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Everything posted by LelouchviBrittania

  1. How long does it take for the letter of invitation for the ceremony after the citizenship has been approved and is it sent by post or email? The location is Melbourne.
  2. In the 1290 citizenship form when it asks 'Do you have an Australian driver licence?' does it also count the learners permit. Any help would be really appreciated as my son is 17 so is confused if he should say yes and put his learners permit down or say no cause it may mean a probationary licence.
  3. After receiving my pr i can say that life does not get better or change drastically after you get it. Don't stress too much it will come eventually
  4. I am new to this forum and have a question. How is the process for applying for citizenship for a 17 year old as my son will turn 17 next year and cannot be included in the application?
  5. It depends. In my application the case officer checked the documents after 3 weeks and it was a different officer. Just be patient and enjoy the ride it will be on its way soon
  6. Absolutely delighted as we received the golden email today morning after 8 months of logding the application. Both the nomination and visa were approved at the same time
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