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Everything posted by Hex

  1. From my understanding, as long as the scope of the work falls under the same "umbrella", then you're fine. i.e. Going from Software Engineer to Receptionist would cause an issue. However, going from Software Engineer to Senior Software Engineer / something similar would be fine.
  2. I'm convinced there are 2 factors that come into play here (just my opinion), and that's number of people in the application and if the request is for an HR country. My company has done many PR's in the past and I had a similar thing happen to me, they asked for updated company documents for the nomination. It has since been approved (the nomination) but it was the first time they requested this (updated) information before approval. Hand tight, it'll come through.
  3. Personally, I think it's a great idea. Don't forget that the 'major' cities are (so far) labeled to be: Perth | Sydney | Melbourne and Brisbane... That leaves so many other options.
  4. Nope, we've been here the whole time. In fact he was in the country since 3 months. It looks to be a policy of theirs that they are strict on. At least for certain countries. My suggestion, for the $90 fee, rather get it done and be safe. Unless you know they won't need / request it.
  5. Yep - everything for my son is fine in regards to medical. It's the fact that when we did the medical, he was under 2 - and only a medical was required. Now that he's 3 and they are looking at the case, they have a requirement from certain countries - for anyone over 2 to have a TB screening. The Case Officer is requesting it.
  6. Further update to my case: I've been requested for a TB screening for my son - who's now almost 3 years old. We already had a valid medical for him, however, it was taken before he was 2 years old, there was no need for a TB screening. Now that he's older than 2, they require it. Hence, we need to go and do just the TB screening. Lesson to anyone in a similar situation - get the screening at the same time regardless.
  7. Correction, you can only see the communication for the nomination if you have access to the nomination application. For example: I can see all communication for my Visa application as I have it imported into my Immi account, however, I cannot see anything to do with the nomination as that is still linked to the Agent's account. I don't have access to import is for obvious reasons (company financials etc.).
  8. @Madtig I noticed that my application had been updated with today's date... But I couldn't see any changes. When I then asked the Agent - they said that this was because the nomination attached to my application was approved, hence, updating my 186. I would have expected to have seen it in the documents or messages or something, but it looks like there is nothing changed on my personal application.
  9. Update on my case; I've just received news that my nomination was approved today (8th October). Hoping the good news is followed soon... Could you please let me know what your ETA was from nomination, to visa approval was? (I know this is ballpark, but I'm looking for others experiences). Additional docs were requested on the 30th August (for both visa and nomination) - which were then sent early September.
  10. Not necessary. We've since been given new HAP ID's and asked to do the medicals for the people that had medicals done, but were not displayed in the visa application. We've now gone back to the CO with the details of the previous medicals, in hope that they can use those - as we dont want to have to do more medicals if there is no need (the old ones are still valid).
  11. Has anyone ever been in the situation whereby you've done a health exam (successful), seen the updated details in your Immi account, however, when looking at your 186 application, you cannot see the attached medicals? I've spoken with Bupa - they don't understand why it's not there and have given the previous HAP ID's to my CO. I'm wondering if there is a known issue or someone else has had this happen? I noticed this warning when logging in and wondered if it was related;
  12. I'm surprised that no one here has any contact(s) in case officers / similar. Then again, I guess people that would have these contacts, wouldn't typically be in these forums, right?
  13. @parveen As far as i'm aware, this is still mandatory for the company. My company was also asked for evidence of same (and an updated copy of same).
  14. I very much doubt any police clearance would be valid "forever". It just doesn't make logical sense. I was under the impression that all Police clearances were only valid for 12 months (I know that's the case for Australian and South African PCC's).
  15. Can understand your frustration but unfortunately, there is no science to this and no one can really explain the process. We all in this together - hold on tight. Your time will come.
  16. I might be wrong here - but since being on this forum, it seem's most nomination and visa's are approved together? Same thing my MA told me.
  17. 4 weeks,was just an estimate. One thing we can rely on is that things are currently; consistently inconsistent ?
  18. Something useful that I have just learnt - might help others. I was initially under the impression that, once you lodge your visa and get your bridging visa(s) - your nomination is approved and you then simply wait for the actual visa to be approved. This is not the case - bridging visa(s) are given on lodgement, however, noth the nomination and visa still need to be approved (separately). We have now provided updated documents for both applications (nomination and visa) as requested from the CO, and now we wait - agent expects at least a 4 week turn around. Something interesting that I had misunderstood.
  19. Good idea! I also like the idea of having a "congratulations" emoticon. That way we can all use the emoticon, instead of separate, one word - "congrats" posts?
  20. @DrNi The spreadsheet shows that you had some documents requested (initial assessment) and are now in "further assessment". Is this because they requested additional documentation (after the initial request)? Or just their update, once documents were received?
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