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Northern Beaches, Sydney Mums

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Have been here about 2 months now and have met a some lovely people but would be great to meet a few more.


I have 2 little ones (5&2) and am based in the Northern Beaches. Any other mums out there fancy a meet up?

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Hi there, we have been here for about 2 months too. Have settled in Bilgola, Northern Beaches and now my son (12 years old) is settled at school & my husband is at work all day, I would love to meet up for a coffee somewhere and make some new friends.


Hi, that would be great Thehazelnuts, I'll PM you my mobile x

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest DebkBat

Hi there,


We live in Freshwater, have a little one (4 years) and have been living in Oz on and off for 13 years. We would be happy to meet up for a coffee if you're still keen.

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Hi Ladies, shall we organise a get together ?? Perhaps Manly would be a good, central place for all of us to meet for a cuppa?????? Me & MsJulz have met up already & would be lovely to meet some more lovely ladies in the same situation. Any suggestions on when & where?? X


Hi Becky,


Thats a great idea, count me in. Maybe one day next week? Monday avo or Friday good for me but can shuffle around other days.

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Guest DebkBat

Hello ladies, I work two days a week (Mon & Fri) so can't meet up next Friday and our Tues and Weds mornings are taken up with activities, ballet, etc. but Thursday is a good day for me to meet up. Is that good for anyone else? Sorry to be a pain.

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Guest DMCinOZ

Hi all, me, my husband, and 2 boys (3 and 20 months) arrived last Saturday. Although we're up to our eyeballs in it at the moment I'd love to meet up with some other mum's in the next couple of weeks. I'm in Manly.

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Guest DMCinOZ

That would be fab, just let me know when and where. We don't have a car as yet but I'm hoping in the next week we'll have that sorted! Looking forward to meeting some new people x

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Hi, I'm also in the nothern beaches and my daughter goes to kindy in Mona vale on thursdays so I am free to meet for coffee in mona vale if you would like which is close to your area. I'm not sure how to pm on this site.

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Hi ladies, do you plan on meeting up again? I now have transport so am willing and able! Would love to meet up with you guys for coffee and a chat x

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Hi DMC, glad to hear you now have wheels !! Hope things are less chaotic for you. My son is now on school hols for two weeks but would be lovely to meet up for coffee & a chat sometime week commencing 8th Oct??? I can do the Tuesday, Thursday or Friday that week ??? I'm sure some of the other ladies may join us too....

Becky xx

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