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Everything posted by Steve2

  1. Hi Welcome to the waiting room! If you look at the various contributors signatures on this thread you will see how we are all progressing. You can also email parents@immi.gov.au and enter "test" in the subject line and you'll get auto updates from immi and they are updated on a weekly basis, you can email every week or whenever you wish, if you don't get a reply they haven't updated the answer since you last had a reply. Today's update says they are taking up to 24 months to assess applications. Difficult to say how many rejections there are as that information doesn't seem to get posted very often. Good luck with your application and keep checking this thread as its a great source of information and comfort on the long road ahead. Steve
  2. Can only suggest that you ring them if it's practical to do so. Have you checked that the payment has been cleared and do you have proof of posting and delivery. Best of luck Steve
  3. Helpful of the website eh?! Not to worry as the e651 is usually granted immediately or within a few hours, so you have plenty of time mate. If you get really frustrated the ticket agents will do them for you. Cheers Steve
  4. Hi Julie When we were booking our flights for July it was actually cheaper to get return tickets than one way. Also I'm under the impression that as we're entering on a tourist visa, even though we're waiting for PR, we have adhere by the tourist visa rules and to not have a return date three months after entry could cause issues - so we're going to play it safe. Good luck Steve
  5. Buy Morning Very disappointing news and like you we'll have to go out on the e651 (which is free by the way and allows stays of up to 3 months each time and is valid for a year so plenty if time?) Bad day silly o'clock club members. Steve
  6. Hi Good luck I hope you get a positive reply. I reckon they'll say that due to unprecedented applications during May/June 2014 that progress will be slow for a while - I really hope that I'm wrong. We're fed up waiting so have booked flights for 19 July in the hope that our timing and everything else works out. All the best Steve
  7. Trying to think of something polite to say about it, but I can't so I shall say nothing!!
  8. Hi That's absolutely brilliant news, I'm so very pleased for you. And you're not rambling, your story will be an inspiration to us all. Very best of luck Steve
  9. Hi Not far from us at all. We're going out for family and lifestyle and need to find some work.
  10. Hi We're off to Perth. We're in Colchester, where are you? What visa are you waiting for and when did you lodge? Good luck Steve
  11. Hi Glynis Thanks for the message. How's it going with your application? I often think about you. Best wishes Steve
  12. Hi Julie and Alan I'm another member of the silly o`clock club - expensive subs eh?! No answers to the test emails for me either. Cheers Steve
  13. Hi Julie Certainly no offence taken by me, I was just trying to put our frustrations into context with the bigger picture and hoped in a strange sort of way that we'd relax a little when we compare our position to others. On your other issue, can you not try for a holiday let over there to tide you over until your daughter is in her new home and your visa is granted? We're considering likewise once we're over there in July as it looks like we'll now lose our land we had on hold due to the delays in visa grant and we don't want to be under the feet of our son & DIL for too long - just a thought? All the best Steve
  14. Yes I agree, I think we have to put our own frustrations into context with what Anzac Day means:- " ANZAC Day occurs on 25 April every year. On this day we honour all the men and women who have participated in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations around the world, including the ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I. Incredibly, more than 100 years have passed since Australia’s involvement in the First World War" Sobering eh?! All the best Steve
  15. Fantastic inspiring news - the very best of luck with your new life and enjoy New Zealand!! Steve
  16. Thanks everyone for your kind comments and support. If only our kids were as supportive!!
  17. Hi Linda Thanks so much for this, clarifies everything, even if it's not what we wanted to hear, but at least we now know for sure. I think it's outrageous that the staff at Australia House don't know their own rules as they misled me immensely, although I was pretty sure I was right anyway. Hope you're settling down over there and we look forward to meeting you when/if the day comes. Take care Steve
  18. Hi all Two questions on the 143. I spoke to Australia House in London on Friday and during the conversation I mentioned that if we were in Australia on an e651 visa then we have to leave the country and go offshore for the 143 to be granted - the staff member said no we don't; has anyone had experience of this and confirm who's correct? Also, if we are in Australia and do have to leave to activate the visa, do we have to do it together of can we do so separately? (it's all down to dog care issues with our family) These things are a worry to us and feeling very stressed and feel like giving it all up today. Cheers Steve
  19. I think we need a new website called something like "soboredwithwaiting.com"!
  20. Hi Kath Yes it's one form per person and depending on if you've lived a sheltered life or not isn't anywhere near as bad as it looks! Good luck with it. Steve
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