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Everything posted by KWordySunSeeker

  1. Me again!!! So my migration agent emailed me today to say she had received a visa request and I can go ahead and arrange my medical and police checks. I have also got the name of my case officer but it is only signed off by first name I think so only have "I" as an initial. Now they have asked for more de facto relationship evidence from 2014 I.e joint named utility bills/bank statements etc. we don't have anything like this. I moved in to my partners house, he already had a mortgage and all bills were in his sole name. We never changed these as he pays all these and I pay for other things. We have no joint bank accounts. I have provided bank statements and other correspondence of mine and my partners separately showing that we have both lived at the same address since 2013. Also provided copies of joint party invites and also showed copies of holiday bookings in our names and also photos of us and the children on holiday. What else can I provide? We really have nothing that gets addressed to us jointly! This has worried me a little!! Anyone else experienced this problem?
  2. I am just wondering if these quick 7-9 month visas being granted are all self applied for or whether some are done through a migration agent too? Hoping it's a mixture as I've gone through and agent and obviously if I had a chance of it coming through quicker too that would be a real bonus!
  3. Congratulations. My partner goes away in 5 weeks time. I'm dreading it!! How lovely for you to be reunited soon. [emoji122]?
  4. Thanks guys. I think I will wait. Your right. Money is better off in my account then theirs. My migration officer did send me the HAP ID form today which I completed so least it will be ready for when things are requested. I'm just so impatient!! [emoji5]
  5. Hi all, I'm wondering whether I should get my medical done and out the way so when requested I will be able to provide it straight away. I believe they don't expire until after one year. I lodged my application 4 months ago and seeing as the guideline for waiting is 10-14 months I should be ok and they should not expire. What are anyone's thoughts on this?...I'm worried I could be tempting fete?!? My migration agent has said that I can do this but made me aware they could expire before visa granted?!? On the other hand if I wait until checks are requested it gives me a better idea that it could be sooner rather than later that I may hear about my visa being granted and not prolong the waiting game!! [emoji57]
  6. Even using an agent I felt overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork I have to fill in etc. also had to do personal history statements each etc. but did feel nice being able to send it to someone to "go over" before they lodge on line. Gives you peace of mind I suppose knowing that hopefully all was ok.
  7. I used a migration agent. The same as my partner used years ago to get his. I knew no different so went with his advice. Although I have since heard how easy it is so should have maybe looked in to it beforehand.
  8. It's all a bit quiet at the moment isn't it? I like it when there is a flurry!! I know mine will be a while yet but I get excited for others when theirs are granted. [emoji3]
  9. Ah I see. Thanks. I have been with my partner for three years and have lived together for for just over two. I have children but they are from a previous marriage. So let's see what happens!! So nice to hear everyone's good news. A long way to go for me still but love hearing about others peoples successful applications. [emoji4]
  10. Fantastic news. Exciting stuff. [emoji106] How does that work getting the 100 straight away also then? I was told I have to wait a further two years for that? Although I have also heard that those two years can commence from the day of application lodgment?
  11. Thank you for adding me to the list Tracy. So good to see everyone's progress!! Exciting!! [emoji4]
  12. My info...if you can add me... Applied for 309/100 on 21/09/15. No other information whatsoever at the moment. 309 subclass partner visa lodged: 21/09/15
  13. Hope that times goes quickly for you. [emoji18] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. How long do you think till you will be there with him approx? My partner goes in a March. I processed my application in September and time frame is 10-14 months. I'm dreading him going! [emoji53] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Yes I did think that too Jen44. I'm prepared to wait as long as it takes and if it is granted sooner than that is a bonus! [emoji4] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Hi there. I am new to this forum so please bare with me. I lodged my application for myself and my children and gave all requested paperwork on 21st September. So far I have not heard anything. I have gone through a migration agent and she has advised me that I will be assigned a CO around 10 months taking my visa around the 1 year mark to be granted. My partner's visa runs out in March (he had his granted years ago but due to certain circumstances didn't end up leaving for Oz when originally planned) but he has now just booked his one way flight for 3rd March. I am really hoping I will be able to get a travel visa to join him around July (when my children have finished school for the summer) and remain there until hopefully my visa will be granted around September time. It was very mixed emotions when he booked his ticket as it marks the start of a wonderful adventure together (hopefully) but as you can imagine it's going to be hard to say goodbye when the time comes!! Wishing everyone luck with their applications and congratulations to those who have just been granted. [emoji4] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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