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Everything posted by Evandale

  1. We once escaped a huge bush fire Toots and this was one of the reasons we left our rural location. My thoughts with the victims but thankfully so far no loss of life !
  2. On reading some "dummy questions" and "dummy" being the operative word, the standard of English was shameful. Yes this is a victory for the Labour party.. well done!
  3. Glorious shame I have to work this afternoon!
  4. What a gorgeous day it is here. 25 and rising over the week apparently. The mop top trees are out , Evandale is ablaze in blossom, it really looks like an English village at the moment. Planted some weeping cherries, a variety of apples and olive trees a while back and had some stunning blossom already... Almost time to put the pool out for the head of the house.. our pooch!
  5. I have had good and bag chips here in Oz.... the Italians or the Greeks excel imo.... but in London I always go where the black cabs go to, amazing fish and chips, glass of wine and mushy peas. salivating at the thought.http://www.seafresh-dining.com/
  6. Are you talking about Barracuda and the shortened version is "cuda"! normally "Barra" is shortened for Barramundi!
  7. And we have glorious sunshine with the occasional shower but the temperature has escalated to 15 lol
  8. You are right, but I am sure the Australian scenario is so similar to the Scottish scene as I lived too lived in Scotland for a number of years and found the sexist /racist situation quite unbearable which imho was far worse than in Australia, ripping one off to boot!
  9. "He sounds like a traditional old fashioned Aussie" In my experience, the traditional old fashioned Australian, respects your privacy. but is there to help if required! We have never come across this scenario before and we have lived both in rural and major cities!
  10. To record/video someone when you are stressed could be slightly difficult and rather confronting. For a couple of hundred bucks perhaps install your own CCTV camera (they are removable for your next place) and at least you can have a record of what is happening when you are away.
  11. And its getting colder, strange seeing spring flowers, lambs and snow! snow.jpg-large
  12. Quite right, Alcohol for a BBQ or party is a huge expense so it is expected you bring your own which is a huge saving and you take home any "alcohol leftovers". we usually have a few slabs of beer/wine to start the part going but it invariably doesnt get used. When I first came to Australia I was asked to bring a plate and a plate I did bring.... got some very strange looks
  13. Havent seen it the last month Gareth, and the Aurora last September in Evandale was absolutely stunning ... looks like 24th August is prob the next star gazing weather in Koh Sumui..https://www.accuweather.com/en/th/ko-samui/5470/astronomy-daily-forecast/5470?day=16
  14. Absolutely beautiful weather here for the last two days, cold nights, clear skies full of stars. Sitting here outside in gorgeous sunshine looking up at Ben Lomond ... Daffs, tulips, primroses all coming through. Spring is with us in three weeks...
  15. Fog, mist and beautiful impressionistic scenes today our way, luckily no delays at the airport.
  16. We love the seasons too Toots, magical state. We are booking Peppers @ Cradle Mountain for next weekend, lovely to have saunas surrounded by snow lol. I think my OH said there had been flurries at Devonport but it soon disappeared, a lovely town btw, we love the architecture by the front.
  17. Ho hum, not bad! but the snow is stunning, soz we love the seasons lol!
  18. THE STRONGEST COLD FRONT OF THE YEAR WITH VERY LOW LEVEL SNOW IS SET TO IMPACT TASMANIA THURSDAY AND FRIDAY **** **** PLEASE SHARE/TAG THIS INFO WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY OR ANYONE YOU KNOW IN THESE AREAS **** - The strongest cold front of the year will impact south eastern Australia later this week with its strongest impacts felt in Tasmania with strong winds, very cold air, showers, possible hail and thunder felt mostly Tasmania but some degree Victoria, south eastern SA and southern NSW. - Snow is likely to fall to VERY LOW levels in Tasmania mainly western and southern parts with snow possibly falling as low as 200 metres in parts! 600-700 metres in Victoria & 900 metres southern highlands of NSW. - Weather models (EC and GFS models in diagram 2 and 3) are showing temps as low as -6c at 850hPa over Tasmania especially southern parts this indicates snow levels close to 200 metres. - 60% of Tasmania may see some snow either later Thursday or overnight into Friday morning - The not so good news is this front lacks some moisture so snowfalls will not be widespread however where snow does fall especially in Tasmania will be to very low levels possibly not seen since the early August sea level event of 2015. - Rainfall will be light and patchy however small hail and thunder will impact parts of Tasmania and southern Victoria. The best of the falls will be western and south western Tasmania where 5 to 20mm is possible which will fall as snow above 200 metres. - Another high will quickly move in creating further widespread frosts (some severe) and fogs over large parts of south eastern Australia this weekend. Images are thanks to Weatherzone, ECMWF, BSCH and MetEye. - JWC TEAM
  19. Paradise! Nothing cleaner and more romantic than seeing the snow on the ground and trees. Slush forget it!
  20. It was minus 5 this morning at 5am here in Evandale, the grounds looked beautiful, the duck pond was frozen over with very perplexed ducks ! Our dog must have the bladder of an ox because he wasnt interested leaving his duvet!
  21. As you say Toots, a glorious day today. perfect skies and oh so cold here. I see there is snow down south. Might venture up Ben Lomond this weekend.
  22. I cannot comment on the Hobart market Emj, Skani will have more of an idea. Personally I wouldnt like to secure anything without personally looking at it. Pictures are so deceptive and then you are stuck with it for x amount of time!,
  23. We love Ben Lomond and Cradle Mountain Emj! Mount Wellington (Hobart) is also lovely in the snow as well and on a clear day the views are wonderful. We are so lucky with the most wonderful scenery , all different, throughout the whole state. People think you can see Tasmania in a weekend, it takes many months to explore this gem of a state.
  24. You are right Toots we had a wonderful summer here and winter so far is proving to be glorious days and of course cooler nights. As we have said the seasons are just like back home and as we are also snow lovers we are so lucky to have a Ben Lomond close by.
  25. Welcome to our wonderful state! We live in Evandale in the north near Launceston airport an old historical Euoprean style village. My suggestion is if you love your cars keep hold of them. You will have 3 months to put them over the pits and re rego them. Service Tasmania is your service provider for rates, rego etc. driving licences https://www.service.tas.gov.au/records/?task=1114&topic=1730 ---https://www.transport.tas.gov.au/MRSWebInterface/public/transfer/transferAccept.jsf Regarding relocation costs, they are usually very open to bartering a tad, so try and cut a deal with them. As Skani has said back loads are popular and I am sure you will come up with an agreeable price, we did! ----http://www.tasfreight.com.au/ I would try and work out what it would cost to replace your items, the usual K Mart is here but no Ikea although they do deliver online now. I love the meat here in Tasmania, many good butchers who excel at sausages, bacon etc. and we do freeze the glut of fruits and vegetables which are plentiful and very reasonable. Regarding shopping, I am find it getting a bit better although we both shop on the mainland but specialised shops for gifts etc are in abundance particularly Tasmanian made gifts. Residents do not require ambulance insurance here in Tasmania -----http://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/ambulance http://www.aera.asn.au/tq12/docs/tq12_quarrantine.pdf is useful and this includes information vis a vis bringing dogs on over. "tapeworm treatments etc) Dogs to Tasmania telephone 1800 684285 ----http://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/Documents/Importing_dogs.pdf Outdoor life is wonderful with the most amazing wild life. I dont think you will be disappointed, we wouldnt live anywhere else in Australia, cute pubs, wonderful colourful seasons and akin to many parts of Europe. Enjoy!
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