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Everything posted by Hex

  1. @Bellabonkers This is good news - trust me Also, don't be too sure on your status changing. I was in the exact same position (even after the medicals were uploaded). It then went directly to Finalized (granted). I have a sneaky suspicion your good news is close...
  2. @ajk I've asked this question many times and always got the same response; The processing times affect visa's regardless of lodgment date. Meaning the processing time for your (and anyone else's) visa's are what the current processing times state. - With saying that, the MA would also say this is something to take on board (expect worse and hope for best).
  3. FYI - something I haven't noticed for a while is an update on the processing times. Last updated on the 21st November 2018
  4. Not sure if you meant to quote my response or not but if it was meant for me then; Each of the requests that I got from the CO was during the day (early mornings), except for the visa grant (that came at around 4:45pm AEST) - the only way I knew about the requests was to check the "last updated date", then by viewing the "messages". Thereafter I would get an email from my MA (about 4-5 hours later), telling me what I had already found out
  5. Awesome news. I'd say you'll then get some feedback again from her on the 28-32 day mark from the request. - That's what I experienced from both requests from my CO. Regardless now, it's just a formality and time (a roughly known time) to getting it.
  6. @Jay kim One of a few things could have happened here; - There is a message waiting for you (go to the "Messages" and check for any). - The CO updated the application by providing some information (documents of sorts / bridging visas). - A medical / similar was complete and an external party (BUPA) updated the application with the same (this should appear in the documentation section as well). - A status change (which you already noted is not the case). - Your MA updated the application with additional / updated documents (possibly a new PCC etc.) I'm of the opinion that whenever a case is "updated", you should be able to see (by looking within the application itself) what the change was (90% of the time). Hope that helps.
  7. Then yes, it will make a difference. My understanding is that the CO will view this conviction and then it may impact their case depending on a multitude of factors (how long ago, how servere, how many times etc.) I don't know the exact factors but it will be in the hands of the CO. I've heard a few convictions that were so long ago and no follow up convictions that were asked about and then ignored (visa's were approved). - But then I've also heard of some that caused the visa to be cancelled immediately.
  8. Drug driving or drink driving? Also, were they convicted of anything? (is it on their police clearance).
  9. Once a CO is assigned, you'll typically know as your account status will update to either "requested documents" or "granted" or something. The CO being assigned, means they've looked at your application and actioned something, so you'll notice immediately.
  10. @Coco M @playitbyear Sorry guys, I don't have access to the spread sheet and I'm trying really hard to keep it that way
  11. @sawar I didn't and had no issues. It's your visa - so I don't see why you need to. You basically only monitor the application. The MA should actually recommend this, as it stops you bugging them for updates (you can just login and see the status)
  12. @sawar Yes, you can still do this - all you need is to import your application with the reference number on your bridging visa (which you should already have). Note though that you will only be able to see the ongoings of your own visa, not the nomination (this would be private to the company).
  13. This is definitely state related. I've heard on many occasions that ambulance cover varies based off the state you live in.
  14. As FYI - all your medicare usage / spending is also tracked and logged online (on your MyGov account). I'm not sure if it is available to CO's or if it makes any difference. I have 2 children who used it pretty often and I didnt have any queries.
  15. You would have received your bridging visas. Open that, get the TRN reference number --> login to your immi account and click the "import application" button (top left I think) -- complete the details (it'll ask for the reference number). You'll then have access to your visa application - not complete write access but you will be able to see the status and any updates.
  16. Does / would the full medicare cover what you needed? This is interesting, I was told they were the same - hence, the name "Interim".
  17. Congrats r u hairdresser Correct - please see her signature, all the details are there.
  18. It's the full medicare. So it covers everything Medicare does (that's what we were told) and we were on it for close to a year before changing to full blown. It's just the government help that you don't get (child care etc.)
  19. It's worth mentioning that this will help due to the fact that agents are now going to be given the power to reject an application immediately, if there isn't sufficient information provided. I think it's a terrible idea and will cause havoc - but yes, for the applications that are complete, they should be processed much quicker in the near future.
  20. Something else worth noting; If you've left the country and returned to the one your original AFP came from for 3+ months, they will definitely ask for another. If it's less than 3 months, or just expired - then yeah, it's up to the CO to ask or not. I've heard more than once that some of them base it on weeks... Meaning, if it's only a few weeks expired, then they typically are OK with it, however, if it's longer or the CO is strict, then yeah - they will request a new one. Putting you in the back of the queue and making you wait longer.
  21. @maria8999 If your documents have expired, it's entirely up to the CO to request new, valid documents or not. It feels as though they are requesting this more often lately, almost to just move on from the one application to another (KPI's of sorts). My suggestion and opinion would be to weigh up weather or not you're willing to wait (should the CO request the documents). - I received my grant 1 day before my documents expired, however, I was already planning to redo them as I couldn't handle / risk any additional delays. It's a lottery i'm afraid, and is different per case officer.
  22. This has been answered a few times on here already, if you'd like to go through the previous posts. My opinion is to submit it. There is no harm in providing the data and in fact could help speed up the process (in case the CO requests it). I've heard more people getting asked for the form than not, however, that's just my opinion. The alternative is that you wait and hope that the CO doesn't request the form.
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