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Buying our own 20ft container, what shipping companies????

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Hi guys, I have been through Transport and Shipping and comming up a bit blank hope you may be able to help. We are thinking of buying our own 20ft container, wont go in to the reasons why but it is easier for us and makes more sense. What we want to do is buy the container but have a company pack it and ship it for us, from what I can see you have to use their containers...... Has anyone else already done this? Any help or advice would be greatly received




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The main difficulty I think we will have is once we arrive in Oz, as we are not sure where will exactly be settling, I am thinking have it stored in the UK until we need it, eigther that or store it in Oz, It is easier to store in the UK as we can deal with this now and not worry about it. There are certain things that we are taking that we will not be needing for a long time, hence why having our own container would suit us..........A lot of companies lie to hire in their own containers if they dont have their own already, and can be quite picky about using other people's, I suppose as long as it is clean, water tight etc it will be ok.....will let you know the out come of my discoveries,


Chardy will keep you posted



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After spending the day calling different shipping companies, the general response is dont buy your own container as the shipping comapnies and ports etc dont like it, better to go with a company and use their containers......it may cost a bit more but will save a great deal of hassle and worry.....the overall cost seems to be between £3500 - £4000, thought this may be of use to people..



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How much stuff do you actually have to take with you? Do you really need an entire container?




If you can manage without it for a year or more, surely you could save the storage and shipping and buy what you need once you've settled? I'd think by the time you've paid to store it for a year you could have replaced it for less.

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Hi Becky, I looked at the getting your own container route and when I costed it all out with the port fees it did not seem worth the hassle, plus you would have to do literally everything yourself. TBH, we decided the hassle alone put us off. We don't have a lot of heavy machinery, but certainly a lot of machinery and tools that need to go plus household effects. Also, you need to bear in mind that the guys who pack the containers day in day out know what they are doing and can really get a litre in a pint pot. When we moved over here, we had two storage units and the packers got everything into one storage unit and we thought we had packed them well.


We are taking our machinery/tools with us as they are more expensive in Oz so in the long run I think it is well worth the expense of shipping them. I have a couple of quotes from storage places in the UK (although not containers). If you instruct one of the overseas removal firms they could quote you for packing up from your storage unit. Again, this is what we did when we came over here.


Good Luck.

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Think you will gave trouble getting a company to pack and ship a container that's not theirs so to speak. As for doing it yourself, I had a mate that bought a 40ft high cube that he put 3 cars and household contents in and shipped it with a company, don't know the name. His insurance would only cover total loss.


Let me know if you want the details and I will try and get in contact with him

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Hi Becky, I looked at the getting your own container route and when I costed it all out with the port fees it did not seem worth the hassle, plus you would have to do literally everything yourself. TBH, we decided the hassle alone put us off. We don't have a lot of heavy machinery, but certainly a lot of machinery and tools that need to go plus household effects. Also, you need to bear in mind that the guys who pack the containers day in day out know what they are doing and can really get a litre in a pint pot. When we moved over here, we had two storage units and the packers got everything into one storage unit and we thought we had packed them well.


We are taking our machinery/tools with us as they are more expensive in Oz so in the long run I think it is well worth the expense of shipping them. I have a couple of quotes from storage places in the UK (although not containers). If you instruct one of the overseas removal firms they could quote you for packing up from your storage unit. Again, this is what we did when we came over here.


Good Luck.


Thank you for the advice, to be honest after talking to many companies I have to agree with you, it is a huge hassel to do it yourself, like you say these people do it day in day out sothey know what the talking about. I have found a few comapnies that wont take all Mr F's machinery but the ones that will are not too bad cost wise and it is worth spending out on shipping everything because to replace in Oz would cost a lot more.....hopefully got a guy comming out to have a look next week or the week after see what he says....decided against buying our own container as the general view is that shipping comapnies wont take it, they do prefer to use their own and customs at both ends prefer the company to use their own....it safer and easier and much less for us to do.....there is so much to think about it hard to know where to start.....but we will get there xx

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Yes we do, it is not just personall bits and bobs, there also a load of machinery, one thing is 2.5 tons.....basically a whole workshop needs to go, they will take up a great deal of space, the other bits will pack around it.......

that will do as your workshop when you arrive.

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