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Everything posted by QPRMARK

  1. Yeah, it took about a week for the medicals to be uploaded, and Just over a week for the Police Checks to come back!
  2. Thats great news, nice to see things are moving!! so just short of 3 months for us both to have CO assigned.............
  3. Only sharing with you my news, 10-14 months is the timescale for the whole process not the assignment of a case worker!
  4. I know, I was really really surprised that I was assigned one so quickly. But as you say, it's nice to know that the process has started!
  5. Had a phone call out of the blue yesterday from my case worker........that I didn't realise I had!! Gave me some real positive news, but was asking for some further info I'm still a long way down the line, but things are starting to progress! Keep the faith everyone! Cheers
  6. Each case is unique, I get that. hope your not too far down the line now buddy
  7. I think it's great that the next batch of visas are starting to trickle through. Im quite a long way off, in terms of when it's hopefully my turn. ive done a fair bit of research of this great forum, and can only assume that when a visa is granted, the case worker, picks up the next one! So I'm glad that when people get approved, I'm one step nearer!! Cheers
  8. I agree totally, we are in exactly the same position as yourself. My Aussie wife is planning to go back in Sept with our daughter to get settled before I get approved........leaving me to resign from work, sell the house etc etc. The process is what it is, so no pointing stressing about it!! The wait continues............
  9. Hi, we haven't been assigned a case worker yet. When we submitted our application, we received the medical referral letter, which said to get your medical done.
  10. I had a similar request, saying to get medical shortly after applying. Not sure if that's the norm though, but had medical and police checks done in one hit.......
  11. I,m a little bit further down the line than you guys, applied in early Feb......it's the waiting that kills you.......Good Luck ! And keep us posted on Progress.........Cheers
  12. Hello, Can you update with my details when you next update. this is a great way to see how everyone is getting on! Cheers
  13. Reason i got my medical done and out of the way is because I don't do needles and didn't want that hanging over me.......I don't think having it done speeds up the process, by the sounds of it, when it's your turn its your turn!! Your situation really does mirror ours, our little one has just turned 4 and due to start school here in September, I also will have to give 3 months notice for work...... So realistically if all goes well, it'll be the end of year when we find out!!
  14. Hi Celina, You appear to be in a similar situation to myself. My wife is an Aussie and our 4 year old daughter gained Citizenship last year. i applied for my 309/100 early Feb, have had the medical and police checks, so just playing the very long and tedious waiting game! Our status just says application received, I don't anticipate this changing until a CO is appointed Reading some of the posts on here, as we both submitted Feb time, I wouldn't expect to hear anything re CO until end of May / early June Keep in touch Cheers Mark
  15. As a newbie who has just joined the forum, this is a great post. I applied 9th Feb for a 309/100........and just like most people it's a waiting game, albeit I'm not that far down the road! Cheers Mark
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