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UK houses for sale at $1.50 with a 30,000gbp grant

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

Would you buy one or is it not worth the hassle? If I could put a tenant in that would be fine but I wouldn't want to give up my life here to live in such a dump for 5 years. Personally I think all the neighbours should get together and pay for gates and a security guard, you wouldn't need them forever as the criminals would move on, unless they are locked inside the gates with you lol.


For less than the price of a cup of coffee, you can own your own home in England. And if an established house with a back yard for a mere £1 (A$1.48) isn’t enough to pique your interest, there’s more on offer. The houses each come with a £30,000 ($44,000) low-interest loan for renovations.

The catch? The properties are being sold in crime-ridden parts of England in a bid to reinvigorate the areas.

Desperate to fill and fix up homes in Stoke, Staffordshire, the local council is trying to attract tenants by giving away property for a nominal fee to turn the fortunes around.


The owner must renovate the house and live in it five years before it can be sold. Abandoned houses are a huge problem in the area with almost 5000 homes left empty in Stoke - Staffordshire's largest city - as of January 2011, according to council data.


The properties for sale, which have two-to-three bedrooms and a back yard, are in a variety of conditions from liveable to desperately needing refurbishment.


The empty-house plan - a multi-million dollar scheme funded by the British government - aims to "bring empty homes back into use to improve the standard of housing in the city and to bring life back into our communities", according to the council website.







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It's a good idea if it will work. It could be a real step on the property ladder for younger people who can't possibly save enough for a normal deposit. The more nice normal people that move there the more it will chase the crime away.


Such a shame to see so many houses empty, I hope it does work.

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Maybe if the courts gave a harsher punishment to the clowns who make these areas undesireable there wouldnt be a massive issue in the first place. Obviously some places will always be better than others but you read and hear of so many estates where one rotten egg family spoil it for the majority, or one or two gangs etc etc.


As Kate said in the OP, if you could buy it and rent it, then maybe , but i'm not sure id buy it to live in with my family if it is in a bad area.


Cal x

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Guest Guest16631

...........perhaps a few friends could all buy in the same street................slowly change the majority..................a shame to see as houses like these were the first step for many first home buyers......

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...........perhaps a few friends could all buy in the same street................slowly change the majority..................a shame to see as houses like these were the first step for many first home buyers......


I think that is a very good idea tink, however all the houses up the street would need to be bought privately otherwise it would only take one house that may be owned by the council and they may then rehouse some real scum into it making everyone else's lives a misery up the street thus starting the problem over again

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Guest Guest66881

Why not entire families by a street each, or maybe not...

Looks like downtown smethwick as i remember it.

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Guest Guest16631

.............I do think buying a whole street if you had enough ..............family or friends would be a good idea..........perhaps in these lean times pooled resources would be the way forward........

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Guest The Pom Queen
...........perhaps a few friends could all buy in the same street................slowly change the majority..................a shame to see as houses like these were the first step for many first home buyers......

That is an excellent idea, you aren't just a pretty face :hug:

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Guest The Pom Queen
I think that is a very good idea tink, however all the houses up the street would need to be bought privately otherwise it would only take one house that may be owned by the council and they may then rehouse some real scum into it making everyone else's lives a misery up the street thus starting the problem over again

But don't you think if you are the only scum on the street and everyone else knew each other you'd bury your head and keep away from them.

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This sort of thing happened in Sparkhill where I lived when at Uni. The council "did up" some old houses and an Indian guy (Mohda Balal) bought about 10 of them for a song. He then moved as many students into them as they would hold. Ours was a 3 up 3 down with a very small kitchen with 5 of us staying in it.


Mohda used to walk up and down the street with a cane with a silver top like the lord of the manor collecting his rents.


There were rats in the gardens and the only reason you'd go out the back was to hang out the washing. There was no central heating and the gas hadn't been connected when we first moved in, it was freezing. Spent most of my time at Uni avoiding going back to the place, staying in the library till late, go for a game of squash, go to the pub and then as late as possible to the house.

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But don't you think if you are the only scum on the street and everyone else knew each other you'd bury your head and keep away from them.


No not really, some families have a habit of making everyone's live's a misery and would have no shame in being the only trouble on the street and would probably revel in it to be honest.

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