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Anyone started a thread about the clocks going forward?


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Guest AKA63029
Just doing my bit before the tick paralysis sets in and I can't use the keyboard any more.


The state your'e in matey I wouldn't want the clocks going forward, make the most of every hour and all that.:wubclub:

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clocks....forward.....im confused


Thought this was going to be a BST into GMT thing but i think i got that wrong


Can i just say how annoying it is skyping and phoning back to the UK on a Sunday and even after weeks here they still ask...what time is is where you are...arrgh. It was 7 hours in front weeks ago when we arrived, it was 7 hours in front last week when i phoned, and it is still 7 hours in front on what time it is showing on your watch/clock/oven/microwave.


Come the 27th though and im going to have to go through it all again but this time it will be we are 8 hours in front of your favoured timepiece.


Can i now get onto the Eastern states (WA talking here) what time are you? cos that confuses me when i see a job ad on seek or whatever and its posted at say 11pm but im still having brekkie cos its only 9am....whats going on with time all over Oz.


I have learnt though that WA wont have daylight saving hours cos the chooks stop laying and the cows fall over or something to that extent!!


Taking the hours issue further, not as daft as my friend back in the UK who phoned me last month, we chatted for a while, i told her it was Spring in Oz, she said that was great, i mentioned xmas, she said well at least you dont have to worry about that for another nine months!!



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