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Negative impact on PR?


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Looking for advice on transferring 457.


I have been in Australia since Feb 2010, arrived on a working holiday visa, working with current company since July 2010, 457 approved November 2010. All good.

Began gathering the relevant material for PR application earlier this year so I've done my health test, skills test and police checks. Sent EOI for 189 visa on July 2nd with a points score of 60 (pass mark for software engineer is 60). No invite as of yet so I've taken IELTS hopefully to boost my score if I get in band 7 or 8.

Over the last month I've been head hunted by another software company here in Melbourne who have offered a position (software engineer again) and are an approved sponsor.

What I'd like cleared up is will accepting this offer, despite being same position and would be same ANZSCO code, have a negative impact on my future 189 visa application?

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Why not ask the new employer to sponsor you for ENS rather than 457 and get PR that way?


Yeah I'll bring that up with their migration agent, but I'd have thought in the first instance they'll need to take my 457 over anyway.


That aside, for the 189 visa is there anything that stipulates the length of time you have to be with a single employer for when moving from 457?

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