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dog question re..showing in oz


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Hi all...

heres a silly question...Im quite into showing my two dogs...(sad I know!! but I love it) and although they are both pure breeds I cannot compete them in proper breed classes as they have both been neutered...so I compete in local extemption shows...ie..most handsome dog, waggiest tail etc etc as well as agilty. Now is this just a british thing that us UK dog owners have dreamt up or do the Aussies have these types of show too..Only I would miss going to them when we move.


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:wubclub:Oh i like showing my 2 sibes well one of them now my red and white husky has won loads in husky breeds we won 3 firsts 1st in breed 1st in best of breed and i cant remeber the other one and then took best pup in show and that was her first show and she has won loads more since.

one question if anyone knows what happens to my 2 s pedigree do i get another one for them.

and no its not sad lol:wub:

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RVN, it's a regular pastime here with dog shows, January in the Illawarra is show time, we have just had the Kiama, Albion Park & Dapto shows, where different animals are shown on the day, Dog's, Cats, Cows etc etc, no horses this year because of the horse flu thing, so you shouldn't be bored.

There are nearly as many people pulling their dog trailers behind the car as there are people with caravans these days, so they take their hobby very seriously, my old boss used to be involved in dog shows & was kept busy every weekend, unfortunately I lost touch with him, so I can't help you on this one.

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Guest Mrs Braveheart



My boss is also into dog shows very big here in WA she shows afgans & huskies & has loads of rosettes best of this best of that. Dont no where your are heading in Oz but if its W A let me no I will find out more for you



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We are hoping to head to Skippys neck of the woods...beautiful Wollongong...

but thanks for the though Braveheart..


Does seem to be all pure breed classes at these shows..my boys are both neutered therefore I can't compete them cause they are not any use for stud. Hence we have been entering novelty classes..ie..dog the judge would like to take home, most handsome dog etc etc...any thing like this in oz??? I understand I can enter them in neuter classes but that these dont come up that often. Looks like I may have to get another dog...aHHHH not three please :arghh:

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