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Everything posted by carob

  1. Thank you Margaret. Yes, you are absolutely right, we did get our visas yesterday. So have reached the bottom of the helter-skelter! Yesterday we booked our flights for 11th March, so we are now at the top of the roller coaster haha. ??. Once your final documents are asked for, it all happens very quickly, providing of course you are able to get going. Our daughter sent the final VAC cheque by registered Mail on Tuesday afternoon, so once the money is received it is only a matter of a couple of days, before the grant. We were rather worried that we might fall at the fence of Australia Day, as things tend to close down early on the Friday. Look forward to hearing when you get yours. It does feel very unreal though, I have to say. Lots and lots to still think about. My good wishes to everyone on here. ??
  2. We guessed that when they ask for the second VAC you would be granted your visa when payment was received by them. So people would probably go th Bali (for example) when they send their payment, and get the grant whilst they are there. Got to get all the ducks in line though if you do this I guess. We haven't had to do it this way though. Best of luck.
  3. thanks for the information, didn't know there were two cards with similar names, wonder which one I was looking at!! We are well over 65, and won't be working ? and receiving pensions, going out on a 143, so will be permanent residents as soon as we arrive. First job when we get out there is Medicare and ambulance cover haha. We are going to Perth so your info is particularly relevant.
  4. Hello. I've seen mention on here regarding the Seniors Health Card. Have had a look at what I think is the government site, but am not sure whether you must have been in Australia for ten years before applying for one. They talk about residency; so does that mean there is entitlement to the Card if you are on the 143 cont parent visa, which is for permanent residency. Bit confused, sure someone out there will know the answer.
  5. Frankly, we are so pleased we sold our house (like another postee within a week or two, yes quite a surprise) and now in a rental. We have just had a removal company visit, and it is so much easier when most of the stuff you don't want to keep has already been disposed of. I found this, long after I have been saying "if we don't go, we will always wonder?" I think it is particularly relevant to a lot of us. So, here it is. I PREFER TO REGRET WHAT I DID DO, rather than what I didn't. Great isn't it? Agree about the possible health improvements as well, my OH can't wait to leave the cold weather behind. All being well we should be out in Perth by this March.
  6. Thanks gjoe. Hopefully we can go out the end of Feb early March. It will still be hot in Perth in March, as we have found on a previous visit then. Just have to get all the ducks in line now. So in all for the time, as Steve said earlier, about 19 months, which is about par for the course. Carob
  7. Thanks for the good wishes. We quite like Mandurah, but our daughter would prefer us to be closer to her, Burswood area, so that she can keep an eye on us haha. Still think we will go for Mandurah, as long as I can have something to look at. We are planning to rent and just spend our house money, by living it up a bit . Having said that, we might just end up buying after we get fed up not being able to hang our pictures on the wall!! Anticipating flying out end of Feb/early March, but we will have to see how things pan out, after all, as yet, we have not got our visas. Carob
  8. Slight feeling of panic today, as the 2nd VAC has been requested. My daughter will be paying it for us (our money though haha) in Perth. Reducing our stuff outstanding on eBay!! Luckily we are already in a rental, having sold our house in September, so no concern there.
  9. Goodness Cassie, how organised are you then, getting a flight so quickly? Wishing you all the best in your new adventure. Is your heart in your mouth? Mine is a bit, as I am just behind you Well, Vava, we sold our house within a very short time, so guess we have been lucky this time. Unlike previous houses which have taken at least 18 months to sell! Just hang in there. Amanda, as of last year, Immi changed the 'what to do and when' times. We followed more or less what dates they asked us to do the police checks, medicals and AOS, so far is seems to be working ok. Our police checks and passport details were requested by email last week. The medicals are sent direct by the clinic you attend. So the last hurdle is paying the 2nd VAC, money already over in Aus and our daughter will pay it (that is unless she decides to go on a round the world trip with the money haha ). It's very interesting reading the posts on here, particularly when the light is showing at the end of the tunnel!
  10. You are absolutely right MaisieD, have often wondered why they don't have lodgement date as well. Our acknowledgement only took about two/three months, so we were lucky.
  11. Oh, well done Cass, that was quick for the visa grant. At least you knew your checks etc has been received when they asked for the 2nd VAC. We sent the final papers that they asked for yesterday, but are very nervous as to whether they have gone through. Looking at your experience with the 2nd VAC request, it looks as if we won't run over their 28 days. All the very best wishes for your new adventure.
  12. Thanks Steve. Yes according to the Gainwave tracker site, it has taken 496 days to Case Officer, so shorter then some. They are probably hoping we don't 'pop our clogs' before we get out there!! Always a slight worry too when emailing stuff to them, that it might not actually have arrived. All the best
  13. Well 'the eagle has landed' as someone said last year, strongly disguised as a Case Officer; Team 1. I am congratulating myself on my accurate predication of today, the 5th January 2015, for this to happen, although I was beginning to doubt myself after reading Cassie's timeline, who we are now hotly pursuing. We just have to email Immi our police checks and passport pages (yes, as Alan Collett said the other day the 21st century has arrived!). My daughter will then pay them within the 28 days specified. Just need Ernie to come up trumps and my cup will certainly be running over!! Your turn next Veronique ? my best wishes to you all, carob
  14. Happy New Year to all our readers! Can anyone remind me how to update the info on my timeline at the bottom of my posts, I think it is called my 'signature'. I have had a good look on the forum but can't find out how to progress. (Obviously an age related memory lapse!!).  Oops, please ignore this, I have found out, by default I might add, how to do this, haha.
  15. Hello Cassie, we are off to Perth. Our daughter (and only child) lives there, so we thought we would spend our twilight years with her, and in the warm. Just hope she will be able to be there for us when, and if we need help!! Not anticipating her pushing us around in a wheelchair though, haha. Carob
  16. Hello Cass, interesting that you say there seems plenty of flight availability, that should be good for you. Who are you looking to fly with? We are just a couple of months behind you, so being optimistic (haha) I have it in my head that our CO just might 'land' on the 5th Jan. No reason for thinking of this date, just hope I haven't put a jinx on things!! Thank goodness we have already sold our house, so only have to consider moving out of our rental. All the best, Carob
  17. Thanks very much for this information Alan, yes it is very good news for all of us . A small gift for us just before Christmas, just waiting now for the Big One now! Wishing you all the best for the festive season, and may you have a successful New Year in 2015. All of us on here (I am sure) thank you for your very useful and amazingly quick, informative responses.
  18. Super, thanks for the info. although as we lodged after you I am sure there is no mention in our letter of being able o do police checks electronically, although Alan Collett has confirmed this is now the case. Yippee, so much easier. Yes I knew the medicals were sent directly, thanks. Luckily already have scanned copies of just about everything. Just wish we knew how to print money! Best wishes for your future. Carob
  19. Ooh lucky you Cass, what a good start for the New Year. How are you doing finding a flight at short notice? All the best wishes.
  20. Hello Smilezzz. So were you able to email the police checks through to immi? I thought the originals were needed. Maybe the rules have changed yet again!! Very exciting for you all. Every good wish.
  21. Hello Tony. I am just wondering if your letter is like the one we had on acknowledgement of our 143 visa application. Our letter asked for form 80 to be completed immediately. There were further dates for medicals/police checks and AOS. We have to wait until asked before we send our police checks. Maybe the letter format has changed yet again, it is not always that clear as to the sequencing, probably someone else on this wonderful site will have further ideas!
  22. hiya Cassie1e04. Well, you look like a lucky person, and seem to have jumped a few days ahead in this visa game, going by what Barry001 said earlier. Is Immi a bit all over the place? We lodged in June 2013, and were lucky enough to be informed on acknowledgement of what we had to do and when, which in some ways makes life a bit easier. A waiting game for us all!! Interesting what you have said about viewing the ten years wait, unfortunately due to my age I may not make it, haha Keep the info coming. C x
  23. thanks for the info Cass1e04' trouble is I can't find 'my signature', having safely negotiated the previous two moves!! Help, where do I go next? So useful this site, love reading about others in the same position ie what will happen next!,haha?
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