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Update since arriving in Oz, (social workers)

Wellers and Whitehead

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Long time no chat! Well we left UK early January, so been here 8 months now. Its not been a smooth ride, by any means with housing and jobs mainly. However I will start with a few hints and tips that we should have listened to, from people on here about what to bring and what not too.

- If you have a good comfy bed..bring it! We left our lovely bed trying to save money on shipping, however wish we had brought it, we got a cheap mattress and base in the sale for $900. Bed prices vary from about $800 for a double bed up to $6000 (and more if you have the money). My partner got back ache for months after we arrived and think it may be due to the bed as its not the most comfy bed I have slept in, but its ok.

- We bought our gorgeous leather sofa in Oz a month ago for $2000. I do love it, but for the first 7 months we could only afford stuff from Vinnies (charity shop) as our initial outgoings were so expensive and I couldnt get work for about 3 months (qualified social worker, altho unable to drive- I'll come onto that later). If you have a good sofa Id suggest you look at bringing it.

- TV's are really cheap, much cheaper than the UK.

- Somebody advised us about putting a package together of info for real estates (estate agents) but thought it sounded a bit extreme, it wasnt! To get a property u have to compete. Basically you see a property you are interested in, they have an inspection date/time and all interested parties rock up at the allocated time. Interested parties will take an application form (or if your savy you will get an application form previously from the real estate and hand it in at the inspection with your supplementary info), and this is where the supplementary documents come in; they ask for statements from previous landlords explaining your a good tenant blah blah, copy of your visa/passport (residency etc), any documents supporting you have employment (I gave references from my job in the UK- basically saying I am capable of earning good money and can cover the rent is what they are looking at), also our estate agent wanted a copy of our bank balance to show we can pay the rent, as neither of us had jobs nor Australian rental history. Once they have all the info they want, they give all the applications to the landlord who chooses who he/she wants to live in the property. Having said that I have also been told that the real estate finds the best applicant and puts their details forward to the landlord. We gor refused/messed around by real estates, it not like in the UK where it u see a property and its basically yours if all goes well. We also stated we would pay several extra weeks rent on top of the 4 weeks rent (bond for property) and 2 weeks advanced rent (legally they cannot ask for more money than the 4 weeks bong and 2 weeks advanced rent), however we offered a further 2 weeks up front to help at securing the property (this is often done). We stupidly thought that we would both find jobs easily and covering the $495 per week rent (which was above the top of our budget but after being refused for several properties and the rest been shocking) would be OK. Basically moving into our 2 bedroomed flat cost us $4000. Ooh, most places we found are not pet friendly, initially we started off asking real estates if they took pets, all said No, so as bad I feel about telling a white lie, we stated we didnt have a pet. We have the most gorgeous little cat we brought over with us.( Thats a whole differenct story- the quaranteen place in Perth was so hot that our cat lost so much weight she went from being overweight in the UK to underweight...but she is OK now). In flats they have a commitee I believe, and certain laws restrict pets in the building, which makes it difficult for pets to live in flats, not always the case but depends on the regulations of the building, dont know huge amount about it but I do know that we had great problems looking for pet friendly accomodation.

- So, this is where the whinging pom comes into it! (I am not born a winger, however I do know why people are called whinging poms now..I am one!) I qualified as a Social worker in 2007, working in child protection for 2 years and with Looked after children (out of home care they call it here) for over 2 years, the only prob is that I cant drive due to having epilepsy. It has not been a major problem in the UK, which the Disability Discrimnation Act (DDA- which I hate mentioning) employers have to adapt the work place, however I undertook all of my roles and responsibilities just fine without a drivers license for over 4 years. People living in Oz when I asked from the UK via this site stated I would not be able to work as a CP social worker as couldnt drive, again I thought they couldnt do this due to the DDA, however in my experience it is true!! Most SW jobs state it is an essential requirement to have a drivers license, so I cant even apply for most positions, because if you cant show that you cover all the essential criteria you will not get an interview. So this caused me to be unemployed for 3 months, therefore we really needed money so I worked at a Before and After school service for about 2 months. They paid me $17 per hour, stating that the SW qualification was not recognised as a qualfication to work in before and after school care, I had to have a certificate 3 in Childcare, this is done at college and can be done in 10mths I was told. So not sure how a 3 year SW degree doesnt outweight a certifcate!? I did get a pay rise to just over $18 after sayng I couldnt even cover half the rent on my wages.

- So the job thing is my big issue. It is soooo different in Oz compared to the UK. I was warned via this site but thought people were bitter and to be honest thought such bad practice could not happen!!! I was wrong!! I am very child focused and in hind sight the UK Social services department (legislation, policies, procedures etc) are bloody amazing! I took it for granted naively, that it couldnt be sooo different in Oz!!? You do not have to be registered to a body e.g. GSCC, so SW do not have to adhere to such guidelines here. Basically, you can work for Government but most jobs are for charities, many religious charities. The money is significantly better with the government (I have just left one non government service which I got via an agency, I was paid $27.07 per hour, and last week got a gov job, not directly working with children/families but still require SW quals.I got it via an agency for 3 mths and it pays $44 per hour.)

I seriously do not know where to start with the CP here, or lack of it! If you enjoy working in a child focused way, want to contiune that work in Oz please consider very carefully if you would be willing to compromise your work ethics, beliefs. I read that people had come to Oz but returned back to he UK because they were not willing to compromise on work ethics etc. Never did I think I would say this, but after wanting to move to since when I first came here aged 6, partly studied SW just to get here its all i have wanted is to live in Oz, but after my experience of the places I have worked, talking to other SW who have worked for Oz eqivalent of social services (DoCS) I am not sure I can work for the rest of my career with such shocking practice, that is far from child focused, according to many ex DoCS workers it is very supportive of parents who have abused their kids! Yeh believe it! My colleague today was telling me that she removed 3 children and because DoCS removed the children, they did not want the parents to miss out, so the court ordered contact with the 3 children every day (Mon-Fri, apparently wanted the sw to do contact over the weekend also!!) for between 2-3 hours a day! Talk about re traumatisation! It is not the children's decision whether they want to see the parents after they are removed, they are apparently dragged kicking and screaming to she their parents etc. I have asked several DoCS works about this and they all agree that it is very parent focused. I could rant on endlesly about the bad practice which doesnt seem to be getting any better, although if anybody has any info to show that it is going to improve soon, pleeaasssee let me know as in the current state it is soul destroying. It is this, and this only which would make me return back to the UK. I feel so helpless as you have to work within legislation and services policies and procedures which can be insane, and agreed by many Australians as about 10-20 years behind the UK. I will be happy to discuss my experiences with anybody that wishes to know more via PM.

On the plus side the weather is getting better and hopefully soon can get my bikini on! Whooooo!

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Guest The Pom Queen

Lovely to hear from you, it sounds as though you have had a struggle, I know nurses say the same so it's not just SW and getting use to how another country operates can be hard.

Hope everything works out for you :hug:

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Agreed, social work over here is shocking. I work in the adult sector and long for the days of decent adult protection measures. What there is here is hardly worth mentioning. The nursing homes are awful as well, we often have UK workers in my office and I warn them before we go to the facilities that they may be shocked - 4-5 older adults with mental health issues sharing a bedroom, heavy reliance on medication for behaviour management, a substandard inspection process, lack of community services. And that's even before looking at the lack of mental health services which see people living on acute units for several years because of a lack of supported accommodation for adults with MH issues.


The pay is pretty good - I'm on around $40/hour - but the work is soul destroying.

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Sorry to hear it's not what you expected. I am moving to Perth in December where i have secured a job for child protection social worker. There appear to be alot of Brits in the department and my manager is a brummie. Hopefully some of the good practies from the Uk will be evident. I have had feedback from a few social workers who have recently moved to Perth and they appear to be enjoying their jobs. It is early days for them but i haven't heard any negatives!

I dread finding a rental! I am hoping to offer 6 months rent upfront and hopefully this will give us an advantage. Anyhow, i hope things improve for you. Hold on in there. I'll give an update when i start my job!




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Agreed, social work over here is shocking. I work in the adult sector and long for the days of decent adult protection measures. What there is here is hardly worth mentioning. The nursing homes are awful as well, we often have UK workers in my office and I warn them before we go to the facilities that they may be shocked - 4-5 older adults with mental health issues sharing a bedroom, heavy reliance on medication for behaviour management, a substandard inspection process, lack of community services. And that's even before looking at the lack of mental health services which see people living on acute units for several years because of a lack of supported accommodation for adults with MH issues.


The pay is pretty good - I'm on around $40/hour - but the work is soul destroying.


So lovely to hear from another UK SW! We have been here for 8 mths, and all I have wanted since my first holiday to Oz when I was 6, so I have longed for this time to come for 27 years!! And its here..all is OK but life as a SW is certainly challenging and not a good way. Its so hard to believe such practice exists (CP and adult). It would appear its not going to get better either!!?? if you know different please let me know as I need something to keep me going. Have you ever thought about going back to UK? I cant believe I have thought it, thought I would be here forever as its my lifes dream but not sure I can have a career in what is a ****ed system. You cant believe the amount of people with serious convictions working with children, that caseworkers place children with foster carers they know pose a risk, oh its goes on and on!! I love my job, working with children, young people and their families but I dont feel I can help them in Oz, as you have to work within legislaton etc and as thats about 20 years behind the UK, its just..well..crazy! I must say 'Are you serious' about 15 times a day to my colleagues in disbelief at the practice, how services run, DoCS, that DoCS is transferring all the Out of home (LAC) care children to non government run services with little accountability, often not coping with the children returning them to DoCS, the amount of people with serious child related convictions allowed to work with kids..lke i say i could go on..brain slightly worn out with thinking about it all day and night, sorry if im not making much sense! Where abouts are you living?

Im on $44 hr but it def doesnt make up for the frustration of it all.

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Guest mazanddave

OMG that is shocking! almost brings tears to my eyes. When i move to australia I would strongly hope that my working practices would influence others in a positive way! I have been a qualified social worker for 8 years and am a Project Manager at the moment. I am self employed and have done so for 8 years without being out of work. However, my experience is with older adults, Asylum, Learning Disabilities, physical impairment, mental health and forensic clients. Will I Struggle to get adults work? I have wanted to go and live in oz since i was 16 (I am now 39) and next month i am attending a couple of seminars which gives me the info on moving. I am then looking at getting a visa specialist (but do i need one with the new skill select system). Anyhow I am a social worker with the diploma in social work and the BSC degree in applied social sciences. Does anybody know whether I have to get my qualifications verified by AASW first before lodging a EOI on skill select.


I am looking at moving to perth with my partner (maintenance fitter which is a specialist electrician) and he is hoping to get work in the mines. We have 4 children, 17, 15, 5 and 2 all plan to come (well the older one doesnt know but we are adding him to our visa application anyway). I was not going to go for the state sponsorship option as they will want us to move to oz within months. However, correct me if i am wrong, if i apply for the independent skilled visa, we still have to go to oz to activate our visa (usually within 6 months) but then we can remain in the uk for 3-5 years. This will give us the opportunity to ensure that the 17 (nearly 18 year old) will be settled and have a home, to sell our home, to sell all of our furniture as i do not want to pay £7k to take it when i can buy it all again) and most of all it will give us the opportunity to save as much money as we can over here. Can anybody recommend areas of Perth that are good to live in with schools (nice areas). Our budget would be up to 420,000 maximum for a property.


Is it best to go non state sponsored....


any advice anybody can give me about jobs, best places to live, education (will it cost me on a pR visa?) would be helpful. Thank you:)

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First of all, not sure about the new visa system, however I got my got my degree paperwork verified by AASW. Most jobs ask for you to be eligable to the AASW, which means you dont have to be registered with the AASW.

I would seriously hope you all the best with influencing the practice here, I hate to sound like a whinging POM but with all the best will in the world the legislation, attitude towards children and families services is shocking, not child focused at all..thats the worst bit. CP appears (from talking to others and my exp) is pro parents, not pro child, talking to ex DoCS workers they mostly do court work (the threshold for abuse very high), I was gob smacked when I was told that perents have to give consent to have their abused children put into care, therefore if they dont agreed to that the child will remain in foster care?? amazing!! Following the children been removed the parents appear to be offered as much contact as poss (one of my ex DoCS colleagues said the court wanted the paents to have 7 days a week contact for 2-3 hrs a day) Mental!!! Practice is about 10-15 years behind the UK.

I qualified in 2007 and have worked with Looked after children and in Child protection, please do not expect SW to be like it is in the UK..its really not from my experience.

Im contemplating writting to Julia Gillard the Prime Minister, for my own benefit, knowing that I am doing my bit to improve things however, It wont change anything as she is wanting to save money shes wanting looked after children to move from the care of DoCS to non gov. A colleague gave me some info knowing I passionate about CP/LAC, (http://www.safehands.org.au) Here are a few snipets that astound me!

- 'Rather than shifting responsibility for vulnerable children to a charity based sector that isnt ready, the government should imorove services boosting funding to the over stretched and under resourced child protection system'

- ' Outsourcing has been tried before. In the 1990's the NSW government attempted to outsource out of home care (LAC). The decision was reversed after thousands of children were found to have been neglected, many became homeless and several died.' (!!?? mental)

- [During the outsourching in the 1990's] 'Many wards of the state (LAC) became homeless, some turned to prostitution to survive and there were some high profile violent deaths.'

- [This is true, I have first hand experience of this] The Ombudsman reported that inadequate screening of carers under the NGO (Non gov org) system had led to serious cases of abuse, including physical abuse, rape, children being left in the care of drug dealers and engaging in prostituation. The report also found hundreds of children had been left without adequate care.'

- [An NGO contracted out foster care placements with contractors assuming rsponsibility for the management of those children's cases] 'It was reported that this process led to at least a dozen children being placed at unaccptable risk, with some suffering actual harm.'

- 'A survey of Community Services case workers fount that nearly all have experienced children and YP being handed back from non-government agencies to DoCS. The most commonly cited reason was the inability of non-government agencies to handle children and YP with complex need and difficukt behaviour.'

Caseworkers say;

-' The staff freeze means that a report that needs a reponse are not getting it.' My colleague stated that she recieved an e mail saying nearly 10,000 reports of abuse were not responded to from 31st dec 2011 to now, thats 10,000 reports not responded to in 8mths!!!!!! Other stats were, 44 children died in NSW alone last year.

- 'Items for children are not being approved, like glasses.'

- 'Several carers utilised camp in school holidays for respite care. These carers often have children with challenging behaviours and no longer get essential respite. '

- 'Many children with learning disabilities do not get tutoring, they fall behind even more and act out to hide the fact they are falling behind'

- 'All out fully trained staff are now being laid off with no replacement.' (I was gob smacked to find that CP caseworkers are at times not qualified!!!!)


If this changed Oz would be perfect!

Sorry to rant but Ive seen what I now realise was excellent practice in the UK, and its totally soul destroying.

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Guest mazanddave

to say i am shocked is an understatement! It appears that Oz CP values and practices are more '3rd world' style. I thought things like this only happened in asia countries where social work does not exist. Deaths! omg 44 of them, surely practices should aim to PROTECT children!!! I am sorry but i am somewhat relieved that I would not aim to be working in australia as a CP Social Worker. I think i would end up becoming quite tearful and angry from observations of working practices. I cannot believe that 10,000 reports of abuse were not responded to.


This all astounds me. The AASW go on about international social work degrees not being to their australia standard. This is because Australian degrees are 4 years and the UK is a 3 year degree (I have the DIPSW and the BSC in applied social sciences degree). The AASW requirements state that 2 years practice will be adequate to make the UK degree 'top up' to the required australian 4 year degree. From what I am aware the UK social work degree is far more superior to the australian 4 year degree. I am very surprised that UK social workers have to have 2 years post qual training to be accepted by the AASW when our education, values and ethics and working practices are evidently of a much higher standard than Australia. In the UK the shocking practices in relation to children and adults would simply NOT be allowed to happen. I, therefore, query why UK social workers have to 'prove' our experience and qualifications to the AASW who seem to be many years behind the CP and adult practices required in the UK. In addition, there is no governing body in Australia like we have here in the uk (GSCC).

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Is their anbridged version.(man friendly) ..............lol:chatterbox:




Further to the above flippant comment i misunderstood the seriousnes of the post and upon further reading apologize for my frivolous comment.

A hard job done by good people.

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Hi Wellers and Whitehead,


Your email has been very interesting. There is a Social Work group on PIO who I am sure would be interested to see this post also. I am a qualified Social Worker with 4 years experience (2 years CJSW and 2 years CP) and have applied for a 175 visa and am waiting for this to be granted. Plan is to move out to Oz Oct-Dec 2013 and still deciding where to go but will likely be either Darwin, Qld or Adelaide. As I am ultra cautious, I am not moving until I have secured a post and have been in touch with many agencies and at the moment they are throwing jobs at me and offering relocation packages etc - however this may be because of the areas I am willing to go to. I am sorry to hear you had a tough time finding a job and its shocking you could not get a job without a driving licence (however I must say it seems to be getting like that in UK also). Discrimination right enough though. I cannot say I am surprised to hear what you have said about SW in Oz, I have loads of friends over there (from Darwin to Brisbane to Melbourne) who have all confirmed SW in Oz is years behind UK and practice is questionable! However, their advice to me has been do what I can when I get there to influence change to the limited amount a person can BUT that if I want to do SW in Oz, they told me I needed to prepare myself for the fact that nothing is the same and to make the best out of a bad situation. A girl who joined their office from England spoke constantly about how rubbish SW in Oz was compared to UK and she was ignored eventually in the office because people perceived her to be negative! Ethics etc Doesn't sit well with me but think if its really that bad when I get to Oz I will do a career change and look for something else - life is too short to be sad at work. I am disillusioned with SW in UK as it is, so will keep an open mind for Oz and see how it goes. Hopefully things at work improve for you. My friends although critical of some policies etc still seem to be enjoying their jobs, so maybe its a case of looking around? Good Luck with it! Apart from that, how have you found life in Oz?


Hi Mazanddave,


Re your questions, DIAC is really useful and hopefully the website will answer all your questions. However from my limited knowledge (!!!) here goes: Before you submit your EOI you will need to have your skills assessed by AASW. I found them to be really helpful and although it would seem most places in Oz you do not need to be registered to practice SW (and apparently registration in Oz is very expensive!) you do need to satisfy their eligibility for registration and get a certificate to say that (which allows you to get SW paying jobs in Oz). They can assess both your qualifications and work experience which can help if you need extra points for your visa. I am registered under SSSC (as I am in Scotland) and AASW was able to access info from them for me easily, so hopefully it is as straightforward for England etc too. If you do not want to be tied to a particular area of Oz I would recommend applying for an independent visa but if you are set on Perth then state sponsored may be quicker. I applied for a 175 visa (before 1st July) which is an independent visa and means I can live/work anywhere. The independent visa gives you the opportunity that once your visa is granted you have 12 months to go to Oz to validate it and then you could return to UK and you then have 5 years to make the move ( I am guessing this is the same for the new independent visa from 1st July but not 100% sorry). Under PR I do not think you pay for education (you definitely don't in Qld) but I would check with state website for where you are moving to. Also, if your case is straightforward (eg for work, age etc) and you can cope with paperwork, I would do the application yourself. I did and found it to be straightforward and it saved £2k which went into the Oz fund! Basically, agents prepare your paperwork and liaise with DIAC, all of which you could do yourself, especially if your case is straightforward - its a personal choice as far as I can see from PIO. My friends in Brisbane and Melbourne have said there are plenty of adult jobs however the bulk is in CP, but I am sure you will be fine. Speak to agencies like REED etc and I am sure they can point you in the right direction.


Good Luck and Best Wishes to you both.

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U sound just like me caz, on a daily basis i'm astounded! It its so behind the times. Children must be'protected' to a certain extent as the amount of looked after children is increasing, however it remains that sooooooo many are definitely not protected far from it. The fact that in reality cp us not child focused and is more parent focused amazes me, not to mention all the other failings. I have no idea why aasw ask for all our experience to meet the Oz 4 year degree as like u say our degree appears to be of a higher standard. (having probs writing on my phone) I applied to work as a hospital social worker for women with complications during, before and after birth, eg..drug and alcohol, still birth, Dv etc. I was so excited when I got an interview but the day before the interview the manager rang to cancel saying they had just found out that the post was no longer available due to financial issues. It was a maternity cover for up to 12 months. Gutted!

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Sorry to hear you have had such a tough time. I Have just left a cp position in Victoria, I came out almost 3 years ago and I know in my time I have been able to make a real difference to a number of children's lives, I know this because they have told me :) and that for me is all I ever wanted to do when I came into this job.


The system is different but that is not around poor practice from workers..ok there are some dodgy ones out there but the good out weigh the bad in my experience. The legal system is fraught with difficulties, I have removed from serious neglect and the magistrate has returned, only for me to do the same thing again everyday for the next week until they realize just how serious the situation is. Its about being supported by your managers and being persistent believe me.


A for the driving license being so important, it kind of is I can drive 4 hours to visit a child and do this for a number of kids on my case list every week because I am in a regional area, sometime we have to go to other states. Cp here is very different to the uk, but stick with it, I would think if you could get a postion as a second worker on a duty team that shouldn't be such an issue or look at positions within a case contracting team if cp is what you really want to do x


Good luck

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Guest mazanddave
Hi Wellers and Whitehead,


Your email has been very interesting. There is a Social Work group on PIO who I am sure would be interested to see this post also. I am a qualified Social Worker with 4 years experience (2 years CJSW and 2 years CP) and have applied for a 175 visa and am waiting for this to be granted. Plan is to move out to Oz Oct-Dec 2013 and still deciding where to go but will likely be either Darwin, Qld or Adelaide. As I am ultra cautious, I am not moving until I have secured a post and have been in touch with many agencies and at the moment they are throwing jobs at me and offering relocation packages etc - however this may be because of the areas I am willing to go to. I am sorry to hear you had a tough time finding a job and its shocking you could not get a job without a driving licence (however I must say it seems to be getting like that in UK also). Discrimination right enough though. I cannot say I am surprised to hear what you have said about SW in Oz, I have loads of friends over there (from Darwin to Brisbane to Melbourne) who have all confirmed SW in Oz is years behind UK and practice is questionable! However, their advice to me has been do what I can when I get there to influence change to the limited amount a person can BUT that if I want to do SW in Oz, they told me I needed to prepare myself for the fact that nothing is the same and to make the best out of a bad situation. A girl who joined their office from England spoke constantly about how rubbish SW in Oz was compared to UK and she was ignored eventually in the office because people perceived her to be negative! Ethics etc Doesn't sit well with me but think if its really that bad when I get to Oz I will do a career change and look for something else - life is too short to be sad at work. I am disillusioned with SW in UK as it is, so will keep an open mind for Oz and see how it goes. Hopefully things at work improve for you. My friends although critical of some policies etc still seem to be enjoying their jobs, so maybe its a case of looking around? Good Luck with it! Apart from that, how have you found life in Oz?


Hi Mazanddave,


Re your questions, DIAC is really useful and hopefully the website will answer all your questions. However from my limited knowledge (!!!) here goes: Before you submit your EOI you will need to have your skills assessed by AASW. I found them to be really helpful and although it would seem most places in Oz you do not need to be registered to practice SW (and apparently registration in Oz is very expensive!) you do need to satisfy their eligibility for registration and get a certificate to say that (which allows you to get SW paying jobs in Oz). They can assess both your qualifications and work experience which can help if you need extra points for your visa. I am registered under SSSC (as I am in Scotland) and AASW was able to access info from them for me easily, so hopefully it is as straightforward for England etc too. If you do not want to be tied to a particular area of Oz I would recommend applying for an independent visa but if you are set on Perth then state sponsored may be quicker. I applied for a 175 visa (before 1st July) which is an independent visa and means I can live/work anywhere. The independent visa gives you the opportunity that once your visa is granted you have 12 months to go to Oz to validate it and then you could return to UK and you then have 5 years to make the move ( I am guessing this is the same for the new independent visa from 1st July but not 100% sorry). Under PR I do not think you pay for education (you definitely don't in Qld) but I would check with state website for where you are moving to. Also, if your case is straightforward (eg for work, age etc) and you can cope with paperwork, I would do the application yourself. I did and found it to be straightforward and it saved £2k which went into the Oz fund! Basically, agents prepare your paperwork and liaise with DIAC, all of which you could do yourself, especially if your case is straightforward - its a personal choice as far as I can see from PIO. My friends in Brisbane and Melbourne have said there are plenty of adult jobs however the bulk is in CP, but I am sure you will be fine. Speak to agencies like REED etc and I am sure they can point you in the right direction.


Good Luck and Best Wishes to you both.


Hi thanks for this info. I have checked the AASW and with a 3 year degree and 8 years qualified social work I cant see a problem being accepted. I was going to appoint a visa specialist due to my partner and 4 children as i understand 1 mistake with the paperwork could lead to a rejection. I am going to x 2 seminars next month and will decide whether to go or not as we do have very good jobs in the uk and a nice home and there are so many threads about people moving back to the uk. I have to really think hard. I am a project manager at the moment and have worked self employed for 8 years and have never struggled when my contract ends to find more work. It would be great if you could recommend the agencies that I should approach as this has been very positive for you. Like you either my partner or I MUST have a job to go to. We will then have 1 income until we both obtain employment. with 4 kids even taking 30k to OZ will soon be gone. :)

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Guest mazanddave


Sorry to hear you have had such a tough time. I Have just left a cp position in Victoria, I came out almost 3 years ago and I know in my time I have been able to make a real difference to a number of children's lives, I know this because they have told me :) and that for me is all I ever wanted to do when I came into this job.


The system is different but that is not around poor practice from workers..ok there are some dodgy ones out there but the good out weigh the bad in my experience. The legal system is fraught with difficulties, I have removed from serious neglect and the magistrate has returned, only for me to do the same thing again everyday for the next week until they realize just how serious the situation is. Its about being supported by your managers and being persistent believe me.


A for the driving license being so important, it kind of is I can drive 4 hours to visit a child and do this for a number of kids on my case list every week because I am in a regional area, sometime we have to go to other states. Cp here is very different to the uk, but stick with it, I would think if you could get a postion as a second worker on a duty team that shouldn't be such an issue or look at positions within a case contracting team if cp is what you really want to do x


Good luck


Well done to you being persistant to ensure that child's safety. Perhaps if every Social Worker was this assertive and persistant it may lead to a change in the Australian working practices and lack of CP.

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Nice to see really dedicated people in this work area. I reckon I would have given it up and got a different job long ago. I hate having to think about work when I'm not there and much prefer a job where I can go home and forget it. Don't even have my phone on when I'm not there.


Social work and child protection definitely wouldn't be for me.

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Sorry about last message, on my phone and its doing it's own thing! Ha! I was saying we used signs of safety framework in the UK, which is amazing, it was designed by sw in Perth so thought Oz would be up to speed with Cp, I wonder I'd they use it in your new role, be interesting to find out.


Hi Wellers and Whitehead,

Yes i will let you know. And yes, it is the signs of safety framework that is used in Perth. I researched the framework for my interview, and i have to say, it does look rather simple and straightforward, if not refreshing! I was aware a few authorities in the Uk were using it. Fingers crossed i have a better experience than yours. But hey, if it's anygood, maybe give Perth a try. All will be revealed soon :-)

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