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Who has gone for Chest X-Ray during Pregnancy??


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You should be able to find more on that using Google, and it has been discussed on this forum before, But are you really even considering taking the risk ?

It is not because someone else didn't face complications that you will not !


There are good reasons why this is advised against.

If any complications would arise, you will be left with only yourself to blame for a long time to come.

Definitely NOT worth it.


forum links : -there's many more, just do a search-



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Yes you are right...I must defer it until the new baby is born..thanks..


You should be able to find more on that using Google, and it has been discussed on this forum before, But are you really even considering taking the risk ?

It is not because someone else didn't face complications that you will not !


There are good reasons why this is advised against.

If any complications would arise, you will be left with only yourself to blame for a long time to come.

Definitely NOT worth it.


forum links : -there's many more, just do a search-



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