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Everything posted by Coolbreeze

  1. Hey Guys, hoping someone may be able to answer this one for me... I have been going this alone and am applying for the subclass 189 PR Visa along with de facto partner. Medicals Arranged for front loading - PCC's have been applied for - also being front loaded AND just waiting for my partner's 'full' birth certificate to arrive (she only had the partial one without parents names). I believe we should have everything for the CO, including tonnes f evidence for de facto relationship - mortgage agreements/statements, flight itineraries, photo's, 5 x statutory declarations (including ours). However, for my question, how strict can the CO be. If we have front loaded Medicals/PCC's and there was something missing (eg some documents needed certifying when we keep getting told colour scans are okay) would they simply notify us of what documents are missing/needed/amended OR could they notify us saying 'sorry you have not supplied the suitable documents to continue with your application'?? I have been scouring other forums and heard some real shockers...people claiming they were given an email saying they had been appointed a CO, then 2 weeks later getting emails sorry, the application can not continue due to lack of paperwork. This seems a little harsh to me and something not adding up from what I read on Poms In Oz. Has anyone had any experience going it alone and not having 'everything' that the CO wanted?????? NOTE: Currently, anything I have uploaded always appears as 'required' as I upload it.....that right?? Any help appreciated
  2. Well, they should email you with notification. It does seem that others on here have logged into their immi account and noticed the status 'received' on documents and have yet to receive the email. This, I suppose, is the CO checking what you got first and then will contact you.
  3. Yes I applied for mine on 14th....medicals arranged. PCC's applied for and waiting for CO now.
  4. If you see the list of authorised users on the AG site - use one of those equivalents from your country and yes, I used the same format. I am aware that, because it is not doen in Oz that it is no 'legally binding'. However, I was advised by previous applicants that using this format is the next best thing. I had my school principal sign all of mine - full time teacher is stated as suitable witness.
  5. So, did you get the invite (it would have been Jan 12th)? I lodged on 14th Jan, I just need to upload Meds, PCC's (arranged already) and some financial proof for defacto relationship.
  6. According to the immi site, they suggest "up to 10 weeks"
  7. Try the attorney general's site. This is what federal law declares as being a 'legal' statutory declaration. However, if you are not in Oz then these laws will not apply and so the best alternative is to have your stat dec signed off by solictor, magistrate etc see the site http://www.ag.gov.au/Publications/Pages/Statutorydeclarations.aspx
  8. For ease sake, is there not a course which actually relates to your original bachelor degree? There are no requirements as to what the degree must be, but it must equivalent to THREE years ( PLUS your PGCE equalling FOUR). I know in the UK, 360 credits worth of study equates to 3 years full time study. Thus, by my reckoning, if you undertook a course in the UK worth 120 credits at bachelor level, you would make up the 3 years. That's all I can offer I'm afraid.....
  9. I can certainly see the value of having a migration agent deal with your application. Either way, there is still a lot of leg work involved for all parties concerned. If I had the funds available, and wasn't such a stinge, I probably would have sought out an agent. However, I am a stinge and I didn't have the funds, so I have gone it alone for a 189 visa with de facto partner. Fortunately, I believe I have the skill set required for all the administrative side of it and only because I knew this forum existed, did I feel comfortable I could get the knowledge that I lacked. I have found this forum indispensable thus far when it comes to the confusing or unknown quantities I have faced in my application. I am a super organised person, actually enjoy completing forms and writing lists and spending hours on the internet researching things. This is NOT for everyone and I am certain that there are people who really do benefit greatly from a migration agent. If you get a good quality agent, I am sure you can sleep better at night knowing your in good hands. Also, I don't think they would take you on if they felt you didn't have chance? As has been said in above posts. Depends on situation, person, visa being applied for, who your are going with and how much funding you have.
  10. I 'submitted' my visa application before I uploaded anything. Once it said 'submitted' I began uploading all the documents. I am now waiting to have medical done in 3 weeks and PCC from UK has just been sent off. Bear in mind you will be a few more weeks until a CO is assigned. Medicals can be uploaded after submission. I am slightly confused though, your signature says 'lodged' 11/01/14...to me, I thought that si when have paid/submitted your application - shouldn't your status now say 'in progress' ???
  11. Congratulations moobobs...hope Oz is all you want it to be!!!
  12. I would imagine you would have registered solicitors/lawyers in Jeddah that would offer this service for you
  13. How long is a piece of string??? You'll just need to wait for your CO to let you know if there is any outstanding documents needed. It does say that 189 visas have a processing time of up to 12 months from application. If that helps. Hang in there...
  14. Answered in one reply. Thank you lebourvellec! Will arrange asap then.
  15. It was mentioned on this forum a few weeks back that NSW had already met its sponsorship quota and would not be processing any new applications until 1 July - you may wish to check this on the NSW site
  16. Hi all, Just had all my bits updated on my immi account to display "required", "recommended" and what not. It says evidence of health is 'recommended' and NOT 'required' as other statuses say. However, the link that takes you to the e-medical server states in the referral letter that ALL tests are required. (Medical Exam, HIV Test and Chest X-Ray) Those of you that have applied via the 189/190 route and who are of same age (25 - 32), were you required (by a CO) to undertake ALL tests as this is just the standard for 189/190 visas? The referral letter printed out states that we should go ahead an arrange ALL examinations but I don't want to jump the gun and shed out a lot of money if a CO then says "the medical examination would have been enough' Thanks again in advance - I can not believe how this forum has meant I have been able to process and lodge my own application - PomsInOz has genuinely saved me thousands I will vow to always help where I can too.
  17. You're right, the exchange rate has proved very useful over the last few days. My CC was charged 3,280...Very happy How are you progressing Vandeux? PCC and Meds arranged ? I am having to wait for immi tech support to sort out an issue with our online account (unable to add docs for partner). I think I have uploaded everything needed (other than meds, PCC) for my part. Just need a CO to add all the docs outstadning....here's to waiting
  18. Brilliant. Thanks so much for your help. Greatly appreciated. I will await the email from immi tech support and hope it will be resolved soon. I am certain I will have the majority of documents needed before a CO looks at it. Just trying to get docs ready for our PCC from UK and then Thailand......I now see that if you have the money, agents are worthwhile
  19. I just had a look around on the immi self guide tutorials. I think I may have been trying to run before walking. I have been uploading a bucket load of evidence having only lodged my application yesterday (trying to get ahead) but it would seem that the availability of attaching documents appears very differently once the system/CO has highlight what evidence is needed. I can currently only use that button in the top right and have no list stating 'received' 'required' - 'optional' 'required' etc So could I ask you this Adam - Will all of these options appear AFTER a CO has been appointed, or should this all be there already?? Thanks for your help so far
  20. This is the only option I can see for attaching documents. The issue, as mentioned, is that only 'I' appear on the drop down lst. Thus, only allowing me to attach documents under my applicant details and NOT my partners. I have now emailed the immi technical department but I wasn't sure if this is actually the way it is for an additional applicant on a 189. I have yet to have anyone confirm whther what I have is wrong or is actually the way it is - if that makes sense?
  21. Just on the above...I have look everywhere! I can not find for the life of me, an e-mail address where I can ask about this issue? Anyone have any ideas or have one they have used?
  22. I currently have main applicant and then second applicant listed on my receipt. SO, yes she has been paid for. The main page displays 'person 1' (me) and then 'person 2' (my partner) Her name is there and underneath has exactly the same text as mine 'next steps...' From the sounds of it, there is an error with the immi account then. I'd better get writing now I guess. Thanks for your help
  23. Another question regarding de facto partner on this 189 Visa application. We have now lodged the visa and I have been uploading all the evidence I believe is required to prove I meet all the points that I claimed in the EOI. I am now just waiting to keep putting in evidence for this proof of de facto relationship AND need to add some documents to prove my partner is a UK Passport holder (for English language purposes) and has had a skills assessment. WHat I am concerned about is that when I go to attach documents, it is only my name that appears on the drop down list. I really need help from someone who has used the immi on-line system and had more than one applicant on their visa application. Will my partner appear once a CO is on the scene and requests it? Should I be emailing DIBP and request she be added? I need to add these documents under her name but just can't confused.cm and if anyone can help, greatly appreciated. Thanks All
  24. Cheers lebourvellec -I am going to go with this advice. I will save myself quite a bit of time having to translate everything that needs to be written on a certified document for the Thai solicitor here I was even given the stamp once and told "you write it" lol (yes he still wanted to charge for this) nonetheless, thank you for your help. I shall continue to get stat decs from people and build a collection itinerary and photos AND financial records. I am sure that any human being will be able to see we are indeed in a 'de facto' relationship
  25. I have seen this written on the forum before....where is the literature to prove this please. I am desperately trying to see this written by the DIBP. Any help is always appreciated
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