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Everything posted by juliew1499

  1. Hi Steve We are also planning to go on the market but waiting until after the general election. Hopefully we'll have a better idea of timescales from IMMI by then and that the country will have settled down from the election and people should feel confident about the future. (Depending on course on who wins!) julie
  2. Hi i don't understand where your agent gets those numbers from. The Australian IMMI site which was last updated on 13 Feb 15 clearly states that the annual allocation for 103 is 1500 and 143 is 7175 for the 2015 year. I wish it was 20,000! The auto reply has not been working properly since January and when you do get a reply it is out of date as you say by about a month. Can you tell us where your Agent is getting this info from? Julie
  3. Congratulations Joe on getting one step nearer. we are all waiting now for Amanda to post her next update. As far as I can see Amanda is the only one on the forum who's just in front of us all. no pressure then!!!!! Julie
  4. Hi Steve and Amanda So my theory is this: those that have have filled out their forms correctly, included all of the relevants docs, get a big tick from IMMI and then we don't hear anything else for a long time..........:arghh: Gosh look what's happening to the exchange rate - it's gone over 2 to the £. Will it go higher? julie
  5. Hi Steve Great news, another step forward and yet another wait....... I'm guessing June that we hear about either meds or form 80 but it would be nice if it was earlier. As you say at least you know someone has pulled your file out of the cabinet and looked at it! Julie
  6. Hi Steve Yes they had an unprecedented number of applications for 103's in June. Something like 3000 a week because everyone panicked to get their applications in before the government closed the scheme in June. Back open now because it was not legal to close it in that fashion. I just hope all of this does not affect the overall processing time for us on CPV 143's. hopefully you should get your acknowledgement soon - the waiting room is getting very crowded! Julie
  7. Hi Yes, I got the auto reply this morning after weeks of trying and they have not updated it! Apparently they are still acknowledging 143 for 1st June 2014, well I got my acknowledgement last week and lodged 21st June. I don't think we'll get a clear picture until they' ve got this Backlog of June 14 out of the way. Julie
  8. Hi Amanda Yep, early morning, had to scroll thro previous entries on this site to re assure myself of the info. A very big THANK YOU to everyone who posts on here particularly those further on than us, for giving advice, info and general hand holding and getting us through the procedure of emigrating. Hope to do the same for those following on behind. Julie
  9. Hi Freesia thks for the info regarding 143 meds/police checks. That's reassuring to hear that you were contacted later and not with the acknowledgement letter. So sounds like I'll be contacted in June of this year - fingers crossed. Julie
  10. WHOOPEE Acknowledgement letter received this morning from IMMI. They must be doing a night shift! Same as you Amanda no dates given for Meds or Police reports (very disappointing as we now have to second guess what that will be). letter states not to send any info unless requested. We have to wait for case officer to contact us. There is an interesting attachment about service satisfaction that leads us to the IMMI page for feedback to either compliment, complain or make a suggestion........Hmmm perhaps later don't want to jeopardise my application. Julie
  11. Hi Amanda Disappointing that they haven't given a date for meds, that concerns me too. will let you know what mine says as soon as I get it! Like you, holding out for a higher rate....... Time will tell. Julie
  12. Hi Steve the rate shot up to 1.662 first thing this morning on the xe app it gives a 60 sec update on what is happening on the exchange market. Haven,t checked what we would get from Moneycorp yet. Just plugged a revised exchange rate into our finances for Oz and had a big smile on my face! Having read the updates from John at Moneycorp it looks like March is the next date to watch for RBA making any further changes. You never know we might see it go to 2 to the £. Going to gamble and wait until March to move our 2nd Vac over to Oz bank account. might regret it but that' swhat we think. Julie
  13. Hi Amanda Great news, I only just behind you in the queue!!!! Hopefully get rs next week. Have they given any idea of dates for medicals etc? want to get our house on the market this Spring. Also great news on the exchange rate this morning over1.96! Julie
  14. Hi Joe I know IMMI were inundated with 103 applications in May and June last year but I don't know why we who have applied for 143’s have had to wait so long when they are supposed to give priority to CPV applications. After all they have apparently 13 yrs plus to process the 103’s. Julie
  15. We opened an account with NAB, it was all completed very quickly online. If you are in the process of applying for a visa then they are happy to open accounts for you, including a savings account which will give you a better rate of interest than you will get in the UK. NAB don't charge for withdrawals or have monthly account fees. they Lao have a lot of ATm machines compared to other banks. The thing you have to remember is that until you validate your account, that is in person in Oz showing your passport, then you can only pay money in, not out. We made an appointment at the branch in Mt Martha and within 5 mins we had our debit cards and online banking set up. now we are back in the Uk we can our account online and deal with any payments we need. Anyone had the TEST email from IMMI it's not working again? JULIE
  16. Hi Steve Great news that they' e moved into June. so we lodged on 23 rd June, only a week in front of you. let's hope it does'nt take 1 week for each day in June!!!! Just got back back from Melbourne last Sunday and now have the bit firmly between my teeth about getting the process moving. today is the first day of our grand clear out which will probably take most of the year to complete. actually once you decide to just get on with it and sort out your belongings its quite therapeutic. Soon as we get our acknowledgement which will hopefully say medicals in October we're putting the house on the market. will have to have a re think if it's later. JULIE
  17. Medicals in October 14 is what we are hoping for but with the huge amount of applications that they received in May and June this may be totally unrealistic. Sorry, but don't have confidence that they can keep to their 18 month schedule. Hat ready to eat if they do! Julie
  18. Hi All Sorry it's time for a rant. What on earth is IMMI up to? Been trying to get a reply to the test email for a week now and nothing happening. I know we are told by them that there are delays and they ask us to be patient, but please we have lives to organise and we need to be kept in the loop as to how they are progressing with our applications........ I was hoping to hear that they have at long last started acknowledgements on 143’s for June 14. in common with a lot of other applicants we need to plan to market our house and until we get the acknowledgement letter giving an indication of what months medicals are due we don't know what to do. We live in rural southwest of England and selling down here is very much a seasonal thing so we could miss out on the Spring summer season and have to wait for next year instead. tricky one as our home also gives us an income that we need to live on so can't afford to rent for too long. Any parents out there that have applied in May 14 and been given a proposed date for medicals? At this rate I won't be passing any mental health test they might give! Julie
  19. Hi Steve Thanks for the update on acknowledgement date. Immi are supposed to have extra staff on the job but all we are seeing is longer delays than ever. It'smoved from 5 months to 7 months and it's looking like going to 8 months now. Hopefully it''s only a delay in issuing acknowledgement letters and that we won't have to wait too much longer for processing at the end! We fly home from Melbourne tomorrow having spent 6 weeks with our daughter. Hopefully the next time we fly out it will be for good! Julie
  20. Hi Maisie Thanks for the info, now I can get a feel for what is happening. I noticed that you lodged in April 2014, if you don't mind me asking, what date are they suggesting for medicals etc? Trying to get a timescale of when to start marketing the house..... Julie
  21. Hi All With regard to the acknowledgement letter, does anyone know exactly what it says, do we get an indication of when we might be expected to have medical and police report or is it just another letter and another long wait? Sorry to sound fed up, but starting to our last week in Melbourne now and not looking forward to the long long wait before we can return again! Julie
  22. Hi Amanda The Test email from Immi yesterday stated that they had a 7 month backlog and that they were dealing witH acknowledgements for 28th May 2014. sounds more like an 8 month delay to me... Julie
  23. Hello Parents This mornings test email to Immi advises those applications lodged on 22 May 14 now being assessed, still a 6 month backlog on all applications lodged from Mayto Dec this year. they seem to have sorted out the receipting side as it''s at 8 Dec. I'm currently sitting in our rental property in Mt Martha watching a huge flock of cockatoos doing their morning fly by. the exchange rate has gone over 1.90 this morning and I just wish we were here permanently. the recce is going great, prices in the supermarket not too bad, meat is high quality and cheap, lemons and peppers are expensive - better grow my own! Sat on Balnarring Beach yesterday and within 5 mins a pod of dolphins were swimming by. We met up with some members of a local classic car club and they couldn't have been more welcoming - what's not to like? Oh yes the TV channels.......ugh Six weeks left on our holiday then back home, get the house spruced up and get it on the market. Julie
  24. Hi Bridgeman Thks for the link. The ATO site is very good if you can find what you're looking for. Search allowances - means offsets. Search Pensioners - means Seniors or Mature couple!!!!!! Getting there..... Julie
  25. Hi Bridgeman Can you tell me what the tax allowance is for those drawing Oz aged pension? As you say it's an expensive business. Julie
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