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Posts posted by Sandgroper

  1. 7 hours ago, bunbury61 said:

    well Asia nice and safe ?

    Anywhere can be dangerous if you look deep enough, the UK had an amber warning against it over Christmas on the Australian government travel website, it’s the modern world unfortunately.

  2. 7 hours ago, bunbury61 said:

    ???...they are all the same ???..really ...Prague the same as Madrid ...i don't think so .

    I don't know who you are trying to convince here , me or yourself .

    Perth is a lovely city , I spent 6 years in w.a ....i have no issues

    by why all this reading up ,and jumping on about the u.k weather ,especially the snow etc ?


    Apart from the language spoken yes pretty much the same a big city is a big city is a big city to me. 

    Not trying to convince anyone but your constant blabbering on about Europe being the be all and end all is a bit boring tbh if your idea of fun is an easy jet flight and 50p pints then crack on I want my kids to experience a bit more diversity than that.

    I don’t read up on the UK weather it’s normally reported on in my chosen news outlet online and it catches my eye when I tend to read on here how tropical the weather is currently in the UK but there are flights being cancelled at airports I tend to wonder who’s lying the papers or the posters ?

  3. 7 minutes ago, bunbury61 said:

    yeah , I can agree with that , but its too isolated for some ....you gain in some areas and lose big time In others

    my choices for travel are massive ...paris , Rome , lucerne ,berlin, Madrid...i have seen moat of them , in fact my kids have seen most of them , which is a major plus

    Perth is decent , but you wouldn't want it 365 24/7 , although I might manage a few weeks here and there .

    its like having the same meal repeatedly ...nice to start with , then it gets repetitive .

    I like a bit of choice ,that's why I put up with a bit of shite weather to have the likes of Switzerland and Italy on my doorstep .

    then of course there is London ....any show worth seeing is on in London at the same time

    i could go on and on ....for some the beach and the weather is enough ....not me

    plus , if i was in oz , i would have to work bloody hard for the money i earn here ...its a no starter

    each to their own

    Well it's good that we are all different, I have been to Rome, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Prague, Bern, Amsterdam etc.etc.etc and to be honest they are pretty much the same very interesting the first time but the second time well meh,  hopefully once I have raised my children safely in Perth they will travel and experience Europe as long as it isn't blacklisted by the Australian government Europe in general does seem to be getting more dangerous! They will however have Asia on there doorstep to explore.

  4. 7 minutes ago, bunbury61 said:

    never thought about either...milder the better...but not 40c either?

    Thankfully we get very few days that reach 40c not my idea of fun either, generally I find the Perth climate perfect, very low humidy, very low rainfall (outside of winter) and the sunniest capital city in the world.........what's not to like B|

  5. 17 minutes ago, bunbury61 said:


    ???...whats your issue ?.....you put up a statement ....i punched holes in it ...end of .

    its 1.30 pm iam finished work ...thanks for the concern ?

    Punched holes in it LOL very high opinion of yourself I realise you don't like having your comments challenged get over it. 

  6. 1 minute ago, bunbury61 said:

    it might freeze overnight , but we have something called " gritting lorries " and it should be o.k by about 8 am ....still not one day below zero in the last 6 years in the west midlands , so it soon defrosts ?.

    by the way , thanks for all your u.k weather concerns , it means so much ???

    No worries here to help B| no days under zero in 6 years gosh that's tragic! Where did the seasons go the two things I tend to miss about the UK the coarse fishing and the seasons I guess the seasons are no longer then :(

  7. Just now, bunbury61 said:

    no utopic pictures , just an actual photo, taken 5 minutes ago a B road in the west midlands ....thats a fact .,..not something you have read online

    make of it what you will ....everyone is getting around


    Brown slush...............lovely, keep safe when it freezes, I know it doesn't freeze often according to you and Brisleman but please drive safely.

  8. 13 minutes ago, bunbury61 said:

    fantastic thanks ....truly fantastic ....a family time , out for a meal , family and friends last night .....its just about to start again ?....

    Well done.....sounds "truly fantastic" where you are, our family in Yorkshire have said it was ruined by the weather "far to mild" were there words 

  9. Just read (in the Indy B|12.6C was the highest temperature in England on Christmas day that's shocking!! You may have well been in Melbourne with temperatures like that, so much for 4 seasons they just seem to merge now, although I think officially it was a white Christmas because somewhere in Cumbria and the Scottish borders had a flurry, how nice.

  10. 42 minutes ago, caramac said:

    And doctors, social workers, psychologists, pharmacists and other ancillary staff.... 

    We’ve just returned to Australia for my husband to start two new jobs in Victoria. He’s currently covering as a locum in Tasmania where he’s met up with two old colleagues from the UK (both drs too). He has several members from his team in the UK waiting for their paperwork to be completed before they come over too. There were seven consultant vacancies (and numerous nursing ones) in the region before he left and no one wants to fill them. People are leaving to work in shops, emigrate, or taking early retirement. As of today, for the first time there are 100,000 vacancies in the NHS, including 10,000 drs and 40,000 nurses.

    The pay and conditions here are way better than they are currently in the UK - my husband has an office and everything!:rolleyes: (In the UK, for the past six years, as head of service, his office was his car and his admin support was his BlackBerry. It was utterly ridiculous.

    Of course there are issues here too, it would be ridiculous to think otherwise, but very sadly, the NHS is not a good place to work at the moment, and it’s a very deliberate ploy by Hunt to drive it into the ground - he’s doing his master’s bidding very effectively.

    Anyone who thinks the NHS isn’t being set up for privatisation needs to give their head a wobble. It’s already happening - http://www.patients4nhs.org.uk/private-companies-involvement-in-the-nhs/.  Richard Branson just sued the NHS for £2m because Virgin lost a contract, but they’ve been awarded a £104m contract to run children’s services in Lancashire. Given how well ( >:() privatisation of social care, housing, schools (academies) is working, it’s sure to be rip roaring success and save the taxpayer millions..... or not.....


    My Doctor here is from England, of Indian descent but born and raised In England. He loves GP work but said what was expected of him in the UK was ridiculous 60-70 hr weeks with the prospect of every other weekend as the practice he worked at was being forced to open at weekends. 

    He's loving it in Australia he can work set hours at a busy practice which he enjoys and acknowledges the better lifestyle available is beneficial for him and his young family.

    It's sad that professionals that are passionate about there work are having that passion stifled by ridiculous working conditions and cuts to budgets, the NHS will end up staffed by migrants (not knocking them) and all privatization will achieve is a lowering of standards. We have two family members who work in aged care (NHS) one has over 30 years service, in the last couple of years all the NHS aged care homes in our area have been privatized and staff forced to TUPE over to a company called Care UK the way they have been treated is shocking they have been forced to take up new T&C's, lost current pensions, had pay cut considerably it really is sad to hear them talk about it.

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  11. 15 hours ago, snifter said:

    Its interesting as I read the link earlier in the thread in which it said about the NHS being ranked 1st overall. Yet in outcomes it ranks in 10th :/ 

    I went and did some more reading up on it. Found this one https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/jul/14/nhs-holds-on-to-top-spot-in-healthcare-survey

    'But the NHS came 10th on healthcare outcomes, a category that measures how successful treatment has been – a significant weakness that was also identified in 2014. The experts concluded that the UK does very poorly in relative terms on five-year survival rates for breast and bowel cancer, and deaths among people admitted to hospital after a stroke, for example.

    An NHS England spokesperson said: “This international research is a welcome reminder of the fundamental strengths of the NHS, and a call to arms in support of the NHS Forward View practical plan to improve cancer, mental health and other outcomes of care.”'

    I did note that when I read it and surely its the outcomes that matter most.

    • Haha 1
  12. 18 hours ago, bristolman said:

    Oh it never hurts to compare it to other systems around the world, just so we fully realise how good we have it. The Australian system is far closer to that of the US and will no doubt move even closer in coming years. Fortunately there is virtually no chance of the NHS becoming anything like the US, they are poles apart. Yes you are probably right, The World Health Organisation ranks it 18th which seems low but even then it's well above many other Western countries as you can see in the link so there is always room for improvement. 


    You really can't see what is happening in front of your own eyes can you, which is a shame because if you refuse to see it nothing will change and the cuts in funding and decline in service will just be allowed to continue.

    Not sure where you see the benefits of privatization goes completely against the whole ethos of the NHS. Aged care is being sold off and some of the outcomes are pretty shocking there is no compassion in business.

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