you will find another. Stay strong.

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Thanks Blossom79.


I'm just really gutted. Things finally seemed to be progressing then this. I'm a mental health nurse so I am on the sponsored immigration list but there are remarkably few places in Oz recruiting international nurses atm and it took quite a long time to get these jobs. In fact during the interview we got offered our pick of jobs from several different hospitals and chose this one and now we don't know if its going to be happening or not. The woman that rang me didn't sound to positive though.


If we have lost these jobs we won't give up. Its just a big blow. There hasn't been a delay with my visa though. March/April was the expected start date I was given by the person that interviewed me. Seems strange to interview international nurses for jobs that require immediate starts but I guess I am at their mercy until they decide and let me know.


How long have you been in Australia now?



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Thanks Blossom79.


I'm just really gutted. Things finally seemed to be progressing then this. I'm a mental health nurse so I am on the sponsored immigration list but there are remarkably few places in Oz recruiting international nurses atm and it took quite a long time to get these jobs. In fact during the interview we got offered our pick of jobs from several different hospitals and chose this one and now we don't know if its going to be happening or not. The woman that rang me didn't sound to positive though.


If we have lost these jobs we won't give up. Its just a big blow. There hasn't been a delay with my visa though. March/April was the expected start date I was given by the person that interviewed me. Seems strange to interview international nurses for jobs that require immediate starts but I guess I am at their mercy until they decide and let me know.


How long have you been in Australia now?




If you put in an application and you are shortlisted then you will be offered an interview - they can't say that you're not in the country so they won't interview you as that wouldn't be a fair process.

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If you put in an application and you are shortlisted then you will be offered an interview - they can't say that you're not in the country so they won't interview you as that wouldn't be a fair process.


Hi Ali


I though the idea with 457 visa's is that employers are supposed to use them when they can not find a suitable candidate from within australia? Which means lots of places are not even accepting applications for people requiring 457 visa's. I think if these jobs don't come through we may have to look at PR but that will delay our move more and my OH has only ever spent a month in Oz so the idea was to go on 457 and apply for P|R once out there and he knows he likes it.

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I have been in oz nearly five years. I had to forgot the sponsorship idea in the end. Ironically, they have added a category that would have covered the jobs I was previously offered. Timings for us have been terrible the whole way through the process. But never mind, we got there in the end.

Personally I would go for pr straight off if you can. You don't HAVE to move here, or stay here if you have it, but you are so much more secure.

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Hi Emma have pmd you. The hosp is calling hubby next week so maybe we will have the same situation?! They said the same to us - not to expect to start until Mar/April and when the agency rang after the interview they clarified that they thought it would take that time. For us it's very quick as we have to sell a house or rent it out. Fingers crossed for you and will defo let you know how it goes with us. The paper work came through last night - omg so much to do.

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You can take control of this situation in a coupe of ways. Firstly why not move sooner, it really would take an execeptionally patient employer that is happy wait for an overseas candidate for five months or so, when there is s much risk with overseas candidates anyway. I realise they said it first, but still they have changed their minds or it was a mistake and they want you there sooner.


I went over to validate and did some job hunting whilst there, I knew I was completing against local candidates so had to market myself as one and that meant being able to start promptly. I got the job, flew back to the UK, packed up house, cats, sold car etc etc and was working within the month. If you want this, make it happen.


The other thing that you could do is forget about thes jobs and instead focus on the permanent visa application, get that and then only apply for jobs when you know you can take them up within a reasonable timeframe.

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You can take control of this situation in a coupe of ways. Firstly why not move sooner, it really would take an execeptionally patient employer that is happy wait for an overseas candidate for five months or so, when there is s much risk with overseas candidates anyway. I realise they said it first, but still they have changed their minds or it was a mistake and they want you there sooner.


I went over to validate and did some job hunting whilst there, I knew I was completing against local candidates so had to market myself as one and that meant being able to start promptly. I got the job, flew back to the UK, packed up house, cats, sold car etc etc and was working within the month. If you want this, make it happen.


The other thing that you could do is forget about thes jobs and instead focus on the permanent visa application, get that and then only apply for jobs when you know you can take them up within a reasonable timeframe.


Yes we are considering Mrrobertsclan going ahead of us if necessary to secure job. scary but may be the most proactive solution.

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Thanks for responses guys. I think we will have to look at the PR route if it is confirmed we don't have these jobs. It was the end plan anyway but it will certainly delay our move and we will have to save more money as I don't want to use too much saving on the visa's then have no back up money when we get there.


Rupert we would happily start sooner and told them that. I actually wanted to go over in January but it was NSW health themselves that told us it would be March/Apriil and I understand that waiting for overseas applicants is not ideal but these jobs were offered as a result of a UK recruitment drive for nurses to work in NSW so I don't understand why the jobs would be offered if they are not able to wait for our visa's to be processed. In the week since they sent the paperwork I have completed it all and applied for all the relevant police checks but I can't start the visa process for the 457 they have to do it so that is not something I can make happen any quicker.


Robertsclan I have replied to your PM. I don't think your husbands situation will be the same. We didn't have any warning of this call. Just came out of the blue this morning. Keep your fingers crossed for us.



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Hi Ali


I though the idea with 457 visa's is that employers are supposed to use them when they can not find a suitable candidate from within australia? Which means lots of places are not even accepting applications for people requiring 457 visa's. I think if these jobs don't come through we may have to look at PR but that will delay our move more and my OH has only ever spent a month in Oz so the idea was to go on 457 and apply for P|R once out there and he knows he likes it.


Not in nursing - we have people applying for jobs and in their covering letter they indicate that they would be looking for sponsorship. They're treated as any other candidate and their applications are short listed - I would say that the majority of applications I've looked at in the last 12 months have been from overseas applicants. If you're deemed the prefered applicant then you'll be offered the post.

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Ali- that's interesting to know as we also applied with WA health and were told that there are not very many jobs for international nurses atm as all the posts are offered to people already in Australia first and if they could not be filled then they would consider international applicants. That is for public hospital jobs though. Thankfully we have had confirmation today that our jobs are being held for us and that there was some kind of communication mix up between the hospital and the representatives that interviewed... Phew... but in case we do find ourselves applying again it is good to know there are still jobs available for international recruitment.


Petals- Unfortunately that is the same in the UK too. Mental Health always seems at the front of the cuts :(


Thanks for your replies everyone. I am certainly one very relieved person today. Now I will just aim to get all my paperwork etc sorted as quickly as possible so my visa comes through quickly.

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Ali- that's interesting to know as we also applied with WA health and were told that there are not very many jobs for international nurses atm as all the posts are offered to people already in Australia first and if they could not be filled then they would consider international applicants. That is for public hospital jobs though. Thankfully we have had confirmation today that our jobs are being held for us and that there was some kind of communication mix up between the hospital and the representatives that interviewed... Phew... but in case we do find ourselves applying again it is good to know there are still jobs available for international recruitment.


Petals- Unfortunately that is the same in the UK too. Mental Health always seems at the front of the cuts :(


Thanks for your replies everyone. I am certainly one very relieved person today. Now I will just aim to get all my paperwork etc sorted as quickly as possible so my visa comes through quickly.


Yay! - really pleased to hear that. Was going to PM you to see how it was going. Mr R had his interview with unit mgr last night and all went well, and they were delighted with the time frame - phew too! catch up with you soon. x

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Yay! - really pleased to hear that. Was going to PM you to see how it was going. Mr R had his interview with unit mgr last night and all went well, and they were delighted with the time frame - phew too! catch up with you soon. x


Thank you Robertsclan :) we are very relieved. Glad the interview went well, was it quite a formal interview or just a general discussion? How are you getting on with the piles of paperwork? x

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Thank you Robertsclan :) we are very relieved. Glad the interview went well, was it quite a formal interview or just a general discussion? How are you getting on with the piles of paperwork? x


It was fairly imformal and friendly. Some detail lost in poor reception and the fact that OH on nights and taking the call on the ward!! Also two people interviewing him so a bit of a 3 way conversation going on with those longs pauses.... but all seemed as good as it could and as he was forwarned of call he could prepare some questions he had - ie staff patient ratio etc etc. Hope you get another opportunity to have a more constructive and less fraught chat with your future line manager?! xxx

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