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Everything posted by peppa01

  1. I was waiting. There was no option when I log in. Than one day I saw the medical link under every applicant so I fill the form and did it. No request from Co, no status changes, just new option on the list.
  2. no news. I am waiting and give them some time. Now there is no difference to me: today or tomorrow... does not matter ;-) Now I am sure that everything is ok! ;-) Will wait. Do not want to spend 2 hours on my phone and use the credit from my prepaid ;-)
  3. I am not an agent but can tell you what I think. 1. Have no idea what the Decision Ready Checklist is and have not applied it ans they do not asked so I am sure you do not need it. 2. Evidence of Identity and Travel document - passport once and that all. Yo do not need to upload every single document from the list. There is a lot of suggestions but not all of them are for 186 3. When you log in you will see that they want medicals. They will give you special number (you will see it on the left under each applicant name), than you will generate letter and pay for BUPA than go and do medicals. Hope it helps and hope I am right ;-) That is what i did and everything is ok.
  4. I think that they have some technical problems now. On the webpage (when we log in) there is written: "KNOWN TECHNICAL ISSUES There are several known issues relating to ImmiAccount which we are currently investigating."
  5. so it looks like now you "you need to send an email to nsw.pse@bordor.gov.au and let them know and then follow the process". Will be ok. It is not a big deal. We can make mistakes in our applications. I still remember the time I added my non-dependent family member to my visa as I was sure that it is what I should do ;-) Just do what they want and will be ok.
  6. In my opinion there is nothing to correct as the reaults are correct. Medical Declaration Form and Referral Letter for Medicals are only for BUPA to know who you are. I think tkat they corrected it when you were there. Maybe the lady who registered you when you come to BUPA office? As long as IMMI has the good ones, there is nothing to be corrected. That is what I think.
  7. Do not touch it. COMPLETED means done so no reasons to worry. IMMI will do it ;-)
  8. Thank you! Now I am sure that everything will be ok! Hate the word WAITING but have to wait. Maybe today...maybe tomorrow... maybe they will ask for that licence so will wait till my postman bring it... a lot of MAYBEs but looks like now they have everything they need! Cannot wait to share good news with you guys!!!
  9. For those who do not know my case. Some explanation: As you can see in my signature, we applied for PR in last day of June. It was so stressful as our IELTS was valid till that day and our Nomination was approved just few hours before ;-) On December IMMI asked for docs: Electrical Licence. We do not have it yet. We have TAFE certificate and Cert. of Proficiency and of course the invoice for licence (as we applied but there is long waiting period). Today they asked for that licence again! And we do not have it! So stressed! We called to the licencing department (have no idea what is the name) and they said that the licence is approved. TODAY!!! Now I send IMMI the licence number and the print screen from the website where you can check tradesmens ;-) CRAZY CASE, isn't it?
  10. Jusr received email from IMMI. "Thank you for your email and recent attachments. I could not reach you on your mobile today [13 Jan]. Please upload a copy of your NSW electrical licence to the visa application." So they keep asking for my licence and I am still waiting for it! Will email my CO back with explanation. Do not understand WHY they want is! I do not need licence to have PR! Calm down Peppa... calm down... ;-)
  11. ;-) Stay here so you can celebrate with us! <3 I promise to wait here till your PR ;-)
  12. I try to relax but have less energy to check my email. Also feel like waiting is killing me so try to think about something different ;-)
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