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Flying today evening


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We (myself, wife and son) flying today evening by Singapore Airlines to Sydney. John Mason collected stuff on Monday (late decision to ship) and insured with Letton Percival. Still busy in sorting last bit of things but excited. Cant wait to sit in upper deck on A380 with family though travelled alone once from Singapore to Sydney.


Will update later in the next week how we are getting on.



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Arrived safely in Sydney. Flight landed 10-15 minutes early however due to the winds landing was horrible. Immigration, customs no issues. Just took 45 minutes to come out of the airport. Out of 45 minutes around 30 minutes we were in Immigration queue. Only one question custom guy asked about the medicines mentioned yes on the form. Advised medicines are for Asthmatic son and my hay fever tablets. Thats it.


Wife visited AHPRA office on the same day to complete nursing registration process and now waiting for final email from her case officer.



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