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CEP last won the day on February 27 2019

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  1. Its ok - the answer was right in front of me haha!
  2. Hi All Applying online for Citizenship, what is the situation with passport photographs for online upload? Do they also need signing on the reverse? or is just the photograph with the 1195 declaration sufficient? Cheers! Cath
  3. Mine was high at my medical, the GP said probably due to stresses of the scenario and my weight but signed it off
  4. Hey all! I got my 820 today. submitted 22nd November 2019 straight to visa grant today 9th January Spookily, it’s 4 years today since me and my husband got together. note I had a PMV 300 grant in March 2019- I believe the subsequent 820 is usually quicker in this situation.
  5. @mppc I keep checking and I’m really keeping everything crossed for you that you can cancel that flight!!
  6. @SpaintoAus they’ve been known to sometimes not give accurate info (read through these forums) Great news if it’s all good (it’s not impossible!) but I’d be going all belts and braces if it were me- there’s no recourse on a conversation you may have had with them which may have given you incorrect info.
  7. @SpaintoAus have you checked this out with with a migration agent?? Please please be careful that you are remaining lawful. The bridging visa usually carries the same working rights as that visa you have been on (the expiring one) NOT the one you have applied for. as I’m sure everyone is aware, immigration are known to visit these forums and although it’s a long old wait, it’s worth the advice just to be sure you’re not scuppering your whole future.
  8. @mppc it seems that the keeper of the spreadsheet has to wait it was the same when I created it lol!!! chin up.... it’ll come
  9. Hi all! I’m back!!! i lodged my 820/801 over the weekend and frantically getting the uploads together which is painful lol! hoping for a quick turnaround as I’ll be on BVA in a few weeks time. For those with an 820 grant, what is the valid until date?
  10. Hi guys! Great to see the spreadsheet lives on!! Congrats to those with grants coming through. It’s an amazing feeling I wish I could bottle it up lol!!
  11. @Noodlejaffa great to see you on this side of the process lol! “Here we go again!” I’m not ready to submit yet. We’re getting married next month so I’ve started to collate some evidence.
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