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Parent visa


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My mom is 41 yrs old.i just got my pr in march 2012.i want to apply for her pr.what is the visa type.and what are the documents required.how many years is it going to take.i m the only child.where do i submit the docs.my father have deceased.can my mom apply for visa for holiaday,while her visa is pending for pr.

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To be considered settled you normally need to have been in Oz for a period of 2 years, although they do take into consideration whether you have a permanent job, place to live etc.


There are various types of parent visa, but as your mum is only 41 she will not qualify for any of the 'Aged' parent visas which can be applied for onshore.


This leaves the normal parent visa 103 - however, there is a very long waiting list for this visa, 15-20 years.


The only real option for most people is the Contributory Parent Visa 143. The waiting time for this visa is around 15-18 months at present, but it is expensive. I am not sure what the costs are now, but it cost us around £50,000 for a couple.


Have a look here to check out the current cost:






You can split the cost by applying for the CPV 173 first. This gives you a temporary visa which allows you to spend 2 years in Oz and before the end of the 2 years you need to apply for the 143. These are offshore visas and your mum will need to be outside Australia to apply. There is nothing to prevent your mum from coming to Australia on a tourist visa a bit nearer the time of the visa grant, but she will need to go offshore for the visa to be granted. Lots of parents do this and maybe take a trip to Singapore or somewhere.


I suggest you start here:



and also have a look at Booklet 3 Parent Migration which has all the information:





Parent Visas are all dealt with at the Parent Visa Centre in Perth.


Finally there is a very good parent visa thread which is a sticky at the top of this forum. There are lots of helpful people on there going through the same experience so if you have any more queries you could post on there.

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She can get a 6 or 12 month visit visa. Best to do this first, whilst you settle in -she cannot apply straight away anyway. Like anyone she needs to see if she will like it first.


Also so do you.


Don't want to be negative but many migrants return to the UK after realising Oz is not for them after all. I would be pretty upset if I shelled out $$$$$ to be with you and you then went back to the UK!!


At 41 your mum is young enough for a skilled or employer visa if her occupation is in demand. Although I guess you have already ruled this out.

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