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Everything posted by newbie121

  1. Hey Mrs Fabricator! our visa's where Lodged on the exact same day! I've got VF though. Will you post when you know? Where are you waiting in OZ? Im in Melbs
  2. heyyy my U.K police check took about 2 weeks. yeah it has gone really quiet on here. Fingers crossed we start to see more April grants in the coming weeks. Then us May applicants will be next! eek
  3. me tooooo! Just passed the 6 month mark...soo the longest it can take is 3 more months! Bring it onnn
  4. Hellooo everyone! Near the end of November now yeay Anyone been granted this week? Any more April applicants?
  5. Oh yeah haha I hadn't thought of that! ;-) (Also hellooo fellow May applicant!)
  6. I'm with you on this Chany! completely 100% know. I'm a May offsore applicant and the first few months absolutely flew by because i was on the U.K and i was able to do what snifler said just forget about it and live my life. I never even counted the months or looked up a forum like this. However things changed and i had to move out here earlier with my fiance and currently staying with my family Now I'm out here I cant work and it's very stressful having no money and rights. Basically feels like life is on hold. Cant wait to start planning my wedding and actually settle into Australia. You'll all laugh at me but when i read the 8-9 month thing earlier this year my partner and i thought ahhhh it wont take that long hahaha. I've never been so wrong but then again I've never been though anything like this or spent sooo much money on something. There's a lot riding on it. I was completely clueless. so this forum has really helped me just knowing there are other people out there who check their emails every day and constantly trying to guess when it arrives. Just good to know I'm not going mad on my own! Cant wait to be able to get back on with life! I also promise to return to normal.....once the visa is granted!
  7. Yeay! Congratulations Ksarah That's ace Soo good to see more April applicants coming through! Good luck with the move
  8. Hi Ashleym23 and other April applicants! Just wondering if you've herd anything yet? I'm a May applicant also waiting in OZ. Really hoping to hear something in the next couple of months :-)
  9. Congratulations! This is such good news..I applied 2months after you with VF so Im hoping im only a couple of months behind you. Good luck with everything
  10. Congratulations! Awesome news. Can i ask when did you apply to london? How long did it take? Also did you already fly tp Aus? Thats what ive had to do as well! The wait while your unable work is crazy! Cant wait
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