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Everything posted by Siddu

  1. It’s all about skill levels, if you check all the occupations got approved within 5months are skill level 1 and 2. most of them are getting approved very fast, only wait is for skill level3 occupations. i haven’t seen any skill level 3 occupation got approved in recent times.
  2. What I mean is, their are no approvals of skill level 3 in this forum for a while.?
  3. You can also have a look at July and August they have got approvals, even in the forum haven’t heard any skill level got approved in recent time. i don’t wanna hurt anyone but just for the clarification posted. have you heard any Skill level occupation got approved in recent times? i hope everyone get their visa grants before new year
  4. Someone posted this, just wondering where they got this info from ? Have a look at spreadsheet June 2017 one
  5. police checks won’t take much time and once you upload the documents press documents submitted in immi account, it’s almost their for you mate ... congrats are you on skill level 3?
  6. police checks won’t take much time and once you upload the documents press documents submitted in immi account, it’s almost their for you mate ... congrats
  7. What is your occupation mate ? and what are the documents did they ask ?
  8. I another group I saw someone got granted in 4months 187 same occupation child care room leader
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