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Advice on whole situation please......


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Hi guys,


I have read several posts on here about people moving out with £20k - £100k to fall back on in case they find it hard finding a job. I fully appreciate this idea and understand the necessity for the fall back, when you are coming out on a self funded Visa....


My dilemma is that things in the UK are a little dire for my family and I and we have little or no savings, do not own our own home and only really have a few possessions. So raising funds isn't going to be much of an option, we could probably raise £2k or so to bring out.


My saving grace is that I will be coming out with an employer sponsored Visa (457) and already have a secured job when I land. We are also staging the move, with me and my eldest daughter coming out first to set up, and then funding the rest of the move with my earnings from OZ. We will also be provided with accommodation for the first few weeks when we get there.


My question to the wonderfully informed PIO crowd, is if they think this is doable? We do expect some stress and difficulties, but i feel this won't be too bad.


Any thoughts????


Thanks all in advance.


Simon :wacko:

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I think you'll get a mixed bag of answers. Some people wouldn't even consider it. But I feel that as long as you are realistic and realise it is likely to be very basic to start then you won't set yourself up for a fall. We are going to be starting from scratch with very little. But ,as it sounds for you, we have very little to lose so why not. I have

everything crossed for you

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To be frank it doesn't sound as though you have much to lose by going for it.


My only caution is that you may have to pay school fees in some states on that Visa so I would be inclined to be sure you know what you will and won't have to pay for so you can be sure your salary will cover it.


It won't be easy without a financial safety net - but it is doable.


Wishing you all the very best.

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To be perfectly honest, if you have the job already lined - you really have nothing to lose, because you dont actually have anything (not much money and no posetions).


Assuming your salary in Oz can get you a decent standard of living that is acceptable to you. Go for it, I say - do all your sums and remember you may have to pay for school, with your visa type.

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To be frank it doesn't sound as though you have much to lose by going for it.


My only caution is that you may have to pay school fees in some states on that Visa so I would be inclined to be sure you know what you will and won't have to pay for so you can be sure your salary will cover it.


It won't be easy without a financial safety net - but it is doable.


Wishing you all the very best.


Queensland, Toowoomba to be more precise. Something I should have put in the original post, so nicely pointed out. No school fee's as such.

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Its good news about getting a job but 2k is really not much of a safety net and might only just cover 1 months rent and a bond if you are lucky. We sold everythign before we left and bought brand new in Oz and it cost about $10k - fridge, freezer, telly, washing machine, bed etc. The prices of things have come down a lot in the last 3 years but with the exchange rate as it is, people from the Uk still find Oz very expensive and there is always somethign you need or foeget about getting. I would come with at least 10k pounds. You may need to get a car and being a new immigrant you will probably not be able to get a car loan. I had lots of trouble getting a credit card despite a good job and savings ion my first year so we had to do without a car for 2 years and save up hard for a new one. Car loans are very expensive here as well. NAB are currently charging 14%!

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I would just go for it what have you got to loose it could be worse you could be posting on here in 20 years saying what if....


Best of luck i hope it all works out for you.



Dave & Carmel

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Hi mate


Can't you get a small loan in the UK to bring with you? Its something we have thought about, we can get a huge loan, because our credit rating is really good and as long as you pay it back, what does it matter? Houses and the cost of living should be lower in Toowoomba, have you checked the rentals out on realestate.com.au ? This will give you a rough guide on what you will be paying. Look fully into the visa you are coming on, we didn't like it and waited to get the 175 permanent residency visa, but as long as you know what you are letting yourself in for, on that visa, you won't get any nasty surprised. Like someone said, on certain visas, you have to pay school fees and can't get a loan, so check it all out thoroughly. Is it doable? Definately, it doesn't seem as though lifes a dream in the uk for you, so what have you to lose?


Best of luck buddy and fingers crossed for you.

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2k will be gone in an instant, rent, bills, school, and have you thought about transport? I would honestly not risk a family on 2 k


I am more than sure that AUD2k will be gone in an instant, but I am being provided accommodation for the first month and paid on a fortnightly basis. By the time the 2k has gone and I need to start sorting somewhere out to live I will have been paid twice, and for the first 3 or 4 months it will only be me and my daughter, with the OH and other daughter joining us later......


In QLD there are no school fees for 457 visa holders! only school uniforms/books etc to buy, but that is the same in the UK, the only real bills for the first month will be food and entertainment, however with that said, I will be receiving food allowance for the fortnight that I am working away, so really only food for the daughter.


As for transport, A car will be needed by the time the better half comes out, but I am not really going to be in real need of transport except to get to work and do some shopping. But I am sure taxi's and a pushbike will more than suffice.


The one thing that I am struggling with is understanding the tax implications of a 457 visa.... As I understand it, for tax purposes I will be classed as a permanent resident as by the end of year I will have been in Australia and been in the same job for more than 6 months. Is this right? So I WILL get the tax free element etc....


Great input all, giving me lots to consider and research....





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I am more than sure that AUD2k will be gone in an instant, but I am being provided accommodation for the first month and paid on a fortnightly basis. By the time the 2k has gone and I need to start sorting somewhere out to live I will have been paid twice, and for the first 3 or 4 months it will only be me and my daughter, with the OH and other daughter joining us later......


In QLD there are no school fees for 457 visa holders! only school uniforms/books etc to buy, but that is the same in the UK, the only real bills for the first month will be food and entertainment, however with that said, I will be receiving food allowance for the fortnight that I am working away, so really only food for the daughter.


As for transport, A car will be needed by the time the better half comes out, but I am not really going to be in real need of transport except to get to work and do some shopping. But I am sure taxi's and a pushbike will more than suffice.


The one thing that I am struggling with is understanding the tax implications of a 457 visa.... As I understand it, for tax purposes I will be classed as a permanent resident as by the end of year I will have been in Australia and been in the same job for more than 6 months. Is this right? So I WILL get the tax free element etc....


Great input all, giving me lots to consider and research....






Go for it then, have looked at the cost of childcare also, that s very expensive.....it s your choice but with a family I would try and save a bit more before you go to be honest.

good luck.

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Hi mate


Can't you get a small loan in the UK to bring with you? Its something we have thought about, we can get a huge loan, because our credit rating is really good and as long as you pay it back, what does it matter? Houses and the cost of living should be lower in Toowoomba, have you checked the rentals out on realestate.com.au ? This will give you a rough guide on what you will be paying. Look fully into the visa you are coming on, we didn't like it and waited to get the 175 permanent residency visa, but as long as you know what you are letting yourself in for, on that visa, you won't get any nasty surprised. Like someone said, on certain visas, you have to pay school fees and can't get a loan, so check it all out thoroughly. Is it doable? Definately, it doesn't seem as though lifes a dream in the uk for you, so what have you to lose?


Best of luck buddy and fingers crossed for you.


I have considered the loan route mate, but TBH I would rather slum it out for a couple of months. Accommodation in Toowoomba for a 3 or 4 bed place ranges from AUD230 (http://www.realestate.com.au/property-house-qld-toowoomba+city-403665045) - to AUD550 (http://www.realestate.com.au/property-house-qld-toowoomba+city-407768373) with the odd one coming up above this. My gut feeling is that we could afford around AUD400 maybe a little more (which would allow us http://www.realestate.com.au/property-house-qld-wilsonton+heights-405248388 or the likes). But for the first 2 - 3 months only a little 1 -2 bed place is needed, which will cost around AUD150 a week...

As for a car, we are quite willing to get a cheap run around while we save for something better, but as we are planning to start over once we get there (OH will be bringing a little more money with her once all is sold back in the UK, Hopefully another AUD2k-4k) it could be a while until we are down the new car dealership.


By the time things get serious and we are anticipating the arrival of her ladyship and the youngest, I anticipate having already banked around AUD10k (overtime allowing) providing me and the eldest can tighten our belts, and get a bit lucky.


Great great great guys, you have me thinking, and feeling quite good about the research I have done so far hehehe. keep it coming. Oh another thing to bear in mind is that I do have the option of coming alone rather than bringing the eldest with me, and being an ex-squaddie am not wholly against pitching a tent for a month or two....:wink:


Cheers all



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Go for it then, have looked at the cost of childcare also, that s very expensive.....it s your choice but with a family I would try and save a bit more before you go to be honest.

good luck.


Childcare = eldest daughter heheheheh.


For a time at least, but the OH will be taking this into account when looking for her job. With any luck childcare shouldn't be a problem.

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Guest MM Marc

Haha I was just going to mention when things get tough = Tent. You are correct you can put Resident For Tax Purposes from day one because you will be and intend to remain in Australia (6 months blah blah) You will have to fill a tax reurn at the end of the tax year and this is where everything gets fixed up!

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Haha I was just going to mention when things get tough = Tent. You are correct you can put Resident For Tax Purposes from day one because you will be and intend to remain in Australia (6 months blah blah) You will have to fill a tax reurn at the end of the tax year and this is where everything gets fixed up!


Thanks MM Marc, that clears things in my head a little....

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Do it, i reckon in your heart of heart you want too xxxx My bro went back to aus with just him and his daughter (single parent) with 500 bucks and two suit cases, he found it no problem.


People may say "risky with kids" blah blah blah, but i am sure you are a responsible parent, and a grown up adult, you will work hard, cause you blummin want your wife over, you will work hard cause you wanna a roof over your head, you will work hard, cause i reckon you want it to work.... we have one life and it should not be one filled with the regrets of what if...... and hey if it dont work for you, at least you gave it a damn good try

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Hey Simon,


you're actually very lucky; you have a job and a place to stay in the beginning, which are the two most important things for a new immigrant. Australia is pretty expensive and usually the savings people bring with them get spent for the accommodation and the food in the first month (until they found a job).


Cities have a good public transport and I'm sure Toowoomba has it too, especially cause it's so close to Brisbane. If not, just buy a cheap car, $1200 - 1500 for something small... You can check the cars on sale at http://www.gumtree.com.au/.

The insurance is pretty expensive though; there are two types of insurance, compulsory 3rd party insurance that costs around $380 for a year (smaller car) and comprehensive insurance, that costs $400 and above a year (huge price difference between insurance companies). Then there are registration fees and tax - around $300. In case of buying a car, buy something with at least a few months of rego.



Regarding the house, I wouldn't jump into anything just yet. Wait till you get there, after all you're provided with a roof over your heads for the first month... Allow yourself a week to settle, get an impression of the place, and then start looking for a nice accommodation. We're renting as well and are always looking at the ads in shopping malls... You wouldn't believe the price difference between similar houses, so it's definitely worth checking it out good. The property doesn't have to be in a dodgy neighborhood to have a good rent.

Also gumtree webpage could be useful for finding the house; my landlord has many houses and she always leases them on her own, without an agency. So check out those ads on gumtree beside realestate.com.au as well, you never know.

Also bear in mind water and electricity costs; electricity is pretty expensive.


In general, allow yourself a week to settle, then go house hunting :)


And definitely let your employer know you are a tax resident (provide your tax file number), otherwise you'll be getting much smaller paycheck.


Good luck!

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Guest lookingforachange

Go for it.......We are in the same situation my partner came out for 3 months to set up house furniture ect as all this adds up and now we are living off his wages.We are only here 2 wks but loving everybit.You are doing it for your family material things do not matter all u need is the basics to get started.Remember on 457 visa child care is expensive.Best to come out with only you to support and save some money,hope this helps.

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You're coming out to a job, what's the problem? You're clearly planning on living within your means and happy to rough it for the first few weeks/months until you can afford the luxuries like car etc. Doesn't sound like there's going to be a problem, and if it all falls through, your work have to pay your plane ticket back anyway...

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