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Everything posted by clarence17

  1. 1. I have applied for medicals to be done upfront before the Visa is launched. 2. Me and my wife completed it without a hitch, but my son needed additional report from specialist (condition 125). 3. Specialist was seen and report uploaded using form 884. 4. Status at Emedicals says "completed". Does "completed" means he passed? I note from Immigration website that the status of the health test cannot be known until a Visa is launched and a case officer is assigned. This will cost about $6k. As I do not want to waste this money without knowing if he actually passed, it would be helpful to know if he actually passed the health test upfront.
  2. Is it possible to know the medical result test before the Visa is launched? Cost of the Visa is more than AUD6k for the family if one of the medical exams fail. I don't want to waste that money. The emedical online doesn't seem to show anything apart from 125 - Specialist report required and the status - "completed" after specialist reports were submitted.
  3. Hi all, What are the chances of being employer nominated (186) for a private / government secondary school teacher position? Is it the norm to negotiate with the employer during the interview process (and get some deal then)? Thanks for the advice. Cheers, Clarence
  4. Hi, I am trained in Malaysia and have 11 years teaching at the polytechnic (equivalent to Tafe/vocational here). This includes 3 years of university tutoring experience. I have tried to apply for teaching jobs but have been unsuccessful so far. The formalities (VIT registration and other paperwork) have been completed but I have not even been called for an interview although I have sent multiple resumes out via the website for Victorian government schools. I have even emailed the principals directly- but so far it has been thanks but no thanks. 1. Would it be appropriate to make an appointment with the admin / headmaster of the school and deliver the cover letter and resume personally? 2. Any suggested websites to apply for jobs (even CRT is fine for a start). 3. If anyone could post an example cover letter / resume, it would be great. Any other advice / suggestions to get started in a teaching career here would be great. Clarence
  5. Thanks Sammy1. Will try that soon.
  6. From my experience, I applied for secondary teacher but was only given a year experience by AITSL. Using Vetassess, I applied for vocational teacher and obtained 10 years experience. I agree it is hard but my point is that it could be beneficial to explore other means to maximise points.
  7. Etihad has flying nannies, who might be able to help with your kids.
  8. I feel the same way after having more than 10 years experience in the teaching industry back home. However, sometimes it is the only way.
  9. Just email them informing them that your points ave increased.
  10. Even relief teaching is hard to secure. Sometimes the only way to kickstart a teaching career is via internship. Note that it is not because a migrant has insufficient English skills - lots of people I know have all 8s. It is simply because they do not have Australian teaching experience. Having Australian professional references often is not enough.
  11. No problem. All the best to you.
  12. It is not merely for ESL as I do not teach ESL. You may contact Ronda, who is the co-ordinator. The program is described here: http://www.holmesglen.edu.au/programs/language_centre/professional_employment_programs/teachers It is not easy finding a job as a teacher in IT here with VIT and AITSL and many years of experience. Many schools need Australian work experience, which is where migrants lack.
  13. Just call or email them and ask if they are able to help. If not maybe you could try accreditation in another closely related occupation for which you have better chances of gaining experience points which is in the SOL or CSOL or state SOL?
  14. The 4k only applies to people without PR.
  15. Thanks for the reply but this is what I was told. I am not promoting the institute, just merely conveying information. The internship was explained as not compulsory for foreign trained teachers but encouraged to maximise employability. A foreign trained teacher with provisional registration with VIT is encouraged to take up the course.
  16. please note that this is from the VIT - Victorian institute of teaching website. I assume the rules apply to other states too. The institute involved is Holmesglen.
  17. You need to apply for a license to teach in the respective states. The license requires good English, experience and police check from overseas and Australia. After that sign up for a 3-4 month unpaid internship program which costs $4k. At the end of the program the school might or might not take you in as a casual relief teacher. If performance is good you might be able to secure a term contract for teaching. The focus of the internship is to introduce you to the Australian syllabus and introduce you to the schools.
  18. You should contact them to correct the error as the case officer will want to see prove such as tax returns for every month of employment.
  19. Got all the accreditation done by vetassess, AITSL and aei. Will launch soon after maximising points.
  20. The AITSL will contact the university to authenticate the cert or reference letter. If all criteria is met it should be ok and u should reapply.
  21. The VIT provides for provisional registration for applicants who have experience teaching overseas but no Australian or NZ teaching experience. So it is possible to register for a VIT if then English IELTS component is met too. However, it does not guarantee an AITSL accreditation. One of the criteria is to have 45 days of teacher training which must be verified by the training university. AITSL has also me some other criteria like the basic degree other than teaching needs to be at least 4 years. You will need both AITSL and VIT to be positive to launch a 189 or 190. The AITSL is more strict than the VIT
  22. By the way, Malaysia only became a member of Washington accord some time in 2009. As it is not retrospective, any engineering degree awarded before that in Malaysia will not be automatically recognized. A CDR needs to be done
  23. I was in the same situation you were and all my engineering qualifications were from Malaysia. If you pass the engineer australia accreditation, then the degree is recognized. If you want to play it safe apply for AEI-NOOSR accreditation too for general employment.
  24. Will be submitted online straight to DIBP. You can check the result with online
  25. Hi, My child is 22 months old and we were told that he has global development delay. All medical exams including MRI done so far proved normal. Specialist say he might recover, but it is hard to tell yet. Bupa medical panel is requesting specialist reports. As to what we can see, he is just slightly behind his peers. What are the chances of being approved? I am migrating under the 190 state nomination Visa after being state nominated. I also have 65 points so it should be enough. Medicals are done upfront before EOI launch to see if we meet the health criteria. Should I talk to the specialist to get a favourable report and what should the specialist report contain to increase my chances of being approved. Since my child is 22 months old, I don't suppose an IQ test can be done yet to ascertain his ability to live independently without a special school, hence burdening the healthcare system. Any comments and recommendations are welcome.
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