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Everything posted by joeperth

  1. Don’t go anywhere near Palmerston, it’s really rough these days
  2. Probably not the brightest thing to post on open Internet forums things like “I don’t even lock my car”. Hopefully you don’t need to make an insurance claim in the near future.
  3. Novated leasing can be a great way to get a car and can save a lot of money but you've got to be wise with what you buy. It's all about the residual value i.e. the difference between the final payment and what you can sell it on for at the end of the lease. Japanese cars (Toyota, Subaru etc) will always make you money. Stay away from high depreciating Holdens, Fords and "disposable" Korean makes. Also the shorter the lease term you can afford the better. You can pay off around 35% on a 1 year lease but this only rises to 55% for a 3 year lease for example.
  4. I think you need to read that again properly. They said partner of. Sounds very plausible.
  5. Not a flash router but I have got a second router plugged into my main router to create a separate network. The second one has the dns setup to think it's in the uk. Means I can swap any device between the Australian or uk network for iplayer etc.
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