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Anyone finding it difficult to switch off?


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Hi Georgiajoe


If you look at the following link you can see they have posted a list of occupations that were borderline for inclusion of the SOL occupation list.



However as mentioned in my last post, it is contractory as some of those that they have listed as borderline have a relatively high ceiling level as listed on Skillselect so somewhat confusing!!


Nothing for you to worry about this year but they may reconsider putting it on the SOL next year

You must be exhausted .

on another thread you describe carpenters on the new ceiling list being flagged, excuse my stupidness but wht does that mean ???

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i am moving near sydney soon,hopefully 1st week of august,me the wife and 4 kids :-),i think its impossible 2 switch off,always thinking about the move,wat it will be like,who we r leaving behind,its on my mind constantly,wether doing the right thing or not,wife knows more but think its near erina we r moving 2,anyone know wat its meant 2 be like there,any info would be gr8,thanx paul.

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another thing too i remembered about my obsessionn wih the research and interest in anything oz???? HAA....

Heading to greece for 4 weeks and am actually panicking over the no wifii prob...thinking of paying for access whenthere !!!! all for PIO!!!


also at a wedding the other day and rumour spread that there were 4 oz people at our table..my god it was like someone otld us we won the lotto hahahaha.....waited and wait to meal to arrive..scanning the room (having a little competition to guess who it might be...like as if ozzies look different!! ) anyways they sat down and we pounced!!!! To be informed they had spent 4 weeks with the bride and groom when they were back tracking in oz and this is why the are referred to as the ozs my heart dropped hahahah....as Irish as the tea I am drinking!!!


We neeeeeeeedddddd to get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest humph
Managed a few hours last night but was my daughters birthday and had 2 7- yr old friends sleeping over (why they call it sleep over when they do anything but sleep?!) so actually think the timing was good as I wasn't gonna get any more sleep than that with all this going through my head!

Just gotta get through todays party (stupidly at home!) then I can focus back on this.


I think we're all becoming obsessed!!

I reckon people must get withdrawal symptoms from this madness when they finally get to Oz!




Maybe thats why so many people seem to return to the UK!!

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Guest humph

haha I just read that too!!


Ok my obsession with Oz and pomsinoz is getting silly, I've just been reading a thread about shipping a hot tub. Sensible you would think if I had a hot tub but as I don't, what on earth am I doing?!!:err:
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yeah i read that as well, maybe we need to get one ?

we fly end of august and its still the same, shipping, house sale, jobs, dog ( would be cheaper to fly him first class with a 3 day stop over at the singapore hilton but what can you do ) what to take what to leave the list goes on and on

look forward to getting on the plane and relaxing

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Guest Babybell86

Yes! it is getting increasing difficult to switch off, at the moment I seem to be driving my partner insane with all my talk of Australia. My sky planner seems to be full of programme based in Australia - grand Designs Australia etc and this website never seems to be off my computer!! I'm glad i'm not the only one.

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