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Everything posted by Jen3103

  1. Hi Jenki75, sorry to be a nuisance again. can I please ask what you requested/where you got the information from for the tax residency form - Commbank are requesting this as part of the identification process. I have contacted the HRMC and they advised that this is for self-employment people only and as I am employed, is a P60 sufficient enough? Hope this make sense x
  2. Hope you have a lovely time away and manage to get everything sorted without any hiccups. Keep us updated on how you get along. Im going over in October to Perth for 2 weeks, I've opened up a bank account and going to put a friend's address down for bank details and hope and pray that its sufficient for AHPRA. Jen x
  3. Ah thanks so much for getting back to me - I'm just worrying and trying to get everything done correctly as I don't fancy flying over again. Good idea emailing the bank I will do that too ? Hope the process is going smoothly for you x
  4. Hi Navjeet AHPRA have guidelines on the CV format, I have attached a link for you to follow https://www.ahpra.gov.au/registration/registration-process/standard-format-for-curriculum-vitae.aspx
  5. Jenki, could i please be a nuisance and ask for your advice, I am in a similar situation as to what you were in regards to proving an australian address - I will be staying in a hotel as flying over solely to present to an AHPRA office and unfortunately i do not know anyone well enough in australia to use their address. do you know if AHPRA will accept a hotel address? Many thanks Jen x
  6. They've accepted my qualification (YAYYYY) I got my letter in principle this week so just about to book flights over - how are you getting around proof of australian address? Im flying over solely to present in person and will be staying in a hotel for 2 weeks. When are you flying over? Just about to start the ANMAC process now, how are you finding that? Speak soon
  7. I’ve had an email this week offering me an extension as the 90 day period is coming up which I have accepted and they have requested more information from me which I’m currently in the process of organising - one being my documents weren’t certified properly which was stressful. So hoping can be resolved quickly, trying to remain positive. Have you booked your flight yet?
  8. Lee what fantastic news! I'm so chuffed for you - you better get that flight booked. Good luck with ANMAC but hopefully that will be straight forward now. Im yet to hear from AHPRA been waiting 8 weeks now and I'm getting very fidgety about it all. Keep us updated ?
  9. Thank you all for your replies. It seems a little easier than I thought it would be
  10. Can I ask how easy is it to rent with a cat and a dog in Australia? Do landlords ask for particular references for the pets? We we are right at the beginning of the process and jumping through hoops at the minute with AHPRA so a long way off but it's something that I'm starting to worry about.
  11. Fingers crossed it's plain sailing from here for you - hopefully they can't deem it an unacceptable qualification. I'll keep you updated if I hear anything back. Good luck
  12. I'm in the same boat, I've sent my application off to AHPRA around a month ago and waiting to hear back, but I have to say I'm not very hopeful. Ill keep you you updated when I hear anything ?
  13. Heres a link to the standard format for the CV https://www.ahpra.gov.au/Registration/Registration-Process/Standard-Format-for-Curriculum-Vitae.aspx
  14. Can anyone recommend a justice of peace or a reasonably priced Notary for my AHPRA documentations in the Midlands area? But I'm more than willing to travel a little further for a good price. Thanks
  15. So sorry if these questions have been asked before I was just wondering if anyone can advise me further We have been advised by an agent for me apply to AHPRA first due to some complexities with my qualification (I have a post graduate diploma in nursing which is marked at level 7 whereas degrees are marked at level 6). I am in the process of collecting the evidence for this and then have to wait for the outcome and possibly receive the 'in principle' letter and I would then have to fly over and present to AHPRA. Am I correct thinking that I still have to get all my documents certified before sending to AHPRA? With the possibility of not meeting their standards? We have been advised due to my qualification to apply for a 189 visa but use my partner as the main applicant as he is a gas fitter and plumber - he currently has 60 points (once completed IELTS) and may possibly get 65 if I can bring points for my qualification. I've read somewhere on this forum that because I won't be the main applicant for the visa I won't need a skills assessment with ANMAC, is this correct? Also would I still need to complete the academic level on the IELTS or can I just do the general test? Sorry for the long post
  16. Fingers crossed for you then, I understand your frustrations - there is a part of me that things to just turn my back on nursing. Ive seen that registered nurses were removed from Queenslands list too in February this year which is worrying.
  17. Sorry to hear the application has been put on hold, Its so frustrating that the qualification is being questioned. I have to to say I've not had much luck at all with AHPRA and again had the same response as you about not commenting on individual applications. At the minute I just feel really confused and not sure which direction to head in next. Do you have any idea what step you are going to take next SunshineRiver? I'll keep my fingers crossed for your application
  18. Thanks for the replies. Ali I'm working as a nurse and have 4 years experience. My degree in psychology and counselling is purely theory. Lee, can I ask how far into the process are you? I've been told that it completely depends on who reviews your application at AHPRA so some people are lucky and some not so much - which seems totally unregulated and unfair. I don't know if it's worth completing a top up course which costs around £2500 at Sheffield Hallam Uni which will take a minimum of a year to complete but I will then have a MSc. Would you mind keeping me updated with your application.... good luck. Thanks DukeNinja I'll look into that too
  19. The difficulty I have is I have a degree in psychology and counselling and a POST GRADUATE diploma in mental health nursing but there is no clear statement on this being accepted despite it being a higher qualification than a degree. I will look into the NZ route. Thank you
  20. I was just wondering if anyone can give me some direction or advice. I am am very keen to emigrate to Australia and I keep being told conflicting advice from a variety of people. I have a PG Dip in Mental Health Nursing with 4 years experience now, is this qualification accepted for a skilled visa? I have been told to start the visa application off with the chance of being refused (and lose all the money) which is a big expensive risk. Has anyone else been successful emigrating with a PG Dip in Nursing? Thanks
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