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457 sponsorship headaches

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I came over to Australia in April 2011, I had 6 amazing months working as an IT contractor at a really great organisation where I felt really happy and valued and made lots of friends, but couldn't stay as I was on a working holiday visa.


I started working for a new company who could sponsor in November last year, I got 457 sponsorship which started in April this year. However I'm very unhappy in my job for a variety of reasons (I don't really want to go into detail, simply put it's a very boring job stuck using technologies I am really not interested in, and people aren't very social with people in work, and seeing as I am traveling alone that is an issue for me), so I have decided to start applying for the 175 visa ASAP and then leave as soon as it is granted.


However, if the application process takes up to 1 year I'm really not sure I can "hold out" at my current job, I hate it! :arghh:


I am having thoughts quitting now going on a working holiday in New Zealand whilst I am waiting for the 175 to be processed, then I could still do contract IT work over in Auckland or whatever which should make me a bit happier! I have just over 2 years experience in IT and a Bachelors degree, so I should have enough experience to be accepted for the 175.


Am I going crazy with this idea?! :goofy:

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Well visas have not really been taking a year or more of late, although that could change at any time. I think I would be tempted to give it a bit longer, you have only been there a couple of months maybe it will pick up. And you could find other methods of meeting new people that do not rely upon work, although in time maybe that will pick up too. I have found that the employment market is quite small in Australia, so don't jump ship too soon, you might find that it comes back to bite you later.


If you really don't think you can stick it, then there is no visa reason why you could not go to N whilst you wait for your skilled migrant visa to be processed.

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Hey Rupert, thanks for the suggestion. Just to clarify I've only been sponsored for around 2 months, but I've been with the company in total 7-8 months now. I know from applying for the 457 it only took 5-6 weeks from start to finish, so that's one part of my thinking about sticking it out as it could be processed much quicker than I expect.


Think I'll apply for the NZ visa anyway and then I could start applying for jobs once I get it (should only take 5 days max for a decision), just nice to keep my options open with this type of stuff! :biggrin:


Also means I wouldn't need to leave the country when a decision is made on the 175 as well...

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My advice would be to apply for your permanent residency asap. 457 is a good and quick solution, but it is attached with a lot of disadvantages. From the 1st of July will DIAC introduce a new system: http://www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect/


Subclass visa 190 will replace the former 175 - but have a read on the site.


If you after the 1th of July send your EOI and get invited to apply for a visa, then will you get a bridging visa while your case is being processed. So if you leave your current job, then would you still be allowed to stay in Australia.


There are also no rules about leaving the country after the 1st of July to get a off-shore visa granted. As I see it - you have nothing to loose, by applying for a individual skilled visa, but it will open up a lot of doors in the future.

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Perthsunshine, thanks for the info. As far as I can see, isn't it the 189 will replace the 175 as thats the independent migration one? However even the 190 visa looks interesting as you can specify which state you want to be eligible to apply for.


I'll do a lot more reading this evening and see what I can find, potentially this new skillselect could really improve the whole migration process!


EDIT: Best resouce I have found is here.




For both the 189 and 190 you need to "hold a suitable skills assessment in a nominated occupation on the SOL". So I suppose I can get my skills assessment done ASAP... then register for the EOI immediately on July the 1st.


I think it will be interesting to see how SkillSelect works, my worry is that you could add yourself to the list then just not hear anything! I suppose thats the idea of the system though, people with necessary skills get invited...


Thanks again :wink:

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Perthsunshine, thanks for the info. As far as I can see, isn't it the 189 will replace the 175 as thats the independent migration one? However even the 190 visa looks interesting as you can specify which state you want to be eligible to apply for.


Yes - that is correct. Sorry for my typo. The 176 will be replaced by the new 190.


For both the 189 and 190 you need to "hold a suitable skills assessment in a nominated occupation on the SOL". So I suppose I can get my skills assessment done ASAP... then register for the EOI immediately on July the 1st.


That is spot on. Do however expect the assessment to take 3+ month, but that is just another reason for getting it sorted asap.


I think it will be interesting to see how SkillSelect works, my worry is that you could add yourself to the list then just not hear anything! I suppose thats the idea of the system though, people with necessary skills get invited...


The idea is that Australia want to attract the most qualified people and particular those in high demand. I see the EOI as a filter and hope that those people that are invited to apply, will be processed quicker. The point mark to apply for EOI is 60 points, but the more points you have, the higher is the chance that you will be invited to apply for a PR.

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Got my NZ working holiday Visa approved today, still kind of deciding what the best strategy is. Still waiting for my documents to come in for the UK before I can get my skills assessed for Australia PR... So I'm probably going to be late to the party with this SkillSelect stuff, I think I'll have around 65 points, so no idea if it will be enough TBH...


My real concern is whether it will be easy to pick up an IT job in Auckland now before Christmas. If anyone has any experience about the job market in Auckland then let me know! :cool:

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There has been a few announcements in the last week


The points pass mark has been reduced to 60.

A new SOL has been announced for Independent and family sponsored visas http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/_pdf/updated-sol.pdf

Your occupation will need to be on it to be eligible for 189 visa


If you have not yet done it yet - you should sit your IELTS to gain extra points - now valid for 3 years


You can apply for more than 1 EOI and get state sponsorship and be able to apply for 190 - applications are processed faster.


Perhaps you should run your case past a Registered Migration Agent for the best strategy for you.

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I'm sure I read somewhere that if you are English you don't need to take the IELTS test? Is this not correct?


I've kind of realised today that if I had a job I enjoyed I wouldn't be in a rush to get PR, I honestly wouldn't mind waiting a year. Did a lot of googling last night and I found a lot of people with the same type of feelings about being trapped on a 457 and being unhappy but trying to hold on whilst they apply for PR.


Seems like it isn't too difficult now to switch employers as long as they can sponsor you, as you don't need to apply for the entire 457 again, you just need the nomination approved, which is likely to be a formality and shouldn't take that long. Then in theory you can just at that point hand in your notice...


So I'm going to apply for some new jobs in the Melbourne CBD over the coming month, I'm kind of figuring I'm in a much better position than before as I already have 457 sponsorship, so it shouldn't be as hard this time around...


If things don't work out I'll switch to Auckland next January... God my life is such a mess sometimes! :skeptical:

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Yes You dont need to do the IELTS if you hold a UK passport - but you need to be able to pass the points test - and if you are looking to go for the 189 visa the more points you have the better chance you will have to get an invitation.


Can you pass the points test without the IELTS?? Most people require it to make up points http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/pdf/points-tested-migration-fact-sheet.pdf


After 1 July you need to work in same company for 2 years to be eligible for PR without a skills assessment - or with a skills assessment 3 years on work experience.

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Yes You dont need to do the IELTS if you hold a UK passport - but you need to be able to pass the points test - and if you are looking to go for the 189 visa the more points you have the better chance you will have to get an invitation.


Can you pass the points test without the IELTS?? Most people require it to make up points http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/pdf/points-tested-migration-fact-sheet.pdf


On that fact sheet where do you get the extra points for the IELTS test? (aside from the obvious 3 at the top of the table) Do you mean the 5 points for the "Credentialled community language qualifications".

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally bit the bullet and resigned today, I feel great about leaving even though I'm now going home in 2 months and throwing away my 457 sponsorship :chatterbox:


I'm so tired of spending all my time during the week applying for new jobs, I'm really emotionally drained with all this stuff so am going back to England until I get a proper visa to come back with, at least I'll have some control back in my life (and I'll be around all my family) :biggrin:


Also in regards to the IELTS, yes the previous poster was correct, I need to get a good IELTS score so I can get the extra points to meet the required score. Just having a British passport gets you some points, but not the advanced score points. Will be sitting that before I leave....


As Arnie would say, "I'll be back".

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Yes You dont need to do the IELTS if you hold a UK passport - but you need to be able to pass the points test - and if you are looking to go for the 189 visa the more points you have the better chance you will have to get an invitation.


Can you pass the points test without the IELTS?? Most people require it to make up points http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/pdf/points-tested-migration-fact-sheet.pdf


After 1 July you need to work in same company for 2 years to be eligible for PR without a skills assessment - or with a skills assessment 3 years on work experience.


Hi there. Am I correct in understanding that you mean UK work experience? An employer mentioned a 457 to me. She didn't seem to favour the PR route. I have travelled to Australia for my skills assessment, so it would be a waste not to use it for PR. If I got a 457 visa, would I be able to go for PR straight away if my company offered to sponsor me after a six month trial period?


Many thanks in advance.

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3 years of Relevent Work Experience anywhere, for Employer Sponsored PR 186.


Your employer would have to agree to sponsor you for PR, if the employer is favouring 457, they might not agree to sponsor you after only 6 months.


Are you eligible for GSM??


I have to get 8 in the IELTS for GSM. If I get state sponsorship I should manage 65 points.


Maybe if I went on a 457, I could get the IELTs done and apply for an onshore visa myself when I'm down there. The 457 route does carry an element of risk.

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  • 1 month later...

Just an update on my situation (more for my own therapy really).


Things are starting to at least head in the right direction again, even though it might be a while before everything pans out. I'm leaving Australia in less than 4 weeks time, but I've 2 weeks ago submitted my skills assessment to the ACS, and this Saturday I have my IELTS test which I'm pretty nervous about, but I can always re-sit this over and over in the UK until I get an 8 in each category. If I get an 8 and the ACS finish processing I will have 65 points to submit an EOI, so the dream plan would be to submit this before I leave Australia, would take a lot of weight off my mind and I can start planning what to do while I am waiting (NZ, Canada etc.)


In December I turn 25 so I'll have an extra 5 points so I'll be up to 70 points which seems like a good score, although nothing is certain with this new system. Applying for Visa's is 100x more stressful than I ever imagined, it feels like your entire life is up in the air while you are applying! I'm a pretty happy go lucky guy who doesn't get stressed very easily, but even this has started to make me a bit crazy :biggrin:


Have been doing a lot of practice tests for the IELTS categories and I'm not in work at the moment, am hoping this pays off!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got my provisional IELTS test results online just now, am absolutely over the moon!!! :biggrin:


L: 9.0

R: 9.0

W: 8.5

S: 9.0


I would personally say the section I found the most stressful was the reading section, I was convinced I'd got a few of those Yes/No/Not given style questions wrong after the test. The other advice I would give is to make sure you know how many paragraphs you need to write for the writing section, when I did practice tests I did 40-50 words less to start with.


Just need the ACS to process my skills assessment and I will be all ready to apply for PR visa's.:wink:

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