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Going round in circles!!!


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Have been told by a migration agent that I am eligable to apply for a SS visa....but everytime I go to e mail the agent to start the process, the OH gets cold feet and we end up arguing!!


His worry is that we could move to Australia and be worse off financially as we both have quite well paid jobs here in the UK. He keeps asking me what job I would do in Australia....how am I supposed to know that!! will do whatever it takes to make money.


Am really unhappy with life in the UK. The winter is coming now and for the next few months will practically hibernate now except for going to work. Just seem to be getting nowhere fast with him!!



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Dont know what you job is but guess if migration agent says you can apply for ss then you are on the skilled list, why not search on seek and any other recruitment sites you can find, email some companies for job info etc. show to your oh with financial package etc. to show what you could expect to earn in Aus

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congrats on getting the visa in 5 months. Have considered doing it myself as the agents are quite expensive, but honestly dont know where to start to be truthful.

Initially my job was taken off the list (Office Manager) but then spoke to others on here who said that many office managers were now applying through the Contract Admin Route, and as many of the elements were the same, as I work in a busy manufacturing office, will hopefully be able to be successful through that route. Hey, whats in a job title eh :)

Ive done all that, job sites etc, and have had people interested, until they realise we are still in the UK. Ive told him to come on forums like this and to see what others are writing, have even told him that we dont have to leave the day the visa arrives.

I do understand his concerns, but I would rather give it a go than not. Just all so confusing and upsetting.

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If your OH is having "cold feet" perhaps you need to sit down and talk about it. It took me a long while to come round to the idea of moving to the other side of the world and my OH always says he is glad I made the decision myself without any coaxing. This process is the most stressful I have ever experienced and we both really want it. I would have given up long ago if I was half hearted about it. MY OH says it was worth the wait to both be on the same song sheet and in it together than get halfway and me say I've had enough.


It has taken us a year to get to this point as we had a lot of hurdles to overcome, but for some it is a matter of a few months. This visa process can be difficult and stressful, but it is just the start. No matter how easy or difficult this bit is, you still need to get there and settle in, again could be stressful.


My advice is to do your own research and show your OH what you could or could not achieve in Oz. If he is adamant about not going there without a job to go, speak to some recruitment consultants in Oz for their advice on the job market.


Good Luck

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He says he would move to Aus tomoro....if we were promised a job. and like Ive said to him, we can get jobs...once we get a visa!

I understand his concerns, I really do (he is the more sensible one with the money :)) and we know so many people out there in all areas who have said they will help us out, whether thats somewhere to initaly stay, putting in good words with their employers etc. Ive even showed him figures for what I could potentially earn out there.


I know its a long process, but Im in for the long haul :)

Good luck, keep us posted on how things go.

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we started with vetassess for my oh that took the longest but was just collecting and sending all the docs they wanted, the rest is just collecting the info they want and uploading etc the process itself was straight forward and once you get a co you just follow the instructions, our case was not complicated so we tackled it ourselves. we both managed to secure jobs from the UK before we left which reduced the stress levels vastly, too long to post here but if you want ant more info send me a pm

good luck

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Perhaps that's your answer. If he would go as soon as, how about if he got a job from the UK. You could still continue with the PR visa as you originally intended or gain PR through the employer. Personally, I would continue with the PR visa as normal. Or, what if you both decided that you would continue with the PR visa as you intended, but agreed that you would not leave the UK until one or both of you had secured employment. Would this make him feel easier about the decision and continuing with the process?


That's the gamble with this process. You may well get a visa, but no guarantee of a job at the end of it.


We have moved overseas twice before, so tbh, we are not daunted about the prospect of arriving in a country without a job, but I totally see where someone is coming from who has never done it before and would never think any less of them for worrying about it.


Good Luck.

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Have been told by a migration agent that I am eligable to apply for a SS visa....but everytime I go to e mail the agent to start the process, the OH gets cold feet and we end up arguing!!


His worry is that we could move to Australia and be worse off financially as we both have quite well paid jobs here in the UK. He keeps asking me what job I would do in Australia....how am I supposed to know that!! will do whatever it takes to make money.


Am really unhappy with life in the UK. The winter is coming now and for the next few months will practically hibernate now except for going to work. Just seem to be getting nowhere fast with him!!




You know with the Skillselect system you can allow potential employers to contact you to discuss job opportunities when you place your EOI??


I don't know how successful this will prove to be, but we plan to put our details forward on here to employers this way. (just waiting for ielts and skill assessment



I can relate to how your OH feels. The compromise we made was to take a chance and go for a Skills Assessment, and IELTS (not using an agent, so no agent fees) and begin EOI process putting details forward for Employers to get in touch. If and when any do, we will take it from there, and consider the options available to us then. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! The whole process so far has cost us over £1700, so quite a commitment, but far less than some of the other ways you can go about it.


We are considering other options too, but that is the one I feel most comfortable to start with!! We have managed just fine without an agent so far (another compromise, if we can do it without the £2k+ fees, we can afford to 'consider' taking the dog!!) But in all honesty, we haven't seen the need for one so far, so it would have felt like money down the drain.


Good Luck

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I think he is being sensible, but a little too careful. It is important to research if your skills are actually in demand and you will earn an income to support a similar lifestyle. Do not fall into the trap of thinking because you have been awarded a visa your skills are actually in demand. The two are not linked.


Have a look on seek.com.au and find out if the jobs are there and speak to some of the recruiters to get some idea - do not just go on seek and see a couple of hundred jobs and think all is well. My industry has over 1000 on there but 900 are duplicates and if i speak to a recruiter they will say how few roles are about.


Also, find out how much each pays as rates for some proffessions can be very different in Oz to the UK. Some a lot better, some a lot worse.


When you have hard evidence, it is a lot easier to have a rational discussion on the merits of the move.

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