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Everything posted by kellyv

  1. I was under the impression that it was equivalent to the Australian degree. I know you don't get any additional points towards visa by having both nursing diploma and degree.
  2. Yes hopefully we'll get some decisions coming through soon! Sounds a little more promising.
  3. Geordiegirl - reading the other tweets Ahpra also say the 'first cohort' will be getting decisions soon. Surely you and a few others fall into that category!! There have been a barrage of tweets over the weekend re: overseas nurses.
  4. So...Ahpra have confirmed via Twitter that all overseas applications are indeed forwarded to Sydney office regardless of original destination to ensure 'fair processing'. They have also responded to other Tweets saying the 'backlog is clearing' regards processing times. So....we'll see.
  5. Ali I think the post was aimed at ceridwyn.
  6. Not just nurses awaiting registration either! Ahpra register a whole host of practitioners.
  7. Exactly! The DIBP allocate a large number of visas for nurses so if they didn't want any they would have put a ceiling on it!
  8. And refrain from taking the fee the moment they open the envelope!! Oh and tell ANMAC too!
  9. I've set up a twitter account now too! I have asked them if its correct about all the overseas applications going to NSW office regardless of which office you originally send them too as my first tweet! Like to hear it from the horses mouth rather than hearsay! Then I think we should all tweet something similar re: the current situation and see if we get a response. I noticed there is a group called Ahpra action on twitter who have petitioned against some criteria Ahpra had and WON!! Maybe its the way forward!!
  10. Lounrich I saw that on the website too! I haven't used Twitter upto now but I'm reconsidering. Something really needs to be done and maybe tweeting is the way forward! A petition to MP's or the embassy! Something has to be done!
  11. Just reading the Doctors thread...they too are having problems with Ahpra. When will it end??? :banghead:
  12. How awful for you! The stress this is causing everyone is totally unacceptable. I planned to go out to Aus in Sept/Oct but there is no way I can take that risk until I have registration sorted. Your situation is a nightmare. So sorry to hear whats happening to fellow nurses. :-(
  13. Well guys. I have phoned the NMC and they haven't had any feedback from Ahpra to say anything further has changed apart from what we already know. They think it is just a lengthy process due to the changes and a period of unsettlement following the review of procedures. So none the wiser I'm afraid.
  14. Yes absolutely. I think i might phone the NMC and see what they are doing to assist in the process. Surely their people are talking to Ahpras people about this! And if no answers there we'll have to try the embassy!
  15. I think this is appalling! Ahpra really need to get a grip with these decisions. Meanwhile ANMAC are still approving people for skilled migration but that clearly isn't good enough. I think maybe we should write to the embassy as a previous post suggested. It's beyond a joke now!
  16. I qualified in 2002 so my Uni didn't have my in depth course details. I asked them to put together some extra supporting info re: medicines management as my course transcript wasn't detailed enough even though I have diploma and Bsc Hons. They have been hugely helpful and done so but I have yet to hear if Ahpra will be satisfied with that. I'm sure we'll get there in the end but I agree I think we are the guinea pigs.
  17. You would hope so but it doesn't work like the NMC registrations in Aus. All registrations run May to May - which must cause massive problems with workloads! Fingers crossed it works out in your favour. Sounds like you aren't far off getting your registration now.
  18. Another thing to consider is that by the time the registrations are granted they will only have a short time left before they need renewing again with time they are taking! More money :sly:
  19. Yes...they are quick enough to take the money though aren't they?? :mad:
  20. Ridiculous isn't it?!! Can't help sorry as only sent mine a few weeks back but no doubt will have the same nightmare as everyone else seems to be experiencing. :banghead:
  21. My understanding is same as above post. Good luck.
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