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a big hello


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hi everyone

just wanted to say hello and introduce myself to the forum. we are thinking abou moving to australia once i have qualified as a nurse. its a huge decision and still in the thinking stages as i have another 2 yr at uni to complete.


hoping to find some advice and general info from this forum.


thank you


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Hi rider3,


We are hoping to go next year (Hubby, Me, Calin 6 and Ollie 3).


We are in very early stages of visa process. Have toyed with the idea of moving for years and finally decided to take the plunge! Going out for two years initially and if we settle great, if we dont we have atleast given it a go :D


Good luck with your venture :D x x x

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i think i am more concerned than my husband about the whole thing lol. my husband does not really have much family that he see in uk however i have a huge family and tbh rely on them somewhat for the children. did anyone have concerns like this. my mum said it would break her heart if we moved as she is very close to the children.


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I bet there are very little people who dont feel this way about leaving family and friends.


My hubby is similar yours, he doesnt have a large family so he is fine with the idea. I am really lookign forward to going too, but will miss my family like crazy! It will break my heart leaving my MIL as we are taking her Grandchildren away from her, but I know she will visit us for for as long as she can travel that distance.


At the end of the day we have to go to see if its a better life for our boys and of course us. We want to give them great life experience and a better future - if it exists there for us. If not we come back home. Just remember that - nothing is forever and you can always come home! If you want it - go for it as life is too short for what if's and regrets!!


Do you have any area in mind? What ages are your children??


Debs x x x

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we dont have any idea at the minute where we would like to go. think it would depend on work (my husband is wanting factory work or manual) and of course schools. my girls KieraBeth is 7, Ellie is 5 and Lexie is 3 but by the time we move they will be 11, 8 and 7 i think.

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