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Cant think straight........


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Whoooohoooo how very nervewracking, but oh soooo exciting.


A few things which might help that I have put together from other PIO'ers.


Write to all your financial providers, banks, pensions, building societies of change of address details.

Have your post re-directed.

Complete Inland Revenue forms for your tax rebates.

Inform your doctors and dentists

Cancel your mobile phone contracts

Take photocopies of passports, visas, driving licences and any other official documents.

Set up a Google account and download all your official docs to make life easier when attending at Medicare, Centrelink.

Open your Aussie bank account

Apply for your TFN number online


Hope this helps and Good Luck.

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If you are renting check to see what forms of ID and other documents they require before you leave. We had it all in a folder when we landed which made it so easy to go along to inspections and be able to fill out the forms there and then.

As above, drink all the alcohol you own, burn any candles, smoke your cigars - we had so much we ended up giving loads away!

Good luck, hope the move goes well.

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