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Shipping New Purchases to Aus - Import Tax queries


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Hi Everyone,


Over the past 6 months I have replaced various items of my household including -

Washing Machine

Fridge Freezer

Sofa (2&3 seater)



These items are currently unused, but don't wish to declare them when moving to Aus.

Whats the norm to make these look used? Remove original packaging? Etc etc..

Any more advice for this, I don't want to get pulled by Aus Customs nor do I want large amount of import tax


Any advice would be much appreciated




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I dont think you will have an issue as you dont have multiples of one item .I would remove as much 'new' packaging as you can but if you only have a few new items in a container load of stuff i dont think you need worry.


Cal x

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Cal, just a worry incase I get hit by a large fine etc and charges from Aus. The sofa and washing machine will be unused x


I dont think you will have an issue as you dont have multiples of one item .I would remove as much 'new' packaging as you can but if you only have a few new items in a container load of stuff i dont think you need worry.


Cal x

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Hi Everyone,


Over the past 6 months I have replaced various items of my household including -

Washing Machine

Fridge Freezer

Sofa (2&3 seater)



These items are currently unused, but don't wish to declare them when moving to Aus.

Whats the norm to make these look used? Remove original packaging? Etc etc..

Any more advice for this, I don't want to get pulled by Aus Customs nor do I want large amount of import tax


Any advice would be much appreciated





Should have no problem with washing machine, sofas and fridge. As per previous poster, just make sure all the new packaging is removed. Highly unlikely DIAC will bother to open your shippers packaging around these items. DIAC will almost definitely want to inspect the lawn mower so may well spot it is brand new - may be worth declaring this to avoid them investigating further, or give the lawn mower a once over with a hammer before packing!



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Thanks! hard to think of a way to make it look used, and clean at the same time!






Should have no problem with washing machine, sofas and fridge. As per previous poster, just make sure all the new packaging is removed. Highly unlikely DIAC will bother to open your shippers packaging around these items. DIAC will almost definitely want to inspect the lawn mower so may well spot it is brand new - may be worth declaring this to avoid them investigating further, or give the lawn mower a once over with a hammer before packing!



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Thats great! Yeah I got a - Hayter 619 Spirit 41 Self-Propelled Rear Roller 41cm Petrol Mower


Hammerite.. Ok! then just roll it up and down the grass somewhere.. I dont have a lawn in Edinburgh. Might get some hedge cuttings and some grass from somewhere!


Cheers Fleabo!





Thanks! hard to think of a way to make it look used, and clean at the same time!




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Guest MishunImp

I recently moved back to WA after 8 months in UK. We had sold everything when we went over to UK & rented furnished but bought things like tv, dvd player etc while there. I was advised to declare anything that I hadn't owned for more than 12 months but there was no other way for us as I had no shipping manifest or anything to prove that we had brought stuff with us.


Just had to pay $150 duty on the stuff that I declared which worked out at about 10% of the purchase price of the items (tv, dvd player, coffee maker & toaster!). I'd heard they might not bother at all as I wasn't trying to bring in 1/2 dozen new tv's but seems they thought it was worth bothering. Bit puzzled why it works differently to buying $1000 worth of goods online from overseas & not having to pay anything when it arrives but maybe I've confused duty/GST etc.


Anyway hopefully your one or two new items won't ping their radar, especially if you do declare the lawnmower?


Good luck.

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Haha... Just picturing you taking your lawn mower for 'walkies' bashing it into kerbs.... You might well add a beer can in hand to complete the look. I've been looking at oz stores to do a dummy shop to see what's cheap to replace, with the non cheap items making a name for themselves in the shipping lane. Good luck.

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daveg - 'You don't have a lawn' :laugh: What ya doin buying a nice lawn mower like that?







Thats great! Yeah I got a - Hayter 619 Spirit 41 Self-Propelled Rear Roller 41cm Petrol Mower


Hammerite.. Ok! then just roll it up and down the grass somewhere.. I dont have a lawn in Edinburgh. Might get some hedge cuttings and some grass from somewhere!


Cheers Fleabo!



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But I will in Australia where the grass is greener, and where there is grass!!!

I think declaring it is going to make the most sense :(


daveg - 'You don't have a lawn' :laugh: What ya doin buying a nice lawn mower like that?
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Hey Danny!

Haha, yeah a Geordie mowing the pavement in Edinburgh with a can of Fosters!

Things do seem more expensive, I did the same comparison.. then decided what to buy and what to ship!

When do you guys head out?


Cheers mate!


Haha... Just picturing you taking your lawn mower for 'walkies' bashing it into kerbs.... You might well add a beer can in hand to complete the look. I've been looking at oz stores to do a dummy shop to see what's cheap to replace, with the non cheap items making a name for themselves in the shipping lane. Good luck.
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I would agree - you could always give it a few scratches, and if they ask, tell em you got it as a Christmas pressie but never used it (as you didin't have a lawn).:laugh:


But I will in Australia where the grass is greener, and where there is grass!!!

I think declaring it is going to make the most sense :(

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Hi All


I just bought a new Dyson Hoover for E400 should I declare it, or just chance it, container leaving in a few weeks, it would be hard to dirty a hoover and then try and clean it perfectly, would I get away with saying I have it 18months & never used it ???

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We just took ours out the packing, turned it on, then put it back in the box and shipped it.


Hi All


I just bought a new Dyson Hoover for E400 should I declare it, or just chance it, container leaving in a few weeks, it would be hard to dirty a hoover and then try and clean it perfectly, would I get away with saying I have it 18months & never used it ???

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Hey Danny!

Haha, yeah a Geordie mowing the pavement in Edinburgh with a can of Fosters!

Things do seem more expensive, I did the same comparison.. then decided what to buy and what to ship!

When do you guys head out?


Cheers mate!


Hi mate,... were heading out to the Sunshine Coast in Jan 13.... cant wait.,., how about you... hope alls going to plan!

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We just took ours out the packing, turned it on, then put it back in the box and shipped it.


Thanks for the reply Fleabo, so obviously they didn't say anything, its the only item I'm worried about. I wonder if I declare it do I automatically have to pay duty, maybe I will just chance it.

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Guest Burchos

When we had shippers in to price up container I mentioned a new Dyson hoover. I was told to bash it against the skirtingboard to scuff it up and add a couple of the kids stickers, and take out of the original packaging.

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I think everyone's experience is different tbh. They way our stuff was itemised by the packers, it would have been difficult to tell there was a Dyson in there. Boxes that they were obviously interest in had been marked 'Garden equipment', or 'Trampoline', or 'bikes' on the mainfest, and they arrived at destination with a quarantine sticker on (presumably put on by customs and checked) whereas the packers box with the Dyson in was probably marked 'bedroom' or some such. It might also be worth noting that we shipped 3 vacuum cleaners (2 old and the new one) - maybe they checked our stuff, found an old one and considered that you would have to be nutso to have more than one vacuum....:laugh:


Thanks for the reply Fleabo, so obviously they didn't say anything, its the only item I'm worried about. I wonder if I declare it do I automatically have to pay duty, maybe I will just chance it.
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  • 1 month later...

Hi Daveg1980,


You mentioned you did a price / product comparision - wondering whether you may compiled a list of things that you thought were useful to buy here and ship. if possible would you kindly PM me.


many thanks

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Guest BunnyM90



Looking at the FIDI guide you should declare these items. Exact words from the FIDI guide:


Items must be declared if not owned and used for 12 months.

by importer. Owner may be required to produce original

purchase receipts or other evidence of purchase price.


Items are subject to customs duties and GST.


That said, if you have staid in the UK over 12 months, you probably can get away with shipping them and not get charged. However the customs official are not stupid, they can stop a brand new/unused item. It is really a guessing game.



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