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Everything posted by mppc

  1. Fantastic news, congratulations @07Nov2017 we had a RFI on the 24th May. Uploaded straight away but no news as of yet. Hoping this is the week!
  2. Fantastic @Ticklebug74 you must be so relieved it's through. I'm stressing like mad checking my account every day multiple times. Waiting it out at the minute in Brisbane arrived on Wednesday. Good luck everyone! I know we say this every week but hopefully next week will be the big one with a lot getting through
  3. Congratulations @Steppy @roomummy I'm absolutely delighted for you's both. Fantastic news! Hopefully this is it and We see movement soon. Good luck to everyone still waiting
  4. @Butterflies1988 when you get a RFI the email has the name of the case officer and location office. You can not contact them direct as I tried to but it bounced back. It's so very hard not having answers but this forum is keeping me sane. Hopefully we get some grants tonight!
  5. It must be awful Ben but your case is an exception to the trends. A lot of us have taken a gamble with the information we have and based our decisions around that so it's a very anxious time for us all. I hope you get news soon and you are starting your new life in OZ. If anyone deserves it after this wait you do.
  6. It's so quiet at the minute I swear tumble weeds are passing! Not sure what the hold up is as it's been a while from the last grant. We leave next week on the 15th for dublin then fly out on the 16th to Brisbane. Hoping to see movement soon in a full flurry. I really hope you's get word and can go together @Steppy, everything crossed!
  7. That's it, still no visa but I couldn't take the silence any longer the champagne was opened tonight lol This stress is putting inches in my waistline too Just a little hello to everyone like myself and who is going crazy with the process, you are not alone.
  8. I have been thinking of you @Emz82 it's been a long wait. I'm hopping you get news soon. There is no structure to the grants but by law of averages you are bound to here soon. I'm keeping everything crossed for you. @roomummy hang in there, you were the voice of reason to me. I'm hoping you go straight to grant. Can't wait for the day we are posting good news. Hang tight we are getting closer
  9. I really hope tomorrow and this first week will be a good one and we get a flurry of grants! Good luck everyone
  10. Hopefully we will hear soon our dates are the same - @Butterflies1988 every day is a day closer, going by trends I'm hoping the next week or two if we are lucky
  11. Thanks @roomummy I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! its heartbreaking having to make such massive decisions but what a day it will be when you get the golden email and you have the start of a new life ahead. We are a week apart so hopefully it wont be long and its maybe better hearing nothing and going straight to grant... Hopefully not long for for you too @SmileyD I was thinking that the new visa stipulation for sponsors might be holding things up a bit as it takes affect in July (not that I'm an expert) there is bound to be additional training requirements for staff or maybe or there will be a big push in the next few weeks to get all the older applications through ready for the change? Either way I'm second guessing everything but very hopefully it wont be long now, think a little gin is required tonight for my nervous
  12. I totally agree, I'm almost as obsessed with checking this forum as my immi account. It gives such hope as the more visas granted the closer we all get to our own. I had a RFI coming up 5 weeks ago. A few others are on the same timeline so patiently waiting. I am heading over in 3 weeks so hoping for a miracle but fully prepared if not. I have a 3 month visa running from the end of last year I'm going to enter meaning I have to leave after 3 months but I have multiple entries.
  13. My application has changed from initial assessment to further assessment - is anyone else at this stage or knows how long it can sit like this before a decision? Congratulations @LCRF fantastic news
  14. Thank you, I was ready for the hills earlier at having to repeat so much but its all done awaiting my new police check. Honestly this is the most stressful process I have ever had to do :-0
  15. Thanks, I have already done this but I uploaded it again to make sure but his UK and Australian ones. I'm second guessing everything as they have asked for a lot of documents I have already provided
  16. Another question please if anyone can help (I'm pulling my hair out here) colour copy of your sponsors passport personal particulars/photo (bio-data) page Evidence of length of defector relationship at least 3 years. Ok so I get the second bit but I have no idea what the first bit is asking?
  17. I have uploaded it to other documents but I'm not 100% sure this is right. My husband has been requested to do his sp40 form online but we uploaded his to my account under his details. He will have to create an account and do it via that. My police check did not include my other name from a previous marriage so I have had to apply for a new one. Such a silly error on my part but hopefully it comes back soon. Good luck @roomummy hope yours goes straight to grant! It's hard waiting but hang in there!
  18. Hi everyone, I just got a RFI. It's for documents I have already uploaded but I will send again. Just checking do I upload onto my account again as I did the first time or is there a specific place I need to send?
  19. Massive congratulations! well done @Cuddles200 Did your status change at all before you got it granted?
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