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Everything posted by lbooth

  1. what thread is this discussion on? seems right up my alley ?
  2. Thanks Pom Queen I didnt think to look for an annual plan. She doesn't have one over here because they want to charge me an extortionate price (apparently her getting attacked by another dog one time pushes my premiums up!). I'll investigate and see if I can convince them to cover us.
  3. Hi We've also booked to take our Border Collie over with us with Pet Air and I agree the service so far has been worth the cash. just wondering if you're planning to get travel/emigration insurance for yours? I had a bit of a google but could only find one company that offered it and even then it only covered for 36 hours after they arrive i.e. if anything happens during quarantine then we're stuffed. It was only £50 so I might still get it anyway but just wondered if there were better options cheers lisa
  4. Hi All Just thought I'd update - we got our grant on Tuesday ?. Good luck to everyone still waiting. (And yes I updated - first thing I did after poking my partner awake to tell him ?) Xx
  5. Hey All Anyone else heard anything recently?? Been following the tracker religiously since the backlog clearing started getting closer and closer to our submission date (5/11). But now they're approving people who submitted after us AND responded to their CO after us...I just don't get it??! ?? Had been fine with the waiting game up to now because it at least made sense but starting to lose hope. Xx
  6. Hi Nirav I'd be waiting for CO contact personally - it could be more than 3 months at this stage so there's no point paying for multiple certificates.
  7. Amazing news! Fingers crossed it all goes well for you (and keep us updated) Can I ask what the company you'll be managing does? Did they headhunt you or did you find a role to apply for? Having a job before you go must make it so much easier
  8. @DeSab We lodged directly. The case status is "submitted" when you first enter the information. "In progress" once a CO has picked it up. "Awaiting information" if they contact you to ask for something and then back to "in progress" once you submit the extra info.
  9. Hi Cristina Sorry for delayed reply. No the CO didnt tell us (and the paperwork they sent through even said it should only be for 12 months or more) but I asked on one of the forums if I should challenge it/if anyone else had experienced the same and got a reply from someone who was phoned by the CO to request it and they said its a new requirement. I'm not sure its fair if their docs dont say that but since it was relatively quick/easy/cheap to get I figured it was just easier to go with it! No we didn't submit any points for Aus study or work so not sure why they thought he'd been there unless they checked his passport because we had a tourist visa. That is a really unfair system... :'(
  10. We submitted 5th Nov and then added medicals and police checks in early Jan. Got contacted by the CO Jan 26th with a request for an Australian Police Cert for my partner (even though he's only ever spent 3 weeks there - apparently its an updated requirement) plus form 80s. Returned the requested info on 7th Feb and have been chewing our fingernails since! Anyone know what the priority is for them looking at current applications vs picking up new ones?
  11. Thank you! That seems like an odd way to do it but at least I've not done it wrong. I'm guessing you cant change anything once you hit submit?
  12. Hi all Majorly confused - have logged into my immi account and input all 17 pages of information for our visa application and now at the final page with a "submit" button but at no point have I been able to upload any supporting documents...have I missed something here?? Is there a user guide somewhere?? Thanks L
  13. Hi Andrew My partner and I are looking to emigrate next year, we will both be 30 at the time and have approx. 20K each in employer pension funds. I know we cannot transfer to Aus and that we wont be eligible for UK state pension (unless we continue to pay in) but what I'm not sure about is whether we are better off leaving the funds with our respective employer schemes or if there are any benefits to moving them to a private account i.e. any UK pension companies that you know of that work better with people living abroad? Possibly an odd question but thought I'd ask. Cheers Lisa
  14. Hi All Wondering if anyone can help clarify - had a look at the EOI system today and just a bit confused about the "Qualifications" part - essentially my partner has a UK Masters degree in Engineering but our skills assessment from EA says this is the equivalent of an Australian Bachelors degree (weird but fine). So when it asks what level of qualification he has do I say its a Masters level (which matches his degree certificate) or a Bachelors level (as thats what EA say its worth)?? Be grateful to know if anyone else has had a similar situation and what you put. Many Thanks Lisa
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