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Everything posted by carob

  1. This information is very useful, Philinsa, I have made a note of it. We applied for the 143 visa in June 2013. Have just sold our house and moved into a rental until we get the call!! All the 'ducks are in line' police checks, medicals and the AOS. We are a very mature couple, so the comments from various people regarding integration when we move over are interesting. I just hope we do see something more our only child when we move, but of course it has to be better than the other side of the world I think! All the best to everyone on here.
  2. Yes, I declared this at my medical on June this year, only one tab a day. It was not a problem. Just take your prescription with you as proof.
  3. Hello Lou 8670 Good to hear about the waiting time of 16 months, however as you rightly said, other people have been told longer waiting times. I think we just have to wait and hope. Here are our Time Lines so far. 143 Visa lodged in June 2013. Acknowledged in August 2013, first VAC had already been taken. PCC done May 2014, and medicals June 2014 (panel doctor not really allowed to say what the results are, but you do get a very good idea as to how it all went. We were told no to to lose any sleep over it!! So we drew our own conclusions from that statement). Hope this helps. By the way, how do you put all that info on the bottom of your messages? Sorry if that sounds a bit thick!
  4. Hiya Tab, if you have a look at my message to steve2 yesterday, you will see a bit of my time line with regard to medicals and Police checks. I seem to recall we have a similar LODGE date, remember a chat when all this started! However, we are on the 143 route, so will not be the same as yours. Our acknowledgement letter laid out suggested time scales on when to do things. We have already sent our AOS money over to our daughter, who will be paying it shortly, but I think with your visa ?? a 173 you won't be doing this payment yet - lucky thing haha. Carob Oh also our medicals were done electronically, contrary to the instructions we were issued with. As people are remarking things change!! Keeps us on our toes though doesn't it?:laugh:
  5. hello Steve2. Our 143 visa were LODGED June 2013. With our acknowledgement letter which we received in August 2013, were various letters/information. We were asked to do our police checks 10 months from June 2013 (ie from April) and our medicals 12 months from June 2013, these have both now been completed satisfactorily. We paid our deposit by credit card on the form, but the only way you know it has been taken is to check your statement, as the acknowledgement letter takes a couple of months to be sent. When we applied it was necessary to supply certified copies, but there seems to be continual changes to the process. There is a CPV tracker site which is now called gainwave.co.uk/cpv it was chireckles.com which you might find interesting, has lots of dates, although I'm not sure quite how up-to-date it is in the long term. Hope this makes sense, great site this though for info. Carob
  6. Sorry Alan I can't remember what HAP stands for, apart from it being a Health Identifier. I am sure someone will come up with the answer for you. As I understand it, you are a recent visa applicant, so in theory you will not get the number until you are further down the road. Our 143's were lodged in June 2013 and acknowledged in the August. I didn't ask about our HAP's until early May this year, and was very fortunate to get an immediate response, unlike some other people. I think I just timed it right. When it comes to it for you, there is a code needed to get a reply, there again I can't remember what it is, I'll try to find it, but hopefully someone will be quicker off the mark to let you know. All the best, this is a great site for info. Carob
  7. Hello Alan. All pretty straightforward really, no surprises, for us at least. Photocopies were taken for passports (the HAP numbers and some information were taken down when I made the appointment). X-ray's, blood tests, basic eye test (read a letter as indicated from each line). See the panel doctor and discuss medical history and any medication (I took this info with me). Took just over an hour. Have a coffee, reel out after paying for the medicals, go and have a tasty lunch. Hope this helps, really no problems, even though we are well past retirement age, but apparently not the oldest they have seen, that was someone in their 90's!! Carob
  8. Sorry Barry, I don't know if this is a new thing, only repeating what the panel doctor told me. The nurse referred to people "popping in off a cruise" and needing medicals. Also, I'm sure I have read this somewhere on one of these sites, which drew my attention to it. As Immi seem to change the rules quite frequently, and there have been changes recently, but who knows, just have to keep on reading stuff up I guess!! I'm sure someone else on here will come up with an answer. Sorry my answer is not more definite. Carob
  9. Fisher1, you are absolutely correct with regard to 75 year olds having to do a medical before being granted any sort of tourist visa, even if you are only popping off a cruise liner in Sydney for a couple of days!! We have just today had our medicals done for the 143 visa, and we were given this information. Also, the 143 visas are now being sent electronically by the panel doctor. We completed the two forms required plus attaching photos etc even though our acknowledgement letter sent in August 2013 stated that they could only be sent by post. Apparently the UK is now 100% electronic for these visas. Have done this in haste so if there is anything that is clear not please do ask for more info.
  10. Hello there. I agree with Val as to the cost and time scale for the 143 visa. I think you will find that the visa you refer to as the long wait is being withdrawn within the next few weeks. There are a number of posts that refer to this. Suggest you look up Alan Collett of Go Matilda who is a fount of knowledge on immigration issues (as of course are others on here). Best of luck, Carolyn
  11. Hello Tab, suggest you have a look at the medical forms you are required to complete, and take to the panel doctor. There are a lot of different questions to answer, and maybe they will help with your decision as to what to say and when. Good luck, Carolyn
  12. Hello everyone. Well, I am absolutely flabbergasted, as today I received our HAP ID's, after only asking for them on Friday 11th!! At least I now know that our applications have not been lost, and just maybe we are no longer at the bottom of the pile. Although our police were requested 10 months from now, I was going to leave them for a while, due to what I believe is a longer time scale for a case officer allocation. Will have to think again, when I have recovered from this unexpected surprise, I certainly thought it would be a couple of weeks before hearing. So heyho, at least things seem to be moving in the right direction. Carolyn
  13. hello Veronique, thank you for the HAP info. I did send you a private message the other day, regarding the potential time scale for getting a CO. the info was supplied to me by someone else via another PM. Perhaps you got such a quick reply because you are still out there!?
  14. Hello Genie1. Uum, 20 months so far for you. Well, I think we might have a longer wait, as we only lodged in June 2013. We are going to Perth where daughter lives, but haven't visited as many times as you. I am very impressed, we've only been four times. Look forward to hear how you progress, particularly how the bank works out.
  15. Hi genie1, I just love your description of the visa process. Well, you are certainly are on your way now. How long has it taken, and is it the 143 you are applying for? Did you phone your Oz bank to arrange for the cheque that your daughter collected? I will be in a similar position to you. Sold your car as well, how organised. Wishing you all the best for your future in Oz.
  16. Hello, Veronique and I share a similar timeline for our 143 visa lodgement date, both in June 2013. I had an acknowledgement in August 2013, with various dates for doing the checks. So, was yours a letter or an email? I understood that after the original acknowledgement letter, all other communication was by email. Basically I'm asking 'was yours an acknowledgement letter'? If you look at a previous post the other day, from someone who applied June 2012, they were only allocated a case officer in December and then asked for the checks. DIAC seem to have changed the way they want things done, so I'm a bit confused. Hope this makes to you!!
  17. Ouch Phoebe, poor you. With your back problems it must severely restrict your activities, and also any travel plans. With the regard to citizenship, If I understand correctly, the main advantage is that you do not need a visa if you want to leave Aus. and return. There have been posts somewhere to this affect, I think you have to get a returning resident visa if you have not taken out citizenship after the requisite residency time (I am not sure if this is after four or five years). Sure someone on here will know the answer. With all good wishes for your future health. Carob
  18. Wow, Genie 1, what an excellent Christmas present. Immi don't seem to have much time off do they, in view of when your Case Officer came through? Best of luck with THE FORM!! It took me the best part of two days to assemble and complete. We were requested to complete it ASAP when we got our acknowledgement in August this year, so things have changed with the schedule it would seem. All good wishes for the New Year.
  19. Wow Boss, what a lovely Christmas present for you. We are exactly twelve months behind you, so it is interesting (and slightly depressing) to see what the current time lines are, as knowing what to do and when to do them is not exactly that clear.:cool: Wishing you all the best of luck, Carob
  20. Hello Mmant, very interesting post, you certainly do a lot of 'homework'. I think I am going to take the view, that everything will sort itself out eventually. As long as we get all the ducks in line, we should be fine. Having said that, we certainly hope not to spend another winter here. My daughter (the eternal optimist) seems to think we should be in Perth by September 2014 for my birthday, but somehow I doubt this, probably nearer November/December. We sent our application in June this year. So keep the Info coming Mmant, always good to hear from you.
  21. Ooh Phoebe, you sound so patient (which is what you have been for a while) haha. :wink:Hope you are now out of pain. Bet you are excited about next year, after all this time. Don't know about gaining weight though, but perhaps you lost too much. Enjoy your ham sandwiches! Carob
  22. Genie, now we know that it probably different for 173 and 143 applicants and the dreaded form 180. It takes ages to complete!,
  23. Hello Genie 1 We are a year behind you. Had acknowledgement in August this year. We had various letters, plus a time guide line. We were asked to complete Form 80 and send it ASAP, so once again they have changed the way they do things. Also, someone behind us was given their HAP number plus a bar code for their medicals, although this is for a 173 and we are applying for the 143. We have just a basic letter which says the panel doctor has to send the info over. So we will just go with the flow and worry about it nearer the time!
  24. Hi Tab, I think most people would say just to as honest as possible. Have heard of people trawling through their holiday pics to look for dates, someone even had a spreadsheet! How organised is that. C
  25. Congrats Tabitha. Are you going to join the sherry drinking clan now. I think Veronique and I probably are, or is it a gin and something. Are we really looking at December 2014, my daughter being the eternal optimist, thought we'd be out in Aus for a birthday in September!!? Keep in touch. C
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