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Everything posted by AlanSteel

  1. Our journey to the medicals also had an accident and diverted route, (Bloody A14!) which I'm sure didn't help matters, good advice re the meditation, I did something similar when sat in the waiting room. After the initial high test result, I just sat and put myself on Cottesloe beach for 5 minutes, worked a treat!
  2. Medicals done today! As far as we know the bits that the Health centre where we had the medicals in, we were ok, just have to wait for the X-Ray and HIV results, in a couple of weeks.....gotta say though, although Karen (my better half) breezed through her tests, I struggled with high blood pressure! This then got me stressed thinking that this would stop us getting the visa, however the doctor was superb, and said to relax and they would try again........thankfully, I did relax, and lowered the score sufficiently! Scary for me as I get my blood pressure monitored as part of an annual asthma check, and it has always been low....just goes to show how wound up I must have got myself! So back to waiting it is :cute:
  3. To be fair to our MA, it may be there, just I didn't see it, as was expecting Birmingham after speaking to others. so chose it, not too bad, only a couple of hours away, and a day out after!
  4. Hi Steve, no we are off to Birmingham, we didn't see a Brentwood option on the link our MA sent us. No, no conditions that we know off, just I guess its been such a long wait, and it's pretty much the final hurdle, the old grey matter kicks into 'what if mode' if you know what I mean! Cheers for the message. Steely
  5. Thanks for the update, both getting worried ahead of ours tomorrow.
  6. Good luck with the medicals! We have ours tomorrow at 10.30am, not sure how we might rate on blood pressure and stress at the moment though :chatterbox:
  7. Ha ha, best introduce you to my brother in Tiptree, he plays the old mans game as well!!
  8. Good point Julie, we decided to send over the costs associated for our visa last year @2.12. looking at it this morning 1.89! Reckon we will only exchange enough to get by, until after the EU elections. That said, if we vote out, who knows where the pound might end up!
  9. I'm holding onto the thought that we were given our HAP no, out of the process, earlier this week, so fingers crossed, and spirits high! Well higher than this time last week at least!
  10. just down the road. We are in a mates flat on Ipswich Marina as we sold out house last August. if your a golfer we should meet up lol
  11. Hi Steve, not 100% certain yet, initially staying with my son and his girlfriend in Lockridge. Depends where we can get jobs really, what about you?
  12. We know that feeling Maisie! We went the extra mile yesterday and booked flights for 1st June!! What were we thinking! Looking at your dates for Meds and Police checks, I can see why your stressing!
  13. Perth........... can't wait, and if no visa by then, holiday time!
  14. May of got a bit over excited yesterday! Flights booked for 1st June............... well if the visa isn't granted by then, we can turn it into a holiday I guess!
  15. Wasting no time................... booked in for medicals next Tuesday! Have I got time to lose some weight?? ha ha
  16. Good luck with it all, I was originally knocked back, but try try again...............
  17. We just requested it again, their reply was: UNCLASSIFIED Good morning Mr Steel I can see that you asked this question only recently so can appreciate that you are feeling rather anxious as your time for processing draws nearer. I have on this occasion attached the HAP letter for you but recommend that you wait at least a couple of weeks before undertaking the medicals. Results are valid for 12 months but the date of expiry may determine the date by which you need to enter Australia and I know from experience that clients like this period to be as long as possible. For clients with a later lodgement date we will not be issuing a HAP letter at this stage. When an assessing officer commences your final assessment a letter will be sent to you requesting any information which may be outstanding, this will include AoS and police certificates. Admin Parent Visa Centre Department of Immigration and Border Protection Email: Parents@border.gov.au
  18. I requested a HAP no, again, after seeing @Skeelsy being granted theirs, and this time.....we have a HAP No, so set for medicals now, will book later today! Just feel this could bring us a step nearer a tad sooner :jiggy:
  19. Brilliant! I can imagine hubby swearing!! It's a man thing :wink:
  20. Glad to have been of assistance! What did you put in your email to them? Just curious as might try again, Thanks
  21. Morning all, we though we would try our luck, and ask for a HAP no early, so we can atleast have our medicals completed whilst waiting, alas this is the reply we got, thought we would share it. Message body Sensitive:Personal As there are delays in the processing of applications we are not providing any health letters (HAP ID), AoS letters or police certificate requests until the application is assessed. This will ensure that the applicants health and police clearances are current when the application is assessed. Kind regards Admin dh Parent Visa Centre Department of Immigration and Border Protection Telephone: 131 881 Email: parents@border.gov.au Website: www.border.gov.au
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